Chapitre 43

Chapter 43

Twilight shied back as I walked inside. I blinked at her before I smiled, "Oh, don't worry. Fern is harmless."

The wood/woof spirit padded in next to me.

He's growing like a weed, at the flank he was taller than I was by now. But he was still the same puppy as before at the core. Waaay more interested in chasing the closest ball than finding out what pony taste like.

Twi nodded, "Relax, Fern is safe," she said and looked up from her pile of books floating before her, "Page has had the timberwolf since he was a sprout."

Twilight frowned and hesitated, "I… I didn't think you could tame timberwolves."

I shook my head, "Don't think it was easy," I said and patted his shoulder as he sat down, "He did need a twack across the nose from time to time before he learned to behave," I explained as I rubbed at his neck.

Fern wrufled and leaned into the touch before pouncing at me.

I just laughed as he knocked me over onto my back, trying to push his head and that sticky leaf tongue away, "No! Stop it! Not in front of the royalty!" I protested.

It had been a while since I could just catch him when he did that, he had been physically stronger than me for quite a bit.

Pushing the plant monster away, I glared at him, "And I was just saying how well behaved you were. Seriously, Silver spoil you and you know it."

Fern looked seriously pleased with himself and padded over to snuffle through the bag of his toys and treats I brought back from meeting with Silver. She had some of her own around, but I always brought his favourites to her to have while she watched him for me.

Quickly pulling the bag away from him with my magic before he got into the treats, I pulled out a rubber ball and bounced it into the corner for him to engage himself with for a bit while I put the rest of the bag on the table, out of easy reach.

As fern bounced away to follow the ball, I found Twilight staring at me in slight horror.

I blinked at her, "…What?"

"I…I… timberwolf," she managed to say before she looked at Twi, "Am I wrong in thinking that it's very dangerous? Yet alone have him jumping all over him like that?"

Twi gave me an apologetic look and then shook her head, "…No, not really. I never even read about somepony taming a timberwolf before and while he's behaving, he's still a nature spirit."

"Spirit or not," I said with a smile, "Still puppy. But said I said, as long as he gets who's the Alpha of the pack, he's harmless."

Twilight looked between me and the timberwolf gnawing at the rubber ball before she shook her head, "…This world is so strange…" she finally said and returned to her calculations.

I grinned, "So how's it going?"

"…Not sure," Twi said and sighed, closing the book and picking up the next one, "We have made some progress, but if we're unlucky this can take months."

I cringed at that, "…I'm so sorry."

Twilight shook her head and forced a small smile, "I told you, it wasn't your fault."

"I still feel responsible. If it wasn't for me, Discord never would have…"

She shook her head again, "That's not your fault either. That's all him… I'm not sure anyone can control him other than possibly Fluttershy."

"Speaking of which," I said and sat down, "I tried calling for him on the chance that he would be able to send you back. He didn't come when I called, but that don't mean anything. If you want, we could try sending a message to Fluttershy and see if he's there."

Sparks nodded, "If we don't find something by tonight, I'll send her a note. Not sure I want to rely on him for that."

Twilight hesitated, "…I think it's worth a try. Since Tirek, he has not been anything but helpful other than the random prank."

I frowned, "…I suppose Tirek went way different than here. How did you defeat him?"

Twilight smiled, "We unlocked the power of our Friendship and embodied the Elements of Harmony. We stripped him of his powers and then we locked him away back in Tartarus again," she explained before her eyes widened, "….Wait, how did you? The library still exist here!"

Sparks turned to her, "Wait, the library is gone where you are from!?"

"Tirek blew it up," Twilight explained, "When he came for me for holding the Alicorns power."

"Oh. That never happened here, Page defeated him before then."

Twilight turned to me, "What? How!?"

I cringed a bit, "With the help of Sunset Shimmer. I noticed when he approached Canterloat that he was protecting his eyes and face from the arrows using his arm Sunny helped shrink most of the guards armoury down and I then tricked him into swallowing it. The resulting magical explosion is how I got these," I explained and shrugged my wings.

She stared at me for a long moment, "…Oh…"

Sparks looked at her time twin for a second and then flicked her ears, "…your world is really different, isn't it?"

Twilight nodded, "It is," she said before she looked thoughtful, "Wait, if Tirek never reached Ponyville, then he never betrayed Discord… then how did you unlock the chest? Wait, do you even have that?"

"The chest from the tree of harmony?" Sparks asked, and Twilight nodded,


Twi jumped up, her wings spreading in excitement, "You know how to open the chest!?"