Chapitre 46

hapter 46

"Sir," Moonglow said and saluted as I joined her out on the deck of the airship. Despite her name, she wasn't either a hidden batpony or a unicorn, she was pure pegasus and with a white coat and silvery mane, a moon and sword cutiemark.

"Lieutenant Moonglow," I said with a smile and looked out over the grasslands beneath, "How's things?"

She put her hoof down on the deck again, "We're doing well, sir," she said and shifted her wings across her form fitting armour, "The girls are a bit restless, but we make do."

"Space is at a bit of a premium onboard, sadly," I said, "Sorry."

Moonglow shook her head, "We're making due, sir," she said again with a smile, "We're doing a lot of exercise, but it's hard for the earth ponies."

I nodded. They were so much stronger than being constrained like this made it difficult for them to work.

"Well, we should be there in a couple of days… the first spot at least," I said, "It's going to be a dangerous area."

Moonglow nodded, "Yes, sir. The briefing of possible creatures was worrying, but we'll set up a perimeter and a full guard rotation with shifts to keep the camp safe with fortifications."

"Let me know if I can help with lifting or something," I told her, "I do have a horn and not a lot of other duties."

She smiled and nodded, "Will do, sir," before she looked out towards the landscape, "We have slowed down."

I nodded, "I noticed and asked earlier. Apparently the weather scouts reported back that there is a storm ahead. We have slowed down to either let it pass by before us or find a way around."

Moonglow frowned, "We should have been informed. Every pegasus in the Legion has a valid weather licence."

"I'll talk to the Captain," I said, "Cooperation will be important for this expedition to go smoothly. But he might already have plenty of scouts, that's why he has weather scouts after all."

Weather may be carefully managed further into Equestria. This far out? Towns had their own weather teams, yes, but they only managed weather in the area around the towns and farms. Plenty of feral clouds around.

"Yes, sir," Moonglow said and flicked her ears. She sniffed the air and looked towards the way we were going, her wings half spreading and she spread her primary feathers wide, "...The wind and pressure is shifting."

"You can sense the storm?" I asked. I didn't feel anything. I suppose feathers really were better for some things.

Moonglow nodded, "I was a weatherpony before I joined, sir," she said, "Rain specialist. The storm is heading this way and if I can feel it before I see it, it's going to be a big one. If we're going to avoid it, we should likely start moving soon."

"I'm sure the Captain knows what he is doing," I said and then turned as the hatch opened for a crewpony to approach us.

The earth pony saluted, "My Lord," he said, "The Captain sent me to inform you that it may be a good idea to return to your quarters, we are about to get some turbulence in a few hours."

"Thank you," I said and nodded to him. He saluted again before quickly returning the way he came and I looked to Moonglow, "Seems like avoiding the storm isn't possible."

Moonglow nodded, "It's not visible yet, but if the wind isn't lying, it's going to be a big one. He might have found out that it's too wide for us to avoid. If that's the case, we should try to get as high as we can and try to get above it."

A moment later the large propellers started to turn faster and we started to pick up speed, raising higher through the air.

Moonglow nodded, "...I'd listen to him, sir," she said, "I'll go tell the troops to get ready and secure our equipment. With your permission?"

I nodded, "Go ahead."

Moonglow saluted and then turned and trotted back inside. I half spread my wings and tried to feel what she had.

I just felt wind. Maybe there was something I did lose when I got non-feathery parts. Or maybe it was the lack of experience and the fact that I knew about as much about weather work as I did about panda breeding.

Oh well.

Not like I ever planned that as a career and nobody could possibly know how to do everything. Shrugging my wings I refolded them again and looked towards the horizon. The sun was slowly setting in the distance and I raised my wing against the glare.

Celestia is lowering her sun somewhere in Canterlot right now. Soon Luna would raise her moon.

I miss my Luna. I miss Sunset.

It's only been a bit over a week but I still missed them.

Pushing that thought from my head, I turned and headed inside. Better head down and help secure the workshop in case it got bumpy and then make sure that my stuff was strapped down.