Chapitre 34

Chapter 34

The band played softly in the background and I could tell that the entire event was 'ponified'. Vegetarian food, if with a griffon twist laid out on a large table to one side. There were a couple of fish dishes however.

Likely mostly for my benefit.

Sunset rolled her eyes as I moved over to her and Midnight, my plate covered with pieces of fruit and smoked salmon. I had tried a small piece to make sure I could still eat it about half an hour ago and it was just as delicious as I remembered it being.

"What?" I asked her with a toothy grin.

"Carnivore. Just so you know, no kisses today."

"...Kinda worth it," I told her and popped a piece of cold smoked salmon into my mouth and it almost melted on my tongue.

Oh fuck yes. I'm emigrating.

Midnight watched with interest before she looked to Sunset, "...You know, I'd think you would be used to it because of you...," she said and then paused and glanced around at the ponies and griffons through the room, "you know."

Sunset shook her head, "No thank you. I stayed away from that there too, I just told everyone I was vegetarian."

"Not even curious?" I asked and offered her my plate.

Sunset glowered at me as a small piece of salmon lifted in a purple/pink cloud of magic and floated over to Midnight who promptly ate it.

Midnight looked thoughtful and chewed as Sunset gaped slightly at her.

"What?" Midnight asked, "I was… there… too for about a week back where I was from. I was curious and not like it's from anything thinking over there. Fish here is perfectly okay, it's a cultural thing for ponies, not biological."

"Mostly," I told her, "Just don't have too much or your stomach won't be happy with you."

"And you like it?" Sunset asked in surprise.

Midnight shrugged her wings, "Well… didn't say that. It's not exactly a favorite, let's just say. But my time there pretty much cured me of the 'eww' reaction most ponies have."

Sunset shook her head and flicked her ears, "Nooo thank you. I'm perfectly happy with keeping that," she said and stole a piece of fruit from my plate.

I pulled my plate back and looked between them, causing Sunset to grin and nibble at her apple slice before moving over to the table to get her own plate.

I looked to Midnight, "So… how much of that was to mess with Sunset?"

Midnight blushed slightly, "...Most," she admitted and did a small full body shiver, "I didn't lie, but what I didn't say is that after I tried it, I went vegetarian."


She shrugged her wings a bit and sighed, "She's just been so… she means well. But she's been hovering over Twi and me since… you know what."

"She's worried, can't blame her for that."

"I know, I know," Midnight said, "and she's my friend and I really do appreciate it. But she just keeps avoiding the subject and… I don't know."

"Talk to her."

"I know, but she means well and…" Midnight sighed and flicked her ears, "Okay, I will. You're right that I should."

I nodded and ate another piece of salmon. Midnight shook her head,

"You actually like that?"

"Grew up with it. My tastebuds aren't that different now and I get it maybe twice a year. I'm going to have as much as they let me."

"...Didn't you say that it upset your stomach if you had too much?"

I nodded and had another piece happily, "Yep. What's your point?"

Midnight grinned and shook her head, moving over to fill her own plate, avoiding the fish. I grinned and adjusted the cloak of my uniform with a flick of my magic as I looked around before making my way over to Ambassador Asbolus.

"Ambassador," I said In greeting, giving him a small courteous bow.

He bowed back, "Your Highness."

"Please," I said with a smile, moving my plate a bit, "Anyone that feeds me fish can call me by name."

He chuckled at that, "I see that my predecessor's notes weren't exaggerated."

Neither of us made notice of the idiot that was between him and his actual predecessor. Not sure it even counted if you had the job for like three hours.

I smiled at him and ate a piece of Salmon.

"Lord Page, I must ask," he continued as he watched me, "Your changes…"

"Not really changes," I said and shrugged my wings, "Some alicorns take after pegasi and some take after thestrals it seems. Just figured things would be complicated enough with an alicorn stallion without also tossing thestral into the mix. But keeping up the illusion got bothersome," I explained, going with the cover story we had set up. Because Discord being able to get to even an Alicorn like this would just cause unnecessary panic.

More panic anyway.

He slowly nodded, "I see. I must say, that does explain some things," he said and glanced down at my plate.

I smiled and ate some more salmon, "This is good, by the way. I must ask for your source."

"A small group of griffons that set up a fisher village in the south of Equestria, the Embassy purchases all our fish from them for freshness" he said, "I'll make sure the information gets delivered."

"Thank you," I said and then shifted my wings. Well, it couldn't hurt to ask, "When i visited your country before, I was on a hunt. The prey animal there… would it be possible…"

The Ambassador looked thoughtful, "Perhaps," he said slowly, "I would need to make some inquiries."

That was a good segue for some seed planting too. Better get working on the entire Changeling thing.

I nodded, "That would be most appreciated. I did enjoy my time visiting your country, but there wasn't much time to see it. Perhaps in the future it could be arranged for me to tour your country, learn more about your culture?"

"But of course, Prince Page!"