Chapitre 45

Chapter 45

I brought the stick around in my magic quickly before letting go, flinging it towards the other end of the small park.

Fern took off after it with a wruff, wooden paws hitting the grassy grounds loudly as he charged after it.

"He's getting big," a voice commented and I looked back towards Celestia as she landed close to me, folding her wings.

"Still a puppy," I said as Fern returned with the small branch. He dropped it a couple of meters back before making his way over to Celestia, sniffing at her coat.

Celestia ignored him and turned to looked to me, "Page, he's larger than you are."

"Timberwolves grow to be as large as you are, larger even," I said with a smile, "That's in the wild without proper nutrition. I bet he'll get a bit bigger."

Celestia gave the walking houseplant a bit of a wary look, "Possibly," she answered and scraped her hoof against the grass, "But I have never even heard about a tame one before. I just worry about him."

I whistled and Fern perked up and quickly returned to my side, looking to me.

"Lay down," I said and he dropped down. I reached over to scratch behind his closest wooden branch ear, "Stay," I ordered and moved over to Celestia.

"I know you worry, Sunshine," I told her, "But he's trained and socialized. He hasn't as much as growled at a pony. So what's up?"

She shifted her wings, "A message just arrived from the Storm King," she explained, "In two days a deligation will be at a position at our closest border to negotiate a peace treaty."

I snorted and flicked my ears, scraping my hoof against the grass as I raised my wings high, "I have a treaty for them. They surrender and get nothing and then they pay reparations for any damage they did."

Celestia smiled and nodded, "Which is why my sister and I are going to be handling the negotiations. We do have some experience in the matter. You are good at many things, Page. That's not one of them."

Fair enough.

"Could be a trap."

"Which is why you stay here," she said with a nod.

I shot her a look at that but she ignored it,

"We also need somepony to remain in Canterlot. Princess Midnight will also be remaining here," Celestia said and stretched her wings, "I don't know how long to expect things to take, it greatly differs each time."

I sighed and shook my head, "I don't like this, Sunshine. They were after the Alicorns in the first place and now there will be three of them in one predetermined and exposed position."

Celestia nodded, "Something that occurred to us as well," she agreed and smiled, leaning in to give my ear a nuzzle, "Which is why we are attending with a full four guard regiments and in full battle armor."

I flicked my ear and grinned up at her, "Now that does make me feel better."

Besides, Luna looked so hot in that thing. It may be covering, but it was also form fitting and very 'Xena, warrior goddess'.

Celestias on the other hand was very 'Goddess of the Sun' mixed with wonderwoman.


I looked over towards Fern and picked the stick up in my magic, spinning it around before flinging it towards the other side of the park, "Fetch!"

He tore off after it in a spray of grass.

"So when are you leaving?" I asked as I turned back to Celestia.

"As soon as everything is organized," she said, "Tonight most likely. I'm going to tell Luna in a little bit."

"You haven't told her yet?" I asked with a frown, turning away from Fern to look up at her.

Celestia hesitated for a split second, "I… I wanted to let her sleep for as long as she could. She's nocturnal, I know how difficult it is for her to keep switching between them, especially this often."

"Yeah, doing that sucks," I agreed and took the stick when Fern returned. I held a brief tug of war with my magic with him before I flung the stick away across the park again, "So… how do you think things are going to go?"

"I don't know," Celestia admitted as she looked after Fern, "But I do hope everything will end up well. It did with the Minotaurs. It did with the griffins."

"Some just needed a bigger stick," I said as I threw it for Fern again.

Celestia looked towards me in question and I smiled at her,

"A saying from earth," I clarified, "Speak softly and carry a big stick. The meaning is something along the lines of 'negotiate and talk the best you can, but always be ready to back your words up by being willing to beat the other fucker about the head until he stops being a threat'."

Celestia frowned slightly, "...That explains so much."