Chapitre 17

Chapter 17


Flap, flap.

Uhm. Tower. Tower… tower!! Flapflapflap! Instead of walking all the way back and forth across town today, I thought it would instead actually make use of my wings for something other than recreation.

Seeing the stone wall approaching quickly as I caught a crosswind wrong, I was quickly starting to regret that decision.


Charging my horn, I teleported some twenty meters forward, just managing to avoid the stone wall.

Trying to get my heart rate getting back to normal, I looked back towards the wall. Damn. I really should be focusing on what I was doing instead of letting my mind wander.

"Haven't done that for a while," a voice called out before adding, "sir."

I looked to the side just in time to see Thunder Cloud drop down to fly next to me in formation, "Cloud!" I exclaimed with a grin, "Been ages. What's up?"

"Well, somepony seemed intent to pancake himself on the side of the castle, so I figured I would check it out," he said with a grin, "See anyone like that around here?"

"Can't say I have," I said with a grin and shifted my course, going down to land in one of the castle gardens, "Good luck in finding the rogue."

"We'll find him, I'm sure," he laughed and dropped down next to me, beating his wings to set his hooves down on the path next to me, "Heard you had some excitement."

I nodded, "Yeah, you can say so," I agreed, "Everything turned out fine though. How's things on your side?"

He shrugged his wings before folding them, "Going pretty well," he admitted, "I… finally sent an application to officer school."

I grinned at him, "Good job, Cloud!"

"Yeah," he admitted and shook his head, "No word on getting accepted though, but… I felt like I had to try. That pay increase and other privileges are starting to look rather attractive."

I nodded, "Don't worry about it, of course you'll get in. I mean, Swift could after all, can't be that difficult."

Cloud grinned, "Sure sounds like it, sir."

"Of course, if you manage it, ponies would be calling you sir too."

His eyes widened and he facehoofed, "Oh damn it."

I just laughed, "Get used to it. Can't all be good, you know? Have to take the bad with the good."

"Of course, your highness."

I slugged him on the shoulder. Or rather tried, stupid birdbrain was too fast and ducked back with a grin on his face.

"So, nervous?" he asked and reached up to take his helmet off, "Wedding just over a week away now."

"You could say that," I agreed, "Looking forward to it, but nervous would be rather accurate. I can only assume the guard is rather busy right now too?"

He nodded, "Oh yes," he agreed, "Mandatory double shifts for everypony starting four days before the wedding. We have already more than tripled patrols around the city."

"No changelings this time," I said.

"Oh, plenty of changelings," he said with a frown and then flicked his ears, "They're just on our side this time. Or so they say."

"Oh come of it, Cloud. They are on our side."

He flicked his ears before he sighed and then nodded, "...I know you like them, Page, but I can't get over the fact that I find them a bit… creepy."

I nodded, "Don't have to like them, just have to work with them."

Cloud sighed, "Yeah, I suppose you're right. Way above my pay scale anyway," he admitted before changing the subject, "So where are you on your way too?"

"On my way back, was to Rarity for a test fitting for the wedding stuff," I said and shrugged my wings, "You'd be surprised how much time that takes."

"Fairly sure I would," he said and nodded, "Never been much for fancy stuff. What you need is a break. Wanna get together with Swift later and head to the Pathfinder?"

"...I don't know, I have so much to do."

"You need a break. Come on, it's been ages."

I hesitated and scraped my hoof against the stone path before I nodded, "...Okay, yeah. I guess you're right. When do you get off?"

"Eh, another couple of hours yet," he said, "Speaking of which, I should get back on patrol before somepony important spot me slacking off and I get in trouble. I'll grab Swift when we get off and meet you at the Pathfinder later?"

"Sounds like a plan."