Chapitre 6

Chapter 6

"Who are you? Where am I?"

The Queen smiled, "I am Queen Pincer of the Jungle Hive. And you, my prize," she said and reached up to stroke my cheek, "You will be my key to much, much more."

I shook my head, "Somebody else already tried that. It will not work."

"Ah yes, Chrysalis," she chuckled, "That stupid fool got herself revealed at an crucial part of her assault. And now she's a pet to those that should be her food. Pathetic."

"So what's your plan here, exactly? Take my place?"

"Of course not," she said and noses at my cheek and I could feel her drink in my emotions, "Just until the wedding."

"Won't work."

"Food don't get opinions," she said and stepped back, "Especially not wrong ones. My infiltrators are already in place. The weak pets don't even sense us, not with our pheromone blockers in place. Especially when we replaced your pet changeling as well."

"Amber. What did you do to her?"

"Oh, she's… somewhere. For now," before she smiled, "Oh, such spicy rage. You'll feed us nicely."

With that, she pulled back and headed away, exiting the chamber.

Igniting my horn, I fired a cutting spell towards the closest of the resin keeping me in place. Nothing. It didn't even leave my horn.

Glancing upwards, I could see it covered with some sort of substance.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

Okay. Okay. Okay. Think. You know changelings, you have powers that don't require your horn. Looking over towards Blue Dawn, I saw her still out of it.

Think I'm trapped in here with you, Queeny? Yeah, not so much.

Closing my eyes, I made myself slip off into sleep and I stepped out into the dream realm, stretching my wings.

Well then…

Shifting things around, I brought the dreams around to match geological location relative to myself.

Mostly changelings around with a dozen or so ponies spread through the hive. I needed to warn Luna.

If it was still day, then she'd…

Shifting her dream portal to me, I stepped through the silvery portal into a forest clearing that I'd never seen anywhere but Luna's dreams, a place close to where she first grew up.

As I entered, she looked up from where she had been lounging beneath one of the trees in the soft, thick grass. "My Page! What are you doing sleep?"

Sighing, I moved over to nuzzle her. "My Sky," I said and settled down next to her, "I'm afraid I have some bad news."

"What do you mean?"

Leaning against her side, I explained what had happened.

Luna surged to her hooves, "I'm mobilizing the guard, we'll come for you."


She blinked at me in surprise, "...What?"

"It'd be a bloodbath," I said and got up to nuzzle her, "There are hundreds of changelings here. It would be tunnel fighting against enemies that could look like the pony next to you. We'd win, but so many ponies would die."

Luna shook her head, "No. Not with my sister and me coming. We'll burn that hive to the ground."

"...No," I said and gave her a small kiss, "I know Changelings. I'll find a way to figure things out. You know what's happening, you'll have the advantage. Just… play along for now."

Luna shook her head, "Page, it's too dangerous! We can't risk it."

"Please. I think we can find a better way to do this."

Luna didn't look happy at all and shifted her wings, nuzzling at my ears before she sighed and nodded, "...Very well. I trust you, My Page. I hope you know what you're doing."

"Me too, Luna. Me too."