Chapitre 10

Chapter 10

The Dreamrealm whirled around me as I searched it for a mind, a specific dream realm, a specific face locked in my mind as I sifted through the mirror portals all around.

Magic thrummed through me, flowing down through me into the not ground beneath me as I twisted the fabric of the not dream realm around me.

Finally I opened my eyes. A single shimmering slightly blue silvery portal floated before me.


Stepping forward, I touched my horn to the silvery surface and stepped through into the dream beyond it.

The dream shifted into existence around me, just kind of fading into reality, leaving me in a dark forest clearing next to a small lake with a jetty sticking out into it, a small rowboat tied to it at one point.

The moon shone down brightly from above, the stars shining like clear pinpricks high above.

I looked around, quickly identifying the occupant of the dream, it was the thestral mare that I saw in the tavern. She was at the end of the jetty, laying down, one hoof dangling down to just about brush against the surface of the lake.

The dream gave me the information I wanted. Her name was Moon Beam.

I hesitated for a moment about disturbing her, it just looked so peaceful… what more, this dream felt like it was a memory and not just something her brain had made up… but I felt like I really needed to talk to her.

Tapping my hoof against the ground, I felt the dream solidify around us. She didn't react before her ears suddenly twitched as my hooves splashed slightly in the water of the lake.

Moon Beam quickly sat up and looked around, her eyes going wide and her wings spreading in surprise as she spotted me, "Y-you're…"

"Blank Page," I said and gave her a small bow, "I'm sorry for intruding, Miss Beam."

She seemed a bit stunned and then blinked, looking around, "...This is a dream. You're in my dream."

"I am," I agreed and smiled, spreading my wings and flying over to land on the jetty, "And a very nice one it is. Peaceful."

"...It's close to where I grew up," she said quietly and then eyed me hesitantly, "...Are you really here?"

I shrugged my wings, "I am. But then again, that's what a dream image would say, wouldn't he?" I admitted with a smile, "If you like I can send a letter tomorrow?"

Her cat-like eyes widened and she quickly bowed, "I'm sorry, my Lord!"

I frowned at her, "What for?" I asked as I approached, "If anything, I'm the one that's apologizing, I am intruding after all."

She hesitated and got up again, "I… I mean… royalty…"

"Barely, royalty," I corrected her with a smile, "I married into it, I'm not an actual Prince."

Moon Beam frowned, "But…" and spread her left wing, glancing back at it before she squeaked and turned to run as she realized her illusion wasn't active.

She galoped in place as I moved up next to her.

"Miss Beam," I told her calmingly, "I know you know what I look like now. Would I, if anypony, be bothered by you being a thestral?"

"But, but, but...!"

She shied away a bit and I sighed, spreading my wings and shifting the light slightly, making the light glitter in my eyes.

Moon Beam was breathing heavily but stopped running, watching me with wide eyes, "L-Lord Page…"

I shook my head, "Just Page if you don't mind? I never was much for titles." before I sat down, "...It's not right that you need to hide."

Moon Beam hesitated and her ears flicked to the side before she sank down too, looking down and to the side, "Other ponies would… be afraid."

"...Yeah," I admitted and sighed, "I noticed ponies being nervous since… this," I said and shifted my wings again, "That doesn't make it right."

Moon Beam tensed slightly and then looked at me, "...That's you, sir. Any normal po… any normal thestral would be driven out of town."

I frowned at her, "I'm sure that's not right. The Lunar Guard pegasi looks like thestrals while in uniform."

"And everypony knows they aren't really thestrals," Moon Beam said quietly and brushed her hoof against the jetty, "And I know how mom reacted when she discovered dad was really a thestral… and me."

"Moon Beam, I'm sorry…"

"Ponies hate us," she said softly, "They are afraid of us and they hate us. I have friends, but if they really knew what I was, they wouldn't be my friends anymore."

I shook my head, "That's not true."

The look on her face told me that she didn't believe me.