Chapitre 34

Chapter 34

Sunset stared at me, "You did what?"

I just shrugged my wings a bit, "I'd feel bad about it if he didn't try to… you know, drain us all of our magic and or kill us all."

Sunny frowned at me and then she shrugged, "...yeah, I can't get upset about that. It's all his own fault."

"He knows how to make it stop," I said and shifted my wings before sipping my tea as I looked out over Canterlot.

Other than an airship wreck and some signs of fire, you couldn't tell that we were invaded just a couple of days ago.

Sunset nodded a bit and then smiled, "I liked the wedding."

"...Thanks," I said and earflicked, "Not quite what was planned, I admit, but the second try was much better. Sparks get any sleep?"

Sunset nodded, "That's part of why I came looking for you. They're ready to try the spell again, just doing a final revision."


I quickly got up, "We better hurry then, I want to be there."

Sunset nodded, "I figured, come on."

Finishing my tea on the way, barely noticing Swift and Blue Dawn joining up to escort us. I did glance to Blue Dawn though. She looked a lot better than when we left the changeling hive. Noticing me looking, she gave me a small smile.

Nodding back, I then turned back forward and continued past the guards keeping the princess and queen safe.

Inside, I found Twilight, Midnight and Celestia, all of them reviewing a scroll. Skitter was also there along with two other changelings.

Shining Armor were there as well, looking calm and collected. I knew him better than to buy that.

He loved Cadence as much as I did Luna or Sunset. I knew exactly how fucked up it would make me if it had happened to either of them.

Sparks finally nodded and turned to him, "We're ready."

He nodded, "Are you sure Cadence should go first?"

Sparks nodded, "The spell was made for a pony. It's the best chance."

Staying out of their way, I just gave a small wave as I rounded them and moved over to Skitter while Sunny moved off to the side.

Not wanting to bother the three alicorns, I didn't say anything to Skitter, I just moved past her two guards, giving the changelings a nod before putting a hoof on her shoulder, pulling her attention away from Chrysalis.

She looked at me and blinked in surprise. I motioned towards the three alicorns and turned to watch as their horns started to glow brightly before a beam shot out from all three, joining into one, the almost blindingly bright beam hitting the petrified Cadence.

I raised my hoof to shield my eyes and there was a bright flash. Next time I dared to look, Cadence collapsed onto the floor.

"Cady!" Shining Armor yelled and rushed up to her, feeling her and casting a spell before he relaxed slightly, "S-she is okay. She's just unconscious."

I glanced at Skitter. She nodded a bit, "I can feel her," she confirmed quietly.

"Chrysalis time now," I said as I looked at her.

Skitter hesitated and then nodded, "I...yes", she agreed and moved to the side, her two changeling guards moved along. A pair of doctors meanwhile were rushed inside to tend to Cadence.

It took a couple of minutes for Sparks, Midnight and Celestia to recover from the spell and by the time they were ready again, Cadence were awake, confused, and being hugged by Shining Armor.

She would be okay.

Sparks took the time to give her a tight hug. Midnight hesitated before she was forcibly pulled into the four way hug by Sparks.

That must have been horrible to see her childhood friend and babysitter like that. I didn't want to think what it felt like.

I didn't know her anywhere nearly as well and I had been worried too. Fuck, I even worried for Chrysalis.

I turned to look at at the petrified Chrysalis.

That could have been me. Why did she do that? Why did me knock me out of the way?

Celestia, Sparks and Midnight readied the spell and I could feel Skitter shift next to me. I quickly put my wing across her back to keep her from moving.

Interrupting in the middle of the spell would likely be a bad idea. I had no idea what it would do, but I was fairly certain it wouldn't be anything good.

Holding my hoof up to shield my eyes from the light, I waited for the flash.

As soon as it came, I dropped my hoof and Skitter and the drones darted in to catch Chrysalis as she fell.

They made it just in time to keep her from faceplanting into the marble floor.

It didn't take long until she started to stir awake. Her eyes slowly blinked open and she looked confused for a second before she spotted everyone in the room.

She instantly started to try to get up.

Instead of stopping her, Skitter moved to help hold her up.

"Wh-" Chrysalis started to ask, her voice a croak before he paused and restarted, "What happened?"

"You were petrified," I said, "To summarize: Invasion fought off, the attackers in the dungeons, me and Luna married anyway, you unpetrified. It's been a couple of days. Now stop being an idiot and go lay down before you eat floor."

She must had been completely fucking exhausted as she actually took my advice and sank down to lay down again.

Sunset looked like she was partly holding a very tired Sparks up and even Celestia looked like it had taken quite a bit out of her to cast those spells.

Moving over to a tired looking Midnight, I held my hoof up for her, "Good job."

She smiled tiredly and then knocked her hood against mine, "...Thanks, that was a tough one. I think I'm going to go lay down now."

"Do that. You earned it."

She smiled and gave me a wink before heading outside, Celestia moving along with her.

It didn't take long until I was the only pony left in the room with the Changelings. I turned to look at them, "Should we move you to the hive?"

Chrysalis growled slightly, "I'm fine."

"Yes, I can see that," I said and settled down across from her on the floor, "Which is why you can barely lift your head. Hungry?"

She shook her head, "...No," she admitted, "Time seems to have halted for me while petrified," before she smirked, "You really care, don't you, my little predator."

"If I didn't, I'd feel bad," I told her, "The spell that hit you were meant for me.."

Chrysalis didn't look like she appreciated being reminded of that and shifted slightly, giving Skitter a small nuzzle before she looked at me, "Leave us, pony."

"If you like," I agreed and got up, shifting my wings, "Queen Chrysalis, Princess Skitter," I added, bowing to them before I turned and left.

That was about as much compassion as Chrysalis would accept from a pony in any case. Without eating in anycase. She was big on not showing weakness after all.

The fact that she actually laid down when told to, showed exactly how much the entire thing had taken out of her.

Leaving her alone was the best thing I could do now.

...Especially as I had no intention of seeing one of those drones puke up love or whatever the hell they did to make that gel of theirs.

Letting the door close behind me, I looked towards Swift, "Any news?"

He shook his head, "Princess Celestia simply wanted me to let you know that she wishes to see you when you have a moment."

I nodded, "Where?"

"Royal Armory," he said, "I'll take you to her."

"Thanks," I sighed and moved along, following him, "...You and Minuette make it through invasion okay?"

Swift nodded, "She did the bright thing and got out of the city as soon as she realized what was happening. That's what I told her she should do in case of something happening. Run, don't hide. Don't go looking for me or wait."

"And you?"

He frowned a bit, "Joined up with the closest guard squad. Did our best to keep them away from the civilians and getting them evacuated. Worst I got was a couple of bruises."