Chapitre 44

Chapter 44

The night was cool and dark and I looked out over the town below, putting one hoof on the railing.

The sky was clear above and Luna's Moon shone across the city. There were still plenty of lights below, but it was late, well after midnight. A soft rustle of wood made me look to the side. Fern was curled up asleep at one end of the balcony. He liked sleeping there when the weather was nice to catch the morning sun.

Luna was holding Nightcourt right now. I had offered to keep her company, but she wanted me to get some rest.

I had thought about heading to bed, but I didn't feel tired.

I felt… I'm not sure bad was correct either. I threatened somecreature with xenocide. Not exactly something to go with the friendship of harmony. A threat that might have saved thousands of lives.

A sound behind me made me flick my ear but I recognized the hoofsteps so I didn't bother to turn.

Sunset moved up next to me. Her horn lit up and she took the glass from my magic, floating it over to take a small sip from the amber liquid.

She shuddered less than I did.

That's so not fair.

"Long day?" I asked with a small smile.

"A bit," she admitted and sighed, "I spent most of it with the Legion."

I nodded, "Saw you when I visited," I admitted, "But you were in the middle of something so I didn't want to bother you."

"Was it when I showed the unicorns that firewall?" she asked and at my nod, she smiled, "I thought I saw you through the window to the tower, but I wasn't sure."

"Mmm. Was getting a readiness report. What do you think?"

"They're good," she said and floated the glass back to me, resting her head against my shoulder, "They did good during the invasion too."

"The Captain seemed a bit annoyed with me."

Sunset gave me an amused look, "Wonder why, mister 'run into danger'. You doesn't exactly make her life any easier."

I cringed a bit at that, "I mean, what was I meant to do?"

"Not that?"

Fair enough.

I sighed softly and slipped my wing over her back, pulling her close, sipping my drink again after stealing it back from her. It burned a bit and tasted faintly of apples.

"Quiet you," I told her, "I seem to remember you being there too."

Sunset shot me a glare, "That's not the same thing and you know it."

"...Not you too… I take it you talked to Sparky?"

"Not about that, but I'm not stupid, wingboy. You're the only male alicorn, you're too valuable to get into battle," she said and rolled her eyes, "Not that I expect you to listen."

Sighing, I gave her a small nuzzle as she stole my drink again, "Not like I like being in danger."

"You just can't help yourself when there is something you can do," she argued and sipped the drink before she touched her horn tip to the base of mine, "...It's one of the things I like about you."

"I thought you just had a thing for alicorns and couldn't resist my pure masculinity," I asked and nuzzled.

That got a small snort giggle from her, "Sure, that's why..."

I gave her a wounded look.

Sunset grinned and gave me a small kiss, "Silly colt."

I smiled at her and pulled her tighter with my wing, slipping one foreleg around her as I dipped her into a kiss, getting another giggle from her.

"Well?" I asked with a smile.

She sighed and put the glass down on the railing of the balcony before shifting to get hooves beneath herself again, "...Well, maybe not completely not unstallionly," she teased with a small smile, "Tomorrow, training grounds?"

"Sounds good to me. It's been a while," I admitted, "I miss it."

"Me too," Sunny admitted before she grinned, "I learned a couple of new tricks since last time."

"Oh really?"

Sunset nodded with a smile, "Twi found a book a couple of weeks ago, I borrowed it from her before the invasion. Didn't have much time to practice it, but some of the spells seems interesting."

"Looking forward to it," I said before I raised my eyebrow at her, "Are you sure you're not just trying to distract me from everything that's going on?"

Sunset shook her head, "Not really, just want to get some exercise." she said before she smirked, "if I wanted to distract you, I would…"

She raised her head to whisper into my ear for a couple of moments before giving me a small nuzzle and turned to walk back inside as she brushed her side against mine, giving my nose tip a flick with the tip of her tail on the way.

I swallowed and looked after her before following.

...Consider me officially distracted…