Chapitre 7

Chapter 7

I watched the changeling before me, it's horn glowing as it drained emotions from me. I could feel it, I knew that feeling so well.

"Hungry?" I asked as I looked down at the blue drone. It's funny, I could see differences between this drone and those from Chrysalis' Hive. Just small ones, shape of the horn mostly.

He glanced up at me, "Food don't talk."

"This food does," I said, "What's your name?"

He ignored me and kept pooling the congealed blue emotion into a resin jar, strands of his magic moving around me.

"Tell me your name and you'll get some love. Freely given."

His wings buzzed slightly before he looked up at me, "...Obsidian."

Closing my eyes, I focused on my Luna, on Sunset. The way the sun shone through Sunset's mane in the morning.

I felt my emotions drain away and I opened my eyes again, looking down at the drone, "How was that?"

Obsidian shifted a bit, "....Good."

"Good. It's been a while since you had something like that, hasn't it? Or have you ever? You have only ever ever eaten from the vats, haven't you?"

He shook his head, "I'm not an infiltrator."

"Never then. Like it?"


"That other hive gets it all the time," I said, "Too bad you guys follow Pincer. Say you win… somehow… what then? More of this? More emotion gel."

"Food don't talk," he said and closed the jar, sealing the lid with some spit resin. Putting it down, he then picked up a second bowl, lifting it up to my lips, "Drink."

Sniffing it revealed nothing but water and I drank deeply. Soon it was replaced by an apple, "Eat."

I did as he told me to.

As soon as I was done, he gathered his things and left the chamber, leaving me alone with Blue Dawn.

She started to stir awake, slowly blinking as I turned to her before she jerked awake and tugged at the resin keeping her in place as she let out a scream.

"Blue Dawn!" I yelled, "Calm down!"

"Lord Page!" she yelled and tugged at the resin, "Where are we!? What happened?"

"Poison in the tea," I explained, "We're in another changeling hive. Another swarm."


Blue Dawn looked confused, "What are you talking about, how can you be so calm!?"

"Easy," I continued, "I know changelings. Different hive, still changelings. I'll get us out of here, I promise."

She clenched her eyes shut, seemingly trying not to hyperventilate, "This can't be happening, this can't be happening…"

"Dawn," I said, "Deep, slow breaths. You're fine. We'll be out of here soon enough. I need you to stay calm and stay alive. Can you do that for me?"

"...Y-yes, sir."

I nodded, "Good. Please, just keep calm and cooperate with them. Trust me."

Blue Dawn swallows, "...Yes sir. I can do that. I… I hope you know what you are doing."

"So do I. So do I…" I agreed, "Try to get some rest, preserve your strength."

Blue Dawn looked around before she closed her eyes, seeming to shudder, "...I'll try."

Nodding, I settled down and relaxed against the resin holding me.

Now I just needed to wait.


"Are you sure of this, My Page?" Luna asked softly, standing next to me in the dream realm, stars sparkling all around.

"No. But I think it's the best possible option," I said and moved to touch the tip of my horn against the dream portal of Obsidian.

The trickiest part of this was that I had to do it without entering the dream. As Chrysalis had shown, there was a chance he would be able to sense me if I did.

Dream was… normal changeling. Dreaming of… tunnels. Dark. Comfortable. Safe.

Exactly what I was expecting. No matter the Hive, Changelings gonna Changeling. Okay then. Slowly, slowly.

Gently, more insinuating than forcing, I introduced a feeling of hunger. Hungry. Dark tunnels, no food. Little food.


Obsidian's dream changed to worse times. I couldn't see it clearly, not from outside. It was more… feelings than anything else. But he had been hungry. Everyone had been.

Now… Pincer. Pincer. Hungry. Hungry with Pincer. Danger.

Pincer danger ponies. Hungry. Hurt.

The silvery green portal started to quickly ripple and darken as it turned into a nightmare. Pictures of ponies fighting changelings flashed through my mind, Pincer laying broken on the ground, the ponies defeating the changelings.


Putting a bit more force into it this time before it got too far, I shifted his dream. Pony friend. Pony feed Changeling. No fear. No force. No danger. Willing.

The dream shifted.

Obsidian and a pony. Pony he seen once. Pink mane and coat. Hugging him, feeding him love. Safe. No Pincer. Pony friend food, not food.

Pony friend food happy to see Obsidian.

Pulling my horn back, I blinked my eyes and shook my head. Damn, touching a Changeling like that really wasn't good for your head.

I like them, but damn if their thought patterns weren't completely Alien at times.

Stepping back, I watched the portal ripple in silvery green, pink and blue. Okay then, let's see if this works.

"Did it work?" Luna asked and moved up next to me.

"...Not sure. This is a slow process," I admitted and leaned against her side, "Honestly, I don't know if this will work, but… if you try to free me, Changelings and Ponies will die. I don't want that."

"How's Blue Dawn?"

"Holding it together," I answered and sighed, "and Amber is in the hive. Unconscious, not sleeping. But alive."

Luna nodded and held me closer with her wing, "Your impostor arrived in Canterlot today."

"How are you and Sunset doing?"

"...Princess Skitter has been giving us lessons on how not to give anything away," Luna admitted and nuzzled at my ears, "But it's… difficult."

"I know, My Sky," I said and looked up at her, "Love you."

"Love you too."

Obsidians dream portal blinked out next to us and I gave her a kiss, "Need to go now."

"I know. Be careful."

"I promise."

Opening my eyes, I relaxed against the resin and waited. It was a couple of hours before a Changeling entered with a resin jar and a bowl of fruit.

Not Obsidian. Which made sense, there were hundreds of them in the hive, why would the same done come to harvest our emotions every time?

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked with a smile.

The Changeling blinked and buzzed her wings in surprise, "...Food does not speak."

"Isn't is nicer when I speak instead of the normal begging?" I asked, "Hungry?"

She seemed to hesitate, looking around for a second before she nodded, "Yes."

"Goody, I have some food for you. My name is Blank Page, this is Blue Dawn. What's yours?"

The drone seemed really confused as she carefully approached, "...Ambrosia."

"That's a beautiful name," I told her, "Got your jar ready?"

At her nod, I closed my eyes and focused on my Sunny and my Sky. It didn't take long before I could feel my emotions being drained. It was a feeling I could easily identify.

When it stopped, I opened my eyes and relaxed against the resin holding me, "...How's that?"

Ambrosia stared down into the jar filled with glowing green gel, "...It's love. Not mixed or tainted. It's actual love."

I nodded, "Yeah. Nice isn't it when you have somebody that wants you to eat well. Did you get any of that for yourself or does it go into storage?"

"...I got some yesterday."

"Well, that's not hardly enough," I said and closed my eyes and focused on my friends. On the way Sunset looked sleeping next to me.

There was a slight draining feeling and when I opened my eyes again, Ambrosia stared up at me.

"...Why? Food beg and scream, not volunteer."

"Not all food," I sighed, "When you have put that into storage, why don't you go find the Changeling from the other hive, Amber? She could tell you what it's like not being hungry all the time."