Chapter 25
The Apple farm was more or less like I remembered it from the one time I visited it in the past. Okay, that's not quite true, it was now covered in what seemed like a meter of thick snow with paths shoveled back and forth between the buildings.
I had to admit, it was a very comfortable and lived in looking picture.
"Come on," Midnight said, trotting along next to me, carrying the box in her magic, "I'm sure Twi will be glad to know at least some things survived."
I just nodded and quickly moved along with her. I wanted to at least check in on Sparks before I headed back to Canterlot. Luna and Celestia had left already, but I wanted to help Midnight find as much as we could before I followed them.
And find things we had, even if I was equally sure that we had missed so much more. But we had managed to find some things. Some clothes(scorched), some books(scorched and soggy), some personal items(soggy).
Midnight led the way inside and I paused to magic the snow and water off my hooves before following her inside only to find myself almost muzzle to muzzle with Grandma Apple.
She regarded me for a long moment. She looked me up and down before leaning a bit to the side to look at my wings for a second before she looked to me again, "Ya a bat now, eh?"
"...Not anymore than Twilight is a pegasus," I said a bit warily. Because I knew how old people, especially old country people, could be.
"Ah," she said and nodded, "Ye must be hungry after all that running around. Ye want some apples?"
I blinked at her in surprise, "I... uhm, a little?" I admitted, "But it doesn't need to be fruit, I can eat normal food."
"But ye like apples?"
"Come on, let's get ya some food!"
"But I..." I started before I flicked my ears, "That's not nece-"
"Nonsense! Come along!"
Knowing better than to argue, I made the mistake of following her into the kitchen. That's where Sunset found me about an hour later.
She trotted in through the door, coming down from upstairs before suppressing a giggle as she spotted me, "Having fun?"
"Guhhh..." I answered smartly, leaned back against the chair, the plate before me finally clean and not being refilled. Granny Smith was happily moving around the kitchen. She wasn't fast, but she was persistent.
"Want me to roll you upstairs to say hi to Twi?" Sunset teased with a grin.
"...I planned to, but I got sidetracked," I said and rolled off the chair and onto my hooves, "...Thank you, Granny Smith. That was delicious."
"You're very welcome. Now, off you go!"
I gave her a bow, making her chuckle and whip a kitchen towel in my direction before I retreated with Sunset.
"Applejack's cooking is just as good," Sunset said and stuck her tongue out at me, "Just in case you're looking for another mare?"
"Half a year in and I'd be woken up in the morning by Celestia trying to raise me instead of the sun! We'd be the same size!"
Sunset snort-giggled and gave me a nuzzle, "Silly colt. Wanna see Twi before you head back to Canterlot?"
"Yeah," I agreed, "You sticking around?"
Sunset nodded and led the way up the stairs, "For a while, a week or so," she said, "Then I think we'll both head to Canterlot for Hearth's Warming."
I nodded and followed her into the Guestroom. The very crowded guestroom. All the elements were there, so was Midnight and the two Spikes. Twilight looked a bit embarrassed about it all from where she was on the bed.
"Page!" she said, quickly looking up when I entered, "Tell them I'm fine!"
"You're not fine, the doctor said so," I told her, "Just relax for a couple of days, you got a nasty smack to the head."
She groaned, "But there is so much to do!"
"And I'll handle it," Midnight said from next to her on the bed, "I want something to... keep me distracted anyway," she admitted, getting a sympathetic look from Twilight.
"And we'll help out!" Rainbow Dash said with a firm nod she then added to the general agreement in the room, "Don't worry about it!"
Sunset smiled at her, "Told you. Just relax and get better, okay?"
Twilight relaxed against the bed with a groan.
I better get that final draft ready as soon as I get back to Canterlot and send it to her to have a look at. I know she loved not only getting to read things first, but also then find the errors. That'll cheer her up and keep her busy.