Chapitre 24

Chapter 24

Ponies were busy all across the village making repairs and replacing windows where possible, boarding them up where there were no more windows available.

"Everypony seems to be taking this in stride," I said and looked to Midnight as she walked next to me, "I would have expected more panic to be honest. There was a massive explosion that blew up their library and center square!"

She shrugged her wings slightly, "They're used to it. Ponyville is at the edge of the Everfree forest, monster attacks aren't common, but they aren't rare either. While they are usually driven off, property damage isn't rare."


That made sense. Was worrying, but made some sense. Also a difference between humans and ponies. Humans would never have stood for that and would have burned the Everfree to the ground years ago, hunting the monsters to extinction.

Humans didn't take not being on top of the food chain well.

"So, everypony keeps some material at hoof to make repairs," She said and stopped, using her magic to lift a stack of planks onto the second story of a building, getting a wave of thanks by the earth pony boarding up a window.

"...How's Sparks?"

Midnight shrugged her wings again, "On enforced bedrest at the Apple Farm until the doctors clear her. Sunset is keeping an eye on her."

"Oh, I know how that is," I admitted and rubbed my foreleg, "So… how are you holding up?"

Midnight glanced over towards the remains of the stone table in the middle of the square where the library once was before her ears drooped and she shook her head, "...I actually thought I was going home," she answered quietly.

"It's not the end of that," I told her, "There mi-"

"No Page," she said and shook her head, looking at me, "It is. Don't you get it? The table is ruined! It was the only part that still remained as a link and now it's gone!"

"...I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll think of something."

Midnight shook her head, "Magic... doesn't work like that," she said before she sighed, "I was so sure it would work. We both were. I don't know what happened."

"Neither do I," I said, "But I'm glad we were all there."

"Me too."

"...How's Twi taking it?" I asked after another couple of minutes of walking, "I haven't been to the farm yet."

"Not that great," Midnight said, "She's blaming herself."

"Pot, Kettle."

That actually drew a smile from the purple alicorn, "Very funny," she said and then sighed, "I'm not sure it has really sunk in yet that the library is gone. I knew it took awhile for me when mine blew up."

"Oh yeah. Tirek blew it up in your timeline."

"Mmm," she nodded and sighed, "Yeah."

"So... what now?"

She shrugged her wings, "I don't know," she admitted with another small sigh, "I just don't know. I'm going to stay with Twi for a bit at least and make sure she's okay."

"You know that we're all here for you need it," I told her seriously, "Both of you, Twi and the Spikes."

Midnight looked amused, "The Spikes?"

"Well, your Spike changes his name everytime he comes up with a cool one, so..."

She giggled, "...I'll tell him to pick one and stick with it."

I looked around, "You know, as hot as Celestia is, I doubt she actually vaporized the entire library. There has to be some of Sparky's things that survived, even if it was thrown halfway across Equestria. Most of her private things were at the top level and the top floor was mostly behind the portal after all, that had to have taken a smaller amount of the blast. Any ideas on how to find that?"

Midnight blinked at me before she bounced, her wings doing a flap, "Page! You're a genius!"

"True," I agreed with a nod.

That earned me an eye roll before she continued, "I know a spell that might help. Come on, let's see if we can find something!"