Chapitre 18

Chapter 18

"Are you sure this isn't a cleaning fluid?" I asked and peered into the tiny little shot glass before me, "It smells like it."

Swift grinned, his own glass floating in his magic before him, "It's not 'just' a cleaning fluid."

"Fair enough," I said and picked it up, knocking it back before making a small choking sound, "T-tastes like one!"

Cloud just laughed, "Lightweight," and downed his own shot.

I just stuck my tongue out, trying to get rid of the taste, "Oh Luna, it won't go away!"

Swift laughed and poured another shot for each of us, "You, my friend, are way too used to drinking things that cost more than I make in a month. This is what us normal ponies get smashed on."

"Buck this," I said and got up, holding my wings tightly against my side beneath the illusion. I looked about like I usually did, just now with the silvery ring cutie mark I used on secret Luna date nights. I didn't want to stand out this time.

"Barkeep," I told Steel Bar, the barkeep, as I made my way across the half filled pub, "One bottle of your finest whiskey."

"Sure thing, if you got the bits," he said gruffly, not stopping the wiping of the thick oaken surface of the bar.

Reaching with my magic, I counted out a good amount from a money pouch in my satchel, "How's this looking?"

"Like you're about to have a good evening," he agreed and put a bottle of amber liquid on the bar, "This'll be more than worth it, promise you that."

"Sounds good," I said with a grin, taking the bottle and three glasses to the table we'd claimed at the back, "In the future, when we're going out, I'm buying, you cheap fuckers. Like you planned."

That got a laugh from Swift, "Damn it, Cloud, he figured it out!"

I just grinned at them and poured them each a glass, "You two are many things, but subtle, you are not."

"Bright one he is, our Pagey," Cloud agreed with a smile and picked up his glass, "To smart ponies and getting your princess in the end!"

Swift nodded, "Now that I'll drink to," and did the same, "To the mares in our lives."

"Agreed," I said and did the same, taking a sip, "Now this is better."

"...Yeah, really no comparison is there between five bit and… how much was this?"

I frowned at the bottle and then looked at Swift, "Not sure. How much do you make in a day?"

He grinned and shook his head, "Forget I asked," and sipped it again, "So, married soon. How's that feeling?"

"Nervous," I admitted and took another sip, "But worth it. What about you and Minuette?"

Swift shrugged a bit, "Thought about it. Might," he said, "But there is so much going on right now for both of us."

"Dude, if we can make the time, so can you," I said with a snort.

"Got you there," Cloud said with a grin and motioned towards him with his glass.

"What of you then?" Swift asked him in turn, "About time you find a mare willing to put up with you being… you."

"Screw you, Swift," Cloud said and took a drink, "I keep getting posted away from civilization."

I frowned at him, "...Haven't you been posted in Canterlot for the last year?"

He grumbled something into his glass before he was interrupted by a loud yell from the door of the pub, "Everyone hooves up! This is a robbery!"


I looked over towards the door along with every other pony in the bar to see a grey unicorn mare standing there, a crossbow floating in her magic and a scarf covering her face from the eyes down, a second one around her head to cover her mane. Her cutie mark was covered by paper taped on thickely.

The Steel Bar leaned against the bar as he peered at her, "Really, miss? Do you know where you are?"

She looked around. The crossed spears and shield on the wall, the colours of the different regiments on the flags hanging from the ceiling.

She glanced around a bit and seemed to swallow as it clearly registered what she walked into.

Steel Bar grinned and reached beneath the bar to toss her a bundle of cloth which she awkwardly caught, "W-what…" she stuttered out.

"Well, I can only assume you're the new barmaid I have an ad up for," he told her, "Because the alternative is that you're stupid enough to try to rob a royal guard pub because you are so desperate for bits. So? Which is it?"

She glanced around a bit as everyone watched with interest before her crossbow came down, "...Applying for the barmaid position..."

Steel Bar nodded, "That's what I thought. Now, take that ridiculous getup off and put on that apron. Get in the back, we need a new keg pulled out!"

"Yes, sir."

Grinning, I took a sip from my glass and looked at Cloud, "I didn't know tonight would come with a show."