Chapitre 80

Chapter 80

Stupid... stupid... stupid fruit!

I turned the purple fruit in my hooves. We had discovered them yesterday and while they looked like giant purple grapes, they tasted like nothing else and were absolutely delicious.

But the shell was thick, strong and just stretchy enough to make it a pain in the tail to get through!

I glared at it and then tried with my fangs again. Open, damn it!

"Sir! Sir!"

I looked up to see a pegasus quickly swoop down from the air towards the temple, she was one of the scout patrols.

"Sir! The airship! The Airship!" she exclaimed as she landed just before me, "They're here!"

I surged to my hooves, the fruit forgotten, "Where? How far?"

Light Shimmer pointed with her hoof, "That way, fifteen minutes of flying."

I nodded as I looked around at the ponies all paying very close attention to us, "Okay!" I said loudly, "Our ride home is almost here, you all know what to do. Get to it!"

As everypony burst into motion and the unicorns started to send up flares high into the sky, I looked to Light and gave her a nod, "Good job spotting them."

She grinned, "Airship, not exactly hard to spot. I'll head out and guide them in."

I gave her a nod and she took back to the sky once more.

They were here. We'd get everypony else home safely.

I felt relief rush through my body for a second before I shook it off and took to the skies, flying up on top of the highest point of the pyramid. No relaxing yet, not until everypony is on the airship and outside the jungle again. Who knows if we'll run into more feral weather and crash again.

And wouldn't that just be fucking awesome.

I didn't need to wait long before I spotted a spot approaching on the horizon, slowly growing to the shape of an Equestrian airship. Bit slower, but fatter than the one that took us here. And a bit smaller.

Things on the way back would be... let's call it cozy. That sounds a lot better than 'get your hoof out of my face' cramped.

But it was better than staying here!

Besides... not like everypony had to go on the airship the entire way either, just back to a town that got rail service. Might be slower, but as cramped as it'll be, I bet a ton of ponies rather take that route if given a choice.

The airship slowed as it got closer, turning to come up parallel to the pyramid as Light Shimmer guided them in. As they came to a halt, it started to slowly lower down and a hatch opened in the bottom as the propellers stopped turning.

A quad of pegasi emerged, carrying ropes that they flew up and attached, letting them fall down to the ponies below and they started to pull the airship down and into position just beside the second level of the pyramid.

I watched as they worked before I spread my wings and glided down to land next to Midnight where the ramp would be lowered to.

Moments later the door opened and the ramp extended, glowing from unicorn magic as it was laid into place.

Then I saw them.

Luna and Sunset.

They were the first ones out and I stepped forward to meet them by the bottom of the ramp, "My Sky," I said, looking up at Luna.

She smiled and moved in to nuzzle softly, "My Page," she answered as she moved closer. I nuzzled against her neck, feeling her warmth against me for a long moment before I stepped back, smiling up at her.

There was only so much public affection we could show, as much as I'd like to-

My train of thought was abruptly derailed as Sunset grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss that made my brain just completely lock up.

"Don't do that to us again," Sunset breathed as she finally broke the kiss, looking into my eyes.

I managed a small nod, far from certain I'd be able to form words at the moment.

Luna smiled and nuzzled at my ear before she herded Sunset and me out of the way so ponies could disembark the airship without having a pair of alicorns taking up all the room.

"So," I started, clearing my throat, "Welcome to the monster infested jungle. I'd show you around, but something would try to eat us so I think we'll skip the tour for today. Breakfast is served at seven and there is no room service. If you find a monster beneath your bed, ask them to kindly leave."

Luna looked to Sunset, "You broke him."

"I did not," Sunset protested with a grin, "He's always that silly."

I glowered at them. No sense of humour.

Luna smiled before she shook her head, "Buck it," and pulled me into a kiss that if I had any, would have curled my feathers.