Chapitre 45

Chapter 45

Day 7

We are over grassland now. We passed over which according to the map may be one of the last villages in Equestria this morning and now we are over the grassland bordering the edge of the jungle.

We'll likely reach it sometime tomorrow but then we are another day or two of flight away from the area Moon Dancer, Midnight and their team pointed out as a good starting point for our search for the origin of the thestrals.

Moon Dancer has some ideas about how to narrow things down more, but I'm not overly convinced how useful it will be…


I spread my wing as wide as I could as Moon Dancer ran a measuring tape along every bone I had in it while making measurements on a notepad.

"How exactly is this going to help?" I asked as I turned my head to look at her.

"Don't move, please," she answered and measured along the rear edge of my wing, mumbling measurements to herself, her pen scribbling calculations on her notepad.

Well, when she got like that you just had to wait for her to get out of it. I took the time to look around the workshop set up in the cargohold of the ship. One entire corner, the one Moon Dancer and I were currently occupying held several maps and stacks of scrolls and books on several shelves set up around a table with a large map on it.

The rest of the workshop had several worktables as well as storage areas. Right now they were mostly empty other than a couple of ponies working away at their workbenches.

What exactly they were doing already as we haven't even gotten there yet was beyond me, but nothing wrong with getting your tools ready beforehand.

What I was carefully not paying attention to however was Tempest and Midnight at the other end of the workshop. They were sitting close to each other and Midnight was in the middle of explaining something about what they were reading in the book laid out before them.

Tempest were watching her closely and nodding along before asking a question. Midnight shifted her wings and nodded before she answered, shifting a bit closer and pointed out something in the book.

You know what? I think Cadance might actually know what she's doing.

"Moon Dancer?" I asked as I turned back to her, folding my wing again, "How will this help?"

Moon Dancer looked at me in surprise like she had forgotten I was there, "How's your glide ratio? Better or worse than when you had feathered wings?"

I blinked at her, "About the same as before from what I noticed."

She nodded and went back to her notepad.

Oh for…

I sighed and just moved over to look at the map of the area we were heading to. Not that it was especially useful, it was basically a blank roll of paper with coordinate lines on it. Oh, it had a mountain to one side, but other than that?

Just blank.

Never thought I'd miss satellites as much as I did right now. Just eight days from Canterlot and we were in basically uncharted territory.

...Okay, that wasn't fair. One, we were flying day and night faster than a pegasus could cruise. We'd actually covered a good amount of actual distance. Two, the area we were going to was honestly dangerous and filled with deadly predators.

So… far away from the center of Equestria combined with dangerous environments didn't exactly encourage exploration.

Humans might be attracted by that kind of thing but ponies? Not so much.

Speaking of danger, I should go check on the guard detachment and see how they were doing. I had a feeling that we might need them when we arrive and… well, maybe twenty guards was a bit low.

Or maybe that's just my paranoia.

Moon Dancer moved over to look at the map next to me and I looked to her,

"So, what was that entire 'measure the wings' thing?"

"To see if thestral flight capabilities matched pegasi," she said and looked at the map, "It seems like they are."

"I could have told you that. But I'm not the best example, I'm no more a pegasi than Midnight over there is a pegasus. Besides, I think my wings are a bit bigger than average."

"You are," Midnight confirmed, "As an alicorn you are approximately six percent bigger than the average male pegasus over all. But I can scale that and it doesn't matter that much as the rest of you are scaled to it."

I'm still growing. I knew that much too, I had caught up to Midnight and Sparks just before my batification. Nopony had no idea how big I would end up.

Celestia, Luna and Cadence seemed somewhat static like they were now. Would I end up as big as one of them? Considering I seem to be passing Sparks and Midnight, I suspected I'd be bigger than them at least. Or maybe I just grew faster for some reason.

What in the world would I do if I ended up with Celestia's stature?

"Does it help?" I asked, flicking my ear, "That seems… imprecise."

"No," Moon Dancer admitted with a sign, "Even if you think that a raiding party from a pegasus tribe might not like to wander more than a day or two from their homes, a pegasi can travel impressive distances in a day, even carrying potential plunder. I had hoped your flight capabilities would have been significantly worse."

"I guess we just have to do it the hard way then."