Chapitre 55

Chapter 55

"So why are you heading to Ponyville? I would have thought you would have stayed with Luna," Twilight asked from across Sunny.

We were on the train to Ponyville and we were sharing one of the benches, Sunset seeming more than happy to be having a pair of alicorns leaning against her.

"Couple of reasons," I said and shifted my wings.

Twilight flicked her ears, "I just figured you'd want to stay in Canterlot with Princess Luna now when we are back. I mean, wedding, married...."

I sighed and nodded, "I would," I admitted, "but I have some stuff I need to do. Well… need and need…"


I grinned at her from across Sunset, "May want to talk to Rarity about some special commissions for Luna," I said softly, "I plan to 'kidnap' her for a couple of weeks. Want to see if I can get some things for her first. Figured I could get some other things done too while I'm here too, stop by Fluttershy among others."


"Yeah, some questions to her about Fern and such along with a couple of other things," I admitted. It wasn't even a lie, I did need to ask her about my houseplant. He was growing quickly.

Sunset shifted and leaned against, "Not bringing him?"

"Silver Leaf already volunteered to watch him while we're gone," I said with a smile, "Just want to make sure he'll be okay and if anyone would know, it would be her."

I had told neither of them why I was really going. To see if Fluttershy could help me… if nothing else to learn to fly and use the natural illusion to hide how I looked now instead of needing to burn my usual magic for it.

I trusted them both with that secret, Sunny already knew it, but if I revealed why I really needed to talk to Fluttershy, then they would know her secret too.

And that one wasn't mine to tell.

Sunny nodded and then suddenly gasped and turned to look at Twilight, "H-hey!"

Twilight just smiled at her, "What? You, me and Page are the only ones in the carriage, Kitten."

"Well, there is one pro of royal privilege," I agreed and brushed my wing along Sunsets side. I would have put it across her back, but then Twilight be able to feel it too and tell it wasn't covered with feathers anymore, "Private carriage."

Sunset flicked her ear and looked between us, "...That's so not fair when you two team up on me."

I grinned at her, "Now you know how I usually feel," and Twilight hid a small giggle.

Sunny shot me a small glare and then sighed and shifted to lean against my side instead before reaching to pull Twilight into a cuddle.

I nuzzled at Sunnys ear and leaned against her in turn.

I needed to tell Twilight about what had happened. Making Sunset keep it from her marefriend just wasn't fair… and I'd be in Ponyville for a day or two and likely spend it living with them.

Besides, she was my friend. I didn't want to lie to her more than I had to.

"...Twilight?" I said after waiting for them to break their kiss, "There… is something I need to show you."

"That's forward of you…" Sunset murmured and glanced back at me with half lidded eyes.

"Quiet, Kitten," I shot back and then I sighed and looked to Twilight, "You know how I managed to get Tempest Shadow her horn back?"

She nodded, "Yes? I did wonder how did you do that?"

I sighed, "I made a deal with Discord," I told her, "And he wasn't happy about it. Not exactly along his nature, you know?"

Twilight blinked at me and raised her wings in distress, "Page!"

"I know, I know," I said and sighed, "but I promised I would do anything I could and it was the only thing I could think about."

Sunset shook her head and slipped out from between us, "Just show her."

I dropped the illusion slowly, letting it start at my horn and slide down across my body and coat, almost like changelings did. The golden line of my magic shifted and where it passed, my coat turned a couple of shades darker, revealing my changed ears, my now almost black bat wings. My slitted eyes and my fangs.

Twilight shifted back in surprise, "Thestral!"

"Still alicorn," I said with a small sigh, "But with bat pony instead of pegasus."

"It's still the same Page," Sunset said and moved up to look at Twilight, meeting her eyes, "This is what Discord did."

Twilight swallowed and then nodded firmly, "We'll make him change you back!"

I shook my head, "Can't," I said and then explained why to her.

She stared at me for a long moment before she sighed and rubbed a hoof just beneath her horn, "...Discord…"

"And don't worry, I don't eat ponies," I reassured her, "I just have a bit more of a taste for fruit now than before."

Twilight slowly nodded before she turned her eyes back to me, "As soon as we get back, we're going to the lab. I need measurements."

I looked at her warily, "...Measuring what?"

She met my gaze, steel in her eyes, "Everything."

I quickly looked to a smirking Sunset before turning back to the other alicorn. She had a kind of fire in her eyes and was grinning at me.

Oh Celestia.