Chapitre 75

Chapter 75

I circled above the pyramid as Amber and I reached it. It was amazing how much progress they had made in just the time we had been getting the fruit harvest.

The barricade was only a dozen segments from being finished and things looked much more organized already. It didn't just have the line of quarter cut trunks this time, it also had a line of them with the pointy end at a forty five degree angle outwards. They had moved the medical tent to the lower level to make it faster to move the injured inside and the cooking tent had been moved up to take its place.

The other tents had been moved around a bit into straight lines instead of just jumbled up like before.

Pones had been really busy.

Spotting Moon Glow, I circled lower and went down to land close by before trotting over to her, "Moon Glow."

"Sir," she said, putting her helmet down. She was out of her armour and it was laid out on the stone next to her as she cleaned it.

"Amber and I spotted something big in the jungle," I said without preamble.

That got her full attention instantly, "Where and what?"

"By where we collected the fruit, maybe a kilometer from the camp," I told her, "We didn't see it, just hear it beneath the tree but it sounded big. It wasn't heading this way directly however, it headed towards the west. We don't even know there was a rexosaurus, just that it was big."

Moon Glow sighed and looked towards the jungle beyond the barricade, "...How many massive predators does this jungle need?"

I sat down on the stone, shifting my wings in a shrug, "To be fair, we don't actually know that it was a predator, we didn't see it. Could just as easily have been a big herbivore."

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Really?"

I nodded, "I mean, the rexasaurus does need to eat something when there are no ponies around."

"Good point," Moon Glow admitted and sighed, "Just another week, sir."

"Just another week," I agreed. We just needed to hold out for another week.

"Kind of wish Captain Armor was here right now," Moon Glow admitted, "One of those shields of his would be really useful."

"No kidding," I agreed before I frowned, "I wonder if Midnight can put something like that up?"

Moon Glow shook her head, "I already asked. She can, but she can't put it up for as long and she was far from convinced it would even help if the rexasaurus was magic immune."

I nodded, "Well, that would have been too easy, wouldn't it?"

She nodded and started to assemble her armour again, "Yes, sir. Well, we'll be as ready as we can. We can only hope that if something like that comes for us, one of the scouts spot it with time to give us some warning."

"Nopony can do anything more," I agreed and moved down the stairs of the pyramid, moving beneath the tent for the injured.

I looked across them for a second before making my way along the ones that were awake, checking how they were doing and if they needed anything. It was the least I could do, I was the reason they were even here.

Then I reached Swift where he was reading a book. I looked down at him for a second, "You look like shit."

"So. Bored," he sighed and let the book drop onto the stone next to his sleeping roll, "It will be weeks before I can move around again under my own power. Doc says a month until I'm on my hooves again."

I nodded and then flicked one ear, smirking as I lowered my voice, "Well... it's not all bad."

"How is me breaking my legs a good thing?" he asked, looking up at me.

I grinned, "Well, we'll be back home in two weeks. That leaves two weeks of being attended to by your marefriend."

Swift blinked and then chuckled, "Okay, maybe not all bad," he admitted before he sighed, "Doesn't really help now though."

"Maybe not, but it does give you something to look forward to," I said and stood back up, "Besides... right now, boring is good. Boring is safe."

"Well, you're right about that," Swift agreed and glanced towards the jungle, "Perhaps boring isn't that bad."

"Not all bad anyway," I said, "Just relax, we'll be out of here before you know it."

With that, I moved to climb the stairs to the second level again and enter the dark of the pyramid. The large center chamber was lit up by torches still, my eyes quickly adapting to the dim light on my way down the hallway to where the research team had set up. Several tables had been assembled and books and scrolls stacked up. Midnight must have done some extra trips back to the airship to get the things because I know we didn't bring any of that on the trek here.

I wish I could teleport like she could.

Right now Midnight and Moon Dancer were arguing about something across one of the tables and as I watched, Midnight stabbed her hoof towards something on a large rolled out map. Moon Dancer shook her head and said something back, causing Midnights wings to raise in annoyance.

"So..." I said as I moved up Dee where she was sketching the chamber, "They have been at this for a bit I take it?"

Dee put her pen down and nodded, "Half an hour or so," she said and shrugged her wings, "Something about ley lines and magic flow. There seems to be some disagreement if it's a natural ley line or if the temple itself diverted a natural one here."

"...Does that matter?" I asked, blinking down at her.

Dee sighed, "You're asking the wrong pony," she said and shook her head before taking the pen in her muzzle again and going back to sketching the statue.