Chapitre 51

Chapter 51

Everything was nice and soft and made of warmthz. I liked and didn't want to wake up. I kept my eyes closed and let myself drift because if I opened my eyes, I would be awake and that would be terrible.

I could feel warmth against my side and I could scent Sunset's mane against my nose. I think this may be my favorite way to wake up, the only thing that was missing was My Sky.


My eyes flashed open as the memory entered my head and I instantly closed my eyes tight again. Too bright!

I groaned and nuzzled closer to the pillow as I ignited my horn and pulled the curtains closer together. I had my horn, I was still pony, I was clearly still male and I could feel all six limbs and my tail.

Whatever he did, it couldn't have been that bad. Maybe he made me pink or something. I can live with pink or yellow or whatever.

I slipped my hooves around Sunset and pulled her tighter, burying my nose in her mane. She smelled of sunshine and flowers and my Sunset.

Sunset stirred and rolled over, nuzzling in beneath my chin, "...Page? Are you okay?"

I forced my eyes open again. Even with the curtains closed it was still a bit bright from the slit between them.

"Mmm… I'm fine," I said and nuzzled at her mane, "...What happened?"

Sunset tensed up a bit and then shifted back to look at me, "Discord… did something to you and you passed out."

I frowned at her, "What did he do?"

"...You better look in the mirror."

"Am I pink? I'm pink, aren't I? Bucking damn it!"

That forced a small snort of amusement from her, "You're not pink. Just… go look."

I frowned at her and scooted off the bed to go look in the mirror by the wall.

I froze and just stared at the sight that met me. I was still a pony. I was still an alicorn. But… my coat was a couple of shades darker than before. So was my mane and tail.

My wings.

I spread them and turned to look at my right one. It lacked it's usual feathers, instead it looked like the wing of a bat. Both of them did. I reached to touch it with my hoof before I turned back to the mirror, reaching up to touch my ear with my hoof. It was different, a little bigger than before and a bit fluffier.

My eyes…

My eyes still had the same colour as before. Yellow, but they were slitted now against the light. I opened my mouth and felt with my tongue.

I had fangs now. My tongue was a bit longer too.


I shifted my wings and looked at myself in the mirror. I still looked mostly the same as I did before, it's just like he had replaced the… pegasus parts with batpony traits.

"...Huh," I finally said and slowly sat down, feeling more than a little stunned as I stared at the mirror, "This may be problematic."

Sunset moved up next to me, watching me nervously, "...Page, are you okay?"

I smiled a bit at her as I shifted my wings and ears, "...I'm fine," I said and sighed, "I mean, come on. This is like the fourth least strange thing I have been turned into."

She hesitated, "I mean… Page… you're a Vampony."

I frowned and glanced at the mirror, "Actually, I think I'm a… what, Vampicorn? That just sound silly. Batcorn? Alipony? Valicorn?"


Shaking my head, I turned to look at her again, "Sunny… out of all the things he could have done, this was by far not the worst. I mean, I could have been pink! Don't get me wrong, this is a bit more than I had in mind and I strongly feel like kicking his tail, but… I could have been a lot worse."

Sunset frowned at me, "It's not right!" and stomped her hoof.

"It could be a lot worse," I said again and moved closer to rest my horn against hers to look into her eyes.

She hesitated and then shifted closer.

"What do you know about batponies?" I asked her after a moment.

Sunset shook her head, "...Nothing really," she admitted, "Just legends. They drink the blood of ponies and hunt during the night."

I blinked and then shifted back to look at her, "What?"

She hesitated, "...That's not right?"

"No. No not at all," I said and then frowned at her, "Wait, you thought that and you still slept next to me?"

Sunny blushed softly, "I was fairly sure you were still you and that you would never eat me that way."

I pulled her into a quick hug, nuzzling at her neck before I let go and looked at her, "All that is… right and wrong. At the start, yes, but then…" I started to tell her what Luna told me about batponies.

How they were a cursed tribe of pegasi that later became further changed to eat fruit instead of blood in an attempt to cure them. How they still existed but were really rare.

Sunset listened and waited until I finished before she said softly, "Luna is going to be pissed."

"Oh yeah."

I was fairly glad to physically be half a country away when that happens to be honest. Because it would be something out of legend.

There were sounds from outside the quarters and I pulled away to exit the bedroom. Somepony was yelling outside the door, "...Mind checking?"

Sunset moved past me and I moved to the side so as not to be in view when it opened. There was some conversation before Sunset backed away, allowing Tempest Shadow inside.

The grape coloured unicorn froze when she spotted me, gaping in surprise. Her horn was intact and sharp looking, you couldn't even see where it had been damaged.

"L-Lord Page… what…"

I shook my head and smiled a bit at her, "Healing your horn had a price. This was the one I paid."

Tempest Shadow stared at me for a long moment before she sank down and bowed deeply until her horn touched the floor.