Chapitre 50

Chapter 50

Entering Luna's and my rooms, I looked around.

They always felt so empty when Luna was away. I sighed softly and moved over to close the balcony doors. A sound made me look over to see Sunset exit the bedroom, "Hey."

"Hey," she said and rubbed her eyes a bit, "How did it go?"

I moved over to her, giving her a quick nuzzle, "I think it went well. I think Tempest Shadow is going to join the War Mages, but she wanted a couple of hours to think."

Sunset looked uncertain at me, her ears shifting, "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean… after what she did…"

"You're one to speak, 'miss steal the elements'," I said with a smile, resting my horn tip against hers as I looked into her eyes, "She's just the kind of mare that we would need to join us. Besides, I have a plan to assure her loyalty."

Sunset smirked, "Going to seduce her, are you, Wingboy? Because you're not 'that' good."

I frowned at her, "No! And… what do you mean not that good!?" I asked before I scowled, "I'll show you 'that' good!"

"Later," Sunset said with a playful grin as she sat down to look at me, "Oh, she just seems your kind."

I shifted back slightly to look at her, "...What do you mean?"

"Oh, you know, former villain mares."

I glowered at her and scraped my right hoof at the floor, "That's totally not… uhm… shut up."

That got a giggle from the unicorn and she moved in to give me a small kiss, "So what's your plan?"

I shook my head and then nuzzled back, "Just promise you won't interfere?"

Sunset frowned at me, "...Page, it's something stupid, isn't it?"

"Only if it doesn't work," I corrected her with a smile, touching her horn with mine again, "If it does, I'm a genius."

She sighed and gave me a unconvinced look, "So what's the plan, genius?"

I winked at her and then half turned, "Discord. Discord, get your omnipotent tail out here! I know you can hear me!"

"Why?" The candlestick on the table asked before bursting into flame, Discord forming from the smoke and sinking back down to the floor with an umbrella in his hand.

"Because I want to make a deal," I said and moved up to him, "I know you and I have had… less than pleasant interactions in the past. But I think it's time we put those behind us."

"Oh, now that you need something, you want to be friends?" he asked and leaned forward to look me in the eyes, "Typical monkey."

I nodded, "You're right. But it's not just that," I said as I sat down, "I haven't been completely fair to you."

His eyebrows floated up off his face, "Oh?"

"Not your fault you act like you do," I said and shrugged my wings, "I can't blame you for acting chaotic more than I could blame Fern for trying to eat the couch cushions. It's your nature. I'm sorry. I has been unfair."

Discord flashed out of existence only to reappear half wrapped around my horn, hanging down in front of my face, "That's mighty big of you."

"Not really," I admitted, "I… I still don't like you. But I also haven't been fair to you. I mean… nopony that likes Fluttershy can be all bad, especially not when she like you in return.."

Discord watched me for a moment before he flashed out of existence before reappearing closer to the door behind a desk, wearing a full suit with a pink tie with pictures of a yellow pegasus all over it, "You like to make a deal, eh? That don't seem very 'chaotic'."

"...Hear me out first, okay?" I asked him as I moved to sit on the chair across from him.

Discord snapped his fingers and a cup of tea appeared before me.

I nodded a thanks to him and picked it up with my magic to nibble at the solid tea cup, "Thank you. There is a Unicorn named Tempest Shadow. Her horn was broken when she was little, it's off just about here," I said and showed him on my own, "I want you to restore it. Is that something you can do?"

Discord took a bite from his tea and sipped his scone, "...Perhaps. But why should I, it doesn't seem very chaotic at all. Orderly if nothing else. Boring."

"Because in return, you can prank me all you want for twenty four hours," I told him, "Go wild."

"Page!" Sunset exclaimed as she moved up next to me.

I shook my head off her, "Sunset, it's fine. Please, stay out of this."

Discord shook his head, "No deal."

I looked at him in surprise, "What?"

He smirked and leaned forward, "No deal. My dear monkey, I'm not some sort of genie in a lamp you can rub and get a wish from. I'm not a demon you can barter with. I'm the Lord of Chaos."

Sighing, I nodded, "...Yeah, I suppose you're right. I'm sorry. I promised I'd help her and quite frankly, you were my only real idea how to do it."

Discord regarded me for a long moment before he flashed a bit again, this time his suit was less businessman and more 'The Godfather', "You wishes this favour of me," he said in a low raspy voice.

I nodded, "What do you want for doing it?"

He watched me for a moment before refilling my tea, "You wishes a change to somepony else," he said in the same exaggerated and rather bad impersonation voice, "Then I do one to you."

That made me hesitant, "...What, permanently?"

"As long as hers last," Discord continued and the desk and chairs disappeared, his suit turning into a lamp and dropping to the floor before us, "To remind somepony that I'm not a genie in a bottle!"

Sunset shook her head and put her hoof on my shoulder as she stepped forward to glare at him, "No deal."

I hesitated for a long moment before I shook my head and turned to look at her, "Stay out of this, Sunset."


"I promised her I'd do anything in my power," I told her quietly.

Sunset shook her head, "Page! We don't need her that badly!"

I looked at her and touched my horn to hers, "Sunny… she's been hurt all her life. Lied to. Used. Outcast and exploited. I promised her and I'm not going to break it and add to all that."

Sunset stared at me for a long moment before she looked away.

I turned back to Discord, "Deal. But I know your nature, try not to do anything that'd make Fluttershy mad."

Discord smirked, "Oh, I don't think she'd mind this one too much," and snapped his fingers. My vision faded to black and I went off to dreamless sleep.

The last thing I heard before passing out was Sunset yelling my name.