Chapitre 33

Chapter 33

With the research part of it handled, at least that part of research, I actually didn't actually get any more time for other things, as it was a new thing, not an old task.

Shifting my wings I read through the page for the fifth time before I put it to the side and went on for the next one. Book almost done.

Well, done enough to send to Sparks at least for an edit.

That'd free some more time out of my schedule for a bit. Which considering there is only a week left until Hearth's Warming and some more free time for a bit would be so very nice.

...Of course, Luna won't get that much more time over so there was a limit on how much it will help, but-

"Hey," Sunset said and jumped onto the couch next to me.

I twitched in surprise and looked at her, not having even noticed that she arrived, "Oh. hey! When did you get to Canterlot?"

Sunset smiled and touched her horn against mine, "Just now. We all came to Canterlot for the holidays."

I slipped my wing across her back, "How's Sparks and Midnight?"

Sunset looked thoughtful for a second and sighed softly, "I think they are doing a little better. Twi at least is mostly frustrated from her cast. She has nightmares sometimes."

"I catch them whenever I can."

She nodded and gave me a nuzzle before continuing, "Midnight… I think she's depressed."

"Can't really blame her for that…"

Sunset nodded with a small sigh, "I know. I just hate seeing her like that. They are going to stay with their… Twi's… parents for the holidays. I hope it helps, but… I don't know."

I pulled her a bit tighter with my wing and she leaned against me, resting her head against my neck, "I wish there was something I could do."

"Me too," she admitted and sighed softly.

We stayed like that for a long moment before I nuzzled at her ear, "...I have an invitation to the griffon embassy for a reception in three days. Want to come?"

Sunset nodded, "Sure," and then looked thoughtful, "...Should we invite Midnight to go with us?"

"Want to get her mind on something else?"

She nodded again, "She's like Twi, the moment she gets her brain really working on something she stops worrying. If she doesn't, she has a tendency to panic or worry herself in circles. I don't know if she would even want to go right now, but I figure we could at least try?"

"Ask her, I'll inform the griffons if she says yes," I said and frowned, "Okay, this sucks. I haven't seen you in weeks and we're all mopey. I'm sorry."

Sunset shook her head and then smiled at me, "It's been that kind of a year, wingboy."

"It has, hasn't it?" I sighed and pulled her closer, "Can only hope that next year is better."

Sunset stretched and slipped out from beneath my wing to jump down onto the floor, "Come on, I want to go practice."

"But it's cold outside," I protested.

I didn't whine, stallions don't whine.

Sunset flicked her tail and looked at me, "And I haven't done it in weeks! Besides, it's not like fights would only ever find us on a nice spring day."

Oh damn it. She had a point… and I had been lazy about it for weeks. Mostly because of the weather to be honest, not because of the time restraints.

"...Okay…" I sighed and gathered my papers up with my magic before putting them in order and jumping off the couch, "Fine."

Sunset smirked and gave me a look hot enough to melt ice, "Besides, we can always warm up after."

Now that was a perk.

I eyed her, "Oh really?" I said with a grin, "After only two weeks with Sparks, you want s-

Sunset rolled her eyes and headed towards the door, interrupting me with a smack across the muzzle with her tail tip, "Just come on."

I grinned and quickly moved to trot along next to her, "So, what do you wanna do?"

Sunset shrugged a bit, "Field two? It's usually empty this time of day," she suggested.

"It's also covered with three hooves of snow…"

She grinned, "And?"

I glowered at her, "Race you there!" and then I teleported out of the tower before she could answer and spread my wings against the freezing wind and quickly winged it towards the guard training field across the castle.

Sunset may be better at non-line of sight teleporting and might be able to make it there before me, but it was tricky unless you knew exactly both where you were and where you were going.

I cheated however. I knew where I was and I knew there was only air to where I was teleporting… okay, barring the random pegasus or something which is why I didn't do it regularly.

Besides, if I got there first, I could set up an ambush!