Chapitre 48

Chapter 48

What in the fuck!

I rolled with the slide, putting my hooves against the legs of the table to stop myself from hitting it with my back.

Alarms blared as Amber scrambled out from beneath my bunk, "Are we crashing!?" she asked, eyes wide.

The ship rocked beneath us and then tipped back to level. I rolled onto my hooves but stayed down, "...I don't think so. But something just went horribly wrong."

The ship didn't seem like it wanted to throw me across the room again and I very carefully got onto my hooves again, wings half spread for balance just in case.

"I don't like this!" Amber said and her eyes darted around the room.

"Not a huge fan either," I admitted over the sound of the blaring alarm, keeping on my hooves when the ship rocked slightly by using my wings, "Let's find out what happened."

I moved over and slid the door open, exiting my cabin. No smoke in the air and it didn't feel like we were falling. But I also didn't hear the engines anymore.

That's… bad.

An engineering pony came galloping the corridor and I quickly got out of her way. As much as I wanted to ask the earth pony what happened, she likely had way more important things to do than informing me.

She passed us at a full gallop towards the rear of the ship, tools clanking in her tool belt at every step.

But I needed to know what was going on. I glanced back at Amber, "Come on, let's go to the bridge."

Amber nodded, her eyes wide and her side firmly pressed against the wall of the corridor, her legs slightly bent.

I shifted and touched my wing to her side, "Come on."

She nodded again and then started to move.

It didn't take us long to get to the bridge but after dodging another five ponies galloping through the corridors on their way to their stations or duties.

The door to the bridge was already open and I entered, looking around.

"No power, Captain!" The unicorn by the wheel called back to the Captain, keeping a firm grip of the wheel with his hooves while working one of the levers with his magic, "Engines not responding."

A earth pony galloped past me and Amber directly to Captain Jetstream, "Captain! Report from the engine room."

"Well, speak up!" Jetstream said, barely sparing amber and myself a glance.

"Port engine is gone, we had a direct hit! The mana capacitor is cracked and it brought down the starboard engine with it. Engineer Sparkgap thinks she can get it working again, but it'll take days to fix the capacitor."

Jetstream nodded, "Can we siphon power from the lift system?"

The earth pony nodded, "Yes, but only for a couple of minutes before we start to lose altitude. Ten, fifteen at most."

"Captain!" The helms pony said, "It's getting mighty tricky keeping her into the wind without power!"

Jetstream stomped his hoof on the deck before he nodded once, turning back to the messenger, "Tell Sparkgap to get us hooked up for cross power transfer. If we start to drift, we might hit a mountain or get pulled into an airstream that can rip us apart. We have to land."

The messenger nodded and saluted before turning and galloping out from the bridge.

Jetstream spared us a glance now, "Lord Page, this might be a rough landing, we're well over the jungle by now, we have had a strong headwind. If you want to make yourself useful, alert Princess Midnight and the rest of the passengers."

I nodded, "That we can do. Midnight might have some ideas on how to keep us going."

"Find her."

I nodded again and looked to Amber, "We have to move fast. Think you can keep up?"

She pulled herself up straight and gave me a firm nod, "Yes sir!"

I shot her a smile and then I galopped out of the bridge. We had to find Midnight, if nothing else she would be able to teleport everypony down to the ground safely if it looks like we're about to crash. Moon Dancer too, she might have some good ideas about what we could do.

If you're on a crashing airship, make sure to do it with the smartest ponies you can onboard to help figure out a way out of it.

I was only a couple of meters away from the bridge when I literally ran into Midnight and we went into a pile on the deck.

"Page!" Midnight exclaimed as we unentangled ourselves, "What's going on!?"

"Engines took a hit!" I said, "One engine gone, one down with the mana capacitor damaged. Engineer is going to cross feed from the lift system!"

Midnight's eyes widened before she looked determined, "I'll help," she said and disappeared in a flash of a teleport.

I am so envious of that filly's skill at teleporting.