Chapitre 81

Chapter 81

The fire crackled happily, sparks shooting up into the night.

It had been decided that we were to stay one more night to allow everypony to get ready and the researchers to finish documenting everything they could.

Now when we knew this place was here and it's exact location, there would be more expeditions but nopony wanted to leave the job half finished.

The moon shined high above and I pulled Sunset a bit closer with my wing, giving her ear a small nuzzle, "It's fine, I promise."

"You said it was just a scratch," she said and poked at my bandage again, "Then what's this?"

"To keep it clean," I reassured her, "Seriously, it's fine. Even my horn had stopped hurting by now."

Something roared far in the distance and our ears perked up, Sunset looking out towards the darkness outside the barricades and then shivered slightly, "This place is..."

"Like the Everfree," I agreed, "Everything is wild and ponies are very much on the menu."

Sunset nodded and looked over to the next fire where Midnight and Sparks were conversing quietly, "...How's she doing?"

"Midnight?" I asked, "She's... it's difficult for her. Everything she has gone through, I just want to give her a hug and tell her everything will be okay, but..."

"It might not," Sunset agreed quietly with a small sigh as she leaned against my side, "I think spending time with Twi might be a good idea. We talked during the journey."


Sunset nodded, "Twi's moving back to Canterlot, at least for a while. She's thinking of getting a small place."

"That's good right?" I asked, resting my horn against hers, "She'll be much closer to you then."

Sunset smiled slightly, "That's one of the pros," she admitted, "She's not that happy about leaving her friends behind though."

"That always sucks."

She nodded, "Yeah... anyway, we were talking and she's going to ask Midnight if she and her Spike want to move in with Twi and her Spike."

I blinked and then smirks, "Two Spikes and two Twilights beneath one roof? I fear for Canterlot."

Sunset elbowed me slightly with a grin, "Be nice."

I grinned at her and shook my head before I gave her a small nuzzle, "I think you're right," I finally said, "I think it might be good for her... hell, both of them. Finally they have somepony as smart as they are to talk to."

"Mmm," Sunset agreed and shifted slightly to lean against my side as she looked over towards her marefriend, "I have an education in advanced magical theory, I can usually follow her, but there are times she loses me too," she admitted.

"I don't," I said with a smile, "She definitely loses me quickly."

Sunset shifted to look at me, pulling away from her side, "You know what? You should."

"Should what?"

"Get one," Sunset said with a smile, "Maybe not specifically advanced magical theory, but there are tons of things you'd find useful even without going that deep into it."

"Oh yeah," I agreed as I nodded, "I'll just go get a PhD in my copious amounts of free time. I'll sneak it in between handling the 'lings and trying to find a way for Batponies to be accepted in general pony society."

Sunset rolled her eyes and shifted up against my side again, resting her head against my neck, "I'm not saying 'do it now', wingboy. You're immortal, you'll find time sooner or later."

"Yes, because that's the way things are trending for me," I said dryly, giving her ear tip a small nip, "More free time."

Her ear flicked and she turned to stick her tongue out at me, "You know what I mean!"

"Yeah, yeah," I sighed and glanced up towards the stars above.

The sound of hooves made me glance back just in time to spot Luna before she settled by my other side, spreading her wing across both of us as she gave me a quick nuzzle.

"Hey," I said and nuzzled back, "Done playing with your pet rock?"

"Hush you," Luna said with a smile.

Sunset giggled and then shifted, "Okay, one of you two, wing off. It's way too hot for both of you to be doing that!"

I shifted my wing off her back and then looked over as Dee exited from the interior of the pyramid carrying a touch in one hoof, "All done?" I asked her.

Dee nodded, "Last drawing done," she agreed with a smile, patting her bag with her wing.

Sparks looked up from where she was by the other fire, "Daring!? I didn't know you were here!"

I looked at her and then back to Dee in confusion. Dee Dee. Daring. Daring Doo.

I felt my jaw slowly drop.

Dee... Daring sighed, "Why did she have to go yelling my name," she said and shook her head