Chapitre 56

Chapter 56

Having finally escaped the very scientific clutches of Twilight after only five hours, I left the outskirts of Ponyville.

I'd still been in Sparkys lab if Sunny had not distracted her for me so I could escape. I have to remember to thank her properly for that later.

For the moment, it looked like I was alone though. But I knew I wasn't, not really. While I had been able to talk my way out of having two ponies following me around for this, I knew Amber was lurking somewhere close.

She always was.

But it looked and felt like I was alone. Something that was rare nowadays. The sun burned bright above, stinging my eyes a bit, but I ignored it as I just listened to the sound of the wind and the birds.

The walk to Fluttershy's cottage wasn't a long one. Maybe thirty minutes or so if not hurrying. I didn't, I took my time and just enjoyed the walk.

You know, living like this would… it would be really nice. Away from ponies, griffons… politics. Could maybe even grow your own food?

I could see the appeal.

Fluttershy's cottage came into view as I rounded a corner in the path. It was nice and cozy looking, the roof overgrown with thick green grass.

I spotted it's owner almost instantly, the yellow pegasus were outside by her little field of vegetables. She had a basket next to her, half filled with carrots, a head of lettuce and what looked like a couple of onions.

"Hello!" I called out before I got too close.

Even so, Fluttershy twitched and looked up in surprise before she spotted me. If anything, that seemed to make her even more flustered,

"L-Lord Page!" she exclaimed as she surged up, her wings spreading in surprise.

I smiled and stopped just outside the gate, "Evening, Miss Fluttershy. Hope I'm not interrupting?"

She shook her head and picked her basket up with her mouth, "I-it's fine, Lord Page," she said, "Is there anything I can h-help you with?"

Taking a deep breath, I nodded, "Actually… yes. Would you mind if we spoke inside?"

Fluttershy blinked at me in surprise before she nodded, "Please. W-would you like some tea?"

"Please, that would be wonderful," I said and opened the gate before following her to the cottage. She lead me inside the small living room before escaping into the kitchen. As I got closer, I saw straight through her illusion, giving the now familiar double vision. One of a yellow pegasus, one of a slightly darker yellow thestral.

I settled down on the couch and just waited for her to return. There were animals all around. Birds were fluttering by the ceiling between the bookshelves, rabbits and mice I could hear beneath the couch.

Fluttershy was a real life disney princess and that's all there was to it.

She returned a couple of minutes later, carrying a tray with some cookies, a tea kettle and a pair of tea cups before pouring us a cup each.

"Lord Page-" she then started and I held my hoof up,

"Please, I told you before. Just Page." I said with a smile.

She flicked her ears and then nodded, "J-just Fluttershy then," she said and smiled slightly, "W-what can I help you with?"

I took a deep breath and sipped the tea before I told her everything. She didn't move a feather when I got to Discord. She just watched me, her eyes widening when I told her about the deal.

Fluttershy was quiet for several long moments, looking down at her tea cup before she swallowed, "D-discord did that?"

"...Yes," I said and then sighed, "But I did agree to his price. I may not have known what it was at the time, but I knew it wouldn't be something tiny. I was asking a lot from him and we are not exactly on the best of terms. I'm not angry at him about this"

She swallowed, "C-can I see?"

"Would make things tricky if you couldn't," I admitted before I nodded and I let the illusion fade away and shifted my wings a little. She dropped her own seemingly out of surprise, her wings spread high and wide as she stared at me.

"...You have never met another thestral before, have you?" I asked her after a second.

Fluttershy shook her head, "Just… just my mother. I-I got it from her."

I nodded, "I was hoping you could give me a couple of tips, " I said, "I can't fly like this and I have to keep the illusion up with my unicorn magic."

Fluttershy bit her lower lip slightly before she nodded, "I-I'm not a very good flyer."

"Better than me right now," I sighed, "I just… kind of flop about when I try."

She finally nodded again, "I'll help. A-and I'll talk with Discord about it. I-it's not fair what he did."

"Don't try to get him to cancel it, not without leaving her horn whole," I cautioned her, "I made a promise."

Fluttershy nodded, "I...I promise."