Chapitre 33


The dream seemed almost stereotypical for what you would expect the dream of an evil overlord being.

It was a throneroom. The throneroom in canterlot actually, but not quite. It was like he hadn't seen it himself, but had it described or painted for him.

It was close, but not quite.

Celestia and Luna were shackled by the base of the dias the throne was setup on along with a purple and pink alicorn, looking very similar to Luna. He had never seen either of them.

The Storm King, or Arganon as was his actual name according to the dream, was sitting in the throne, his hand on a mage staff.

The rest of the throneroom was filled with creatures. Ponies, Griffons, his own people. Other species I had barely even seen before like bird people and diamond dogs. They were all bowing and groveling to him.

"I think we found the right one," I commented to Luna.

She nodded and then shook her head, "I believe you are right."

"How would you like to do this?" I asked, scraping my hoof against the marble floor.

Luna gave me a quick kiss, "You take the lead on this. You have a better record in talking down hostile powers than I do."

"...Really?" I asked as I blinked up at her, "Surely you and Celestia spent a good amount of time negotiating during the formation of Equestria."

Luna nodded, "Yes, but that was primarily my sister. It was also quite a while ago, your successes have been recent. You turned the Changelings to our allies, something we never managed."

I looked up at him. He looked unbearable smug sitting there, overlooking all he had conquered.

"...I suppose I better have a talk with him then, ape to ape," before I tapped my hoof against the ground, solidifying the dream and sweeping everypony else away from the chamber before stepping out of what seemed to him to be a cloud of black smoke.

"Greetings, Arganon," I said, giving him a small bow.

"What!?" he exclaimed and surged to his feet, looking around.

I smiled and spread my wings, "I am Blank Page, alicorn of stories. I am of the understanding that your forces attacked Canterlot yesterday?"

Arganon grinned, "Come to surrender?"

"They were summarily defeated like a small band of bandits and thrown in the dungeons or killed. Their commander along with them," I informed him as I folded my wings again, "Surrender yourself and your forces or be crushed underhoof."

He stared at me for a long moment before he started to laugh.

"Oh, is that so? An invasion of ponies? I tremble in fear!" he laughed with a grin, heading down the stairs with his staff, "Is this why you came here in my dream, pony? To try to trick me?"

I shifted my ear, "No trickery required, I'm afraid," I told him, "Now, I could continue to threaten you. Remind you of what the Minotaurs call Princess Celestia. Of the command of the weather our pegasi has, the magic of our unicorns. The control of the night of Princess Luna. Or our admittedly tenuous alliance with the Lord of fucking Chaos himself, Discord."

I slowly moved around him, "I could do that, but I'm fairly sure you already had plans for all that. Though I doubt you really planned for the possibility of pissing off Discord if Fluttershy had gotten hurt. I'm sure he could be unpleasant if he actually got angry about something."

"So you won't do anything like that, huh?" He said, turning to follow me, "So why are you here?"

"To prevent a war," I said, "I don't want a war. Ponies and even your people would get hurt. I don't want that. So we're giving you an official chance to surrender before we get that far, or else."

"Or else what, pony? We're in a dream, you can't hurt me."

I looked up at him, "Oh really?" I asked, "You invaded my Luna's wedding. I'm not feeling overly harmonious at the moment. One more chance. Surrender."

"No, pony!" He said and glared down at me, "Enough of this! You are to surrender to my forces or you will regr-"

The stone of the floor reached up and wrapped around his neck as I looked up at him, "Very well then," I said, "Did you think that just because we're in a dream, you can't be hurt?"

He looked surprised down at me as he tugged at the stone around his neck.

"Well, you're right," I said as I took a couple of steps back, "A dream can't hurt you, not really anyways. What I can do is to make sure you wake up screaming for the rest of your life, never getting more than a couple of minutes of sleep."

I started to warp the dream around us, things moving in the darkness. Shapes shifting as eyes opened in places they had no business being.

Things That Should Not Be from the darkest dreams of Lovecraft himself formed behind me as I let my own form start to fade away into the darkness between them.

"Or never just let you wake up at all. We'll see," I said as I locked the dream in place, letting all the things run their course, "We'll talk again… in say, a week? I recommend eight hours a night. It's good for your health. Sweet dreams."

Then I turned and left.