Chapitre 76

Chapter 76

"Daring Do looked around the chamber, her eyes playing across the masonry as the light of her last torch flickered in the darkness," I read out loud, "The slight rumbling from distance thunder sounding loud enough to be audible even in the underground chamber."

"There has to be a way out of here, there always are," Dee read next to me, "The ancient ponies that built this place always had trap doors hidden in structures like this, I just need to find it!"

"But even as she looked, she knew," I continued, "That she only had so much time. If the torch went out, if the rain got here first. This chamber could become her to-"

I broke off and my ears turned as I looked up past the group gathered around us to listen.

Everypony else turned to listen too at the sound of snapping branches coming from the forest outside the barricade.

"Guards! At the ready!" Moon Glow commanded as she flew down from the upper level, spear held in one hoof, "In positions! Everypony knows what to do, get into the shelters!"

Everypony sprang into action, but it wasn't in panic. Everypony knew what to do and hurried into the shelter of the lower level of the pyramid. I got to my hooves, Amber somehow seeming to materialize next to me, "You should too, sir."

"I'm staying," I told her in a tone that said I wasn't asking, "They might need my eyes."

Amber made a small buzzing sound but didn't argue.

Dee looked at me and gave me a nod. I nodded back and then she took to the skies, circling high up into the night. Her task was to be one of the 'eyes in the sky'.

That's when I saw it. The rexosaurus slammed into the barricade, one head turning to grip one of the spears sticking outwards in it's yaws and rip it out of the ground. Then it started to batter it's way through.

"Fire!" Moon Glow yelled and her unicorns shot the first of their spears towards the closest head. They peppered across it's thick skin, some bouncing off, some sticking.

The monstrosity seemed to care about as much as I would about a mosquito bite.

It opened it's jaw, showing rows of needle-like teeth as thick as my foreleg before it roared loud enough to make my lungs vibrate in my chest.

It pressed it's wings against the barricade and the thick wood snapped like matchsticks and it was through. A second volley of spears stabbed towards it.

"Aim at the eyes!" Moon Glow yelled and the pegasi took to the air, swooping above it to distract it as the unicorns threw again.

"Clear the area," a voice said and I looked to my left only to see Midnight step up to me.

She looked like she had when those two things attacked out camp during the journey here. Her mane moved to a wind that only affected her.

I nodded and looked down towards Moon Glow, "Clear the area!" I yelled to her, "Heavy hitter, coming through!"

She spared a quick glance towards me and Midnight before she yelled orders for her pegasi to pull back almost in a slight panic.

As soon as they did, Midnight's horn lit up brightly and a dozen of the barricade quarter trunks lifted into the air before spinning around, their pointed ends aimed towards the rexosaurus.

Now, I could say that she threw them at it, but that would have been a bit of an understatement.

There was a woh-smack sound and the rexosaurus roared. The massive spears didn't accelerate towards it, they just kind of disappeared from where they had been and then reappeared halfway through the monstrosity, buried a pony length into the thickly packed ground through its entire body in a dozen separate places.

The thing was tough. But nothing is that though.

The monster managed a final sound before it collapsed against the thick spears running through its body.

Midnights mane settled down and the glow from her horn faded away as the rexosarus collapsed with a final wheezing sound. She looked at it for a long moment before she spread her wings and glided down to stand before it.

I spread my wings and followed her down, looking up at the dead beast.

"You did it," I said quietly as the scent of fresh blood filled the air, making it taste like copper.

"Then why don't I feel any better," Midnight asked just as quietly, "I think I'm-" she said and then quickly closed her eyes, looking like she was going to throw up.

"Because you're a good pony," Tempest told her as she joined us, moving up to Midnight's other side, pressing her side against her.

Midnight took a deep breath, trying to calm down. But it just made her turn green and she quickly looked around in slight panic before she disappeared into a flash of light.

I looked to Tempest, "She really does deserve better than this," I told her quietly.

Tempest nodded, "I'll go check on her, Commander," she said and then went looking for the other alicorn.

I shifted my weight and my hoof made a slight squish sound so I looked down, finding that one of my hooves was in a pool of blood and dirt, turning it into a kind of nasty looking mud.

Quickly taking a step back, I dried my hoof on the grass before looking up at the monster.

Wonder if Luna let me bring one of the skulls with us when we go back home. It would look so awesome on the wall of the living room.

Then I tilted my head in thought, looking at it for a long moment, "Amber?" I then asked.

"Yes, sir?" she asked as she stepped up next to me.

"The one that attacked the airship camp... you were there and watched the entire attack, right?"

Amber nodded, "I wasn't teleported out, I hid."

"Yeah, so you got a better look than anypony else. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I was more than a bit distracted at the time, but didn't it have longer horns?"

Amber looked at the dead rexosaurus before she nodded, "It did. There's more of them."

"There's more of them," I agreed with a sigh, rubbing my eyes with my hoof, "Fucking awesome