Chapitre 11

Chapter 11

"She was afraid," I told Luna, "Afraid her friends would abandon her if they discovered what she really is."

Luna hesitated and shifted her wings, her ears flicking once before she answered, "There…" she shook her head, "I don't know. That's how ponies reacted before I… left. That was one of the reasons my Guard is like it is with the pegasi disguises."

I looked to her in surprise, "I can't believe it would still be like that. It's been a thousand years!"

Luna sighed, "I know."

I frowned at her, "...No, I'm sorry, but I cant believe that's true. Sure, ponies have been a bit hesitant since these," I said and shifted my wings, "But I can't believe they would literally shun a thestral out of town!"

Sunset shifted a bit on the bed next to me across from Luna. She frowned slightly as she watched me, "Page… I don't know…"

I looked at her in surprise, "What?"

Sunset sighed softly, "Page… you know ponies are easily… startled by things they aren't used to," she admitted.

"There is a difference between being unsure about unknown beings and outright rejecting ones you know because they are different!"

I shook my head and got up, "I'll prove it. Tomorrow I'll disguise myself as a regular thestral and go out on town and have lunch."

There was a scramble of hooves against the floor and Amber jumped into view landing next to the bed, her wings buzzing as she glared up at me, "No, sir!"

I blinked down at her, "What?"

"You're not putting yourself into unnecessary danger!" she stated and stomped one hoof, "It was bad enough that you snuck out without guards yesterday!"

"That's not the-"

"You did what!?" Luna exclaimed and quickly sat up, "Page! They are there for a reason! What i-"

"You can't just ditch them!" Sunset said as she looked at me with a frown, "I know you don't like it, but-"

"Enough!" I said loudly and stomped my hoof on the bed, the lack of a sound somewhat running the effect, as I spread my wings and I looked between all three of them, "I'm doing this."

Neither Sunset nor Luna looked exactly happy about that idea but Amber looked outright rebellious.

I jumped off the bed and folded my wings again, "I need to know, and I need to know as soon as possible. Because if that's true, it's not right and needs to be fixed."

Sunset shared a look with Luna before jumping off the bed and moving up to give me a small nuzzle, "Page… I didn't say it shouldn't change," she said softly, "But I just don't see how to make ponies accept somepony."

I slipped my wing around her back and pulled her close, nuzzling back and touching my horn against hers, "You did."

"...I'm not a usual pony," Sunset admitted, "For one thing, I spent years as a bipedal primate. Besides, I knew… I knew where it was from and for what."

I frowned at her before Luna moved up to my other side, slipping a wing across both of our backs, giving me a nuzzle at my ear,

"I would like for nothing more than to let Thestrals be accepted," she told me softly, "I have tried to do that before, with my guard. While the guard, as you say, is accepted… it's not to say the same would happen to thestrals in public. I don't know for sure how it is now, but I know how it was before I was detained."

"It's been a thousand years, My Sky," I told her with a small sigh, nuzzling back, "If it hasn't changed, then it's way past time that it does. Too many generations have been forced to live hidden from other ponies. If that's what's going on, it's stopping. Now."

"But you're taking your guards," Luna told me, "Promise me that."

"Luna, I can't do this if I'm followed around by two ponies everywhere I go!"

"What about another couple of Changelings?" Amber suggested as she moved around to face us, "I can talk to Princess Skitter."

Sunset nodded, "That works for me."

I sighed and shook my head but Luna nodded as well,

"That seems like a reasonable compromise, doesn't it, Page?" Luna asked and looked at me, "...For us?"

Don't look at me like that, I'm weak, okay?

"...Okay," I agreed with a small sight, "I suppose that's fair enough."