Chapitre 47

Chapter 47

Day 8

It was a dark and stormy night. You know, i have written many books but I don't think I have ever used that one before. But this time it's fitting.

We reached the stormfront just after nightfall and the Captain had taken us as high as the airship would go. We're above the clouds, but the winds are still heavy and we're experiencing a lot of turbulence. Luckily we had plenty of warning from the weather scouts, it gave us plenty of warning to secure our belongings for a bumpy ride.

That didn't mean that we were't buffeted by it however and-


A tendril of cloud drifted past outside my cabin window and lightning flashed through the dark cloudlayer beneath us, lighting the clouds.

I glanced up from my journal as there was a loud rumble, the ship actually shaking slightly at that one. That was a big one.

So, so glad this ship was held up by magic floaty stuff instead of hydrogen.

Because that would have been bad. Explosively so.

Not that I was very happy about it in any case, but it's not like there was a lot we could do about it anyway. We had maybe thirty pegasus onboard that could work clouds. Not enough to affect a storm of this size.

There was another rumble and the ship shifted beneath me slightly before straightening again and I quickly caught my inkwell with my magic before it slipped off the table, putting a cork in it before putting it away.

"You okay, Amber?"

"I'm fine, sir," a voice answered, drifting out from beneath my bunk. I could just about see a pair of luminous eyes from the darkness there when I leaned down to peer in beneath it. Even with my eyes I could barely make her out in the pitch black darkness compared to the rest of my small cabin.

"You sure?"

"...Don't like this, sir."

I nodded, "I know. Don't worry, we'll be okay."

"...Yes, sir..."

Changelings didn't like open spaces in general and were the most comfortable in cramped underground spaces. Amber didn't like this. Like, at all.

Moving, dangerous, waaaay above ground, constricted rooms and way too many things that could go wrong and absolutely nothing she could do about it.

Basically a nightmare scenario for her and at the first thunderclash, she had retreated to beneath my bunk.

The ship shuddered beneath my hooves again and Amber kind of twitched in the darkness, her eyes retreating a bit further back into the darkness. She had to be pressed hard against the wall behind her at this rate or possibly having clawed her way halfway through it.

I frowned slightly, "You sure, Amber?"

"I-I'm fine, sir."

There really wasn't anything I could do to help either, instead I laid down on the floor just outside the bunk, "We're not going to be passing anywhere close to the old Jungle Hive," I commented, "That was much further east from here. Not even sure it's the same stretch of jungle."

"It was," Amber agreed after a moment.

I shifted my wings, "Is that's part of what worries you?" I asked her.

Amber shook her head, "...No, sir."

"There really is no danger, Amber. We're safe."

"We're in a metal box in the sky above a zzzeeetazz," Amber answered, slipping into old changeling for the last word.

That was one that I knew. It meant basically, 'sky ripping storm' or possibly 'hive killing sky' depending on context.

"...Okay, fair assessment," I admitted and shifted my wings, "But this ship is well built and Captain Jetstream and his crew know what they are doing."

"Don't trust them."

I frowned at her, "Why's that?"

"Don't know them, not of The Hive."

I flicked my ear, "A lot of ponies aren't. The other ponies onboard aren't either. Is Midnight or Moon Dancer? The Guard?"

"No. Don't trust them. But they belong to you."

"Amber, I'm not 'of the hive' either."

Her eyes blinked at me once in the darkness, "Yes you are."


I smiled at her, "Thank you," I said and shifted my wings, "Come on, let's see if we can't find someth-"

There was a crashing sound of ripping metal and I suddenly found myself slightly airborne for a split second before sliding sideways across the floor to smash into the legs of the table as alarms started to blare.