Chapitre 85

Chapter 85

"Do you think there is enough time still to tell the captain of this thing to turn around?" I asked Luna as I looked out of the small window of the cabin.

When I woke up this morning, I had looked out the window and found the ground below covered with white.

"I don't think anypony else would approve of that," Luna commented and looked between a pair of papers before putting them down and smiling at me, "Winter is almost half way over anyway."

I grumbled and gave her a small nuzzle, "Yay."

Luna giggled and nuzzled at my ear, "How's your horn?"

"It's fine," I said and sighed, "Haven't hurt for almost a week."

"So what did the doctor say?"

"That he'll examine me again in a week and to avoid using any magic until he gives me the go ahead," I said and flicked my ears, "Which is something I one hundred percent is going to follow. I have no intention of relapsing back to the beginning again."


If I end up against a rexosaurus with a strained horn again and I'll rather try to buck it in the face. Because I'm fairly sure that getting a leg bitten off would hurt less.

Luna nodded and smiled, "It'll pass. I have felt that myself once or twice, if not as badly as it hit you."

I nodded and then stretched my wings, "I'm going to stretch my legs a bit."

"Going up top?" Luna teased and I shuddered at the very thought as I trotted out of the room.

No… thank you.


Buck that so hard. At least the inside of the airship was nice and warm despite the metal walls. Nothing could be cold with this many ponies in it.

I made my way along the ship, "How's things?" I asked as I reached Swift where he was laying, a book floating before him, two legs in actual casts now instead of just splinted.

Swift Spear glanced up and grinned, "I'm good, just bored out of my skull. Just looking forward to getting back home."

"Missing Minuette?" I asked.

He nodded, "...Yeah. Kind of looking forward to a couple of weeks of recovering."

I smiled, "Yeah, understand that," I said before I frowned, "Uhm… I shouldn't come to visit for a while, should I?"

"May be safest to stay away for a couple of days to give her time to calm down a little," Swift agreed, "Minuette can have a temper."

"Figured," I agreed, "I'll let you get back to your book. I'll offer to get you a drink or something, but I think the doctor might pin my ears back."

"Take you up on that when we get back," He said with a grin and picked his book back up.

I gave him a small wave and headed out, talking briefly with each of the injured on my way out. Stepping back out into the corridor, I stretched my wings and set my jaw.


...Amber had a point. Everypony that got hurt, everypony that died…

It's up to us to make it worth it. Up to me.

I'll make it worth it, I'll get thestrals accepted as another tribe if it kills me.

I took a slow and deep breath and then shook my head. Midnight and Sparks could figure out how to break the curse, reverse the blood magic…

Before everything else, we needed to restore all thestrals to the way they… the way we should be.

To undo all of the evil that 'that fucker' did.

Might have thought that he was helping, was keeping them safe, but what he did was force them to undergo thousands upon thousands of years of prosecution and fear.

I'm going to fix it. I'm going to restore things the way they were meant to be if it meant talking Sparks into sending me back in time and punching the fucker in the teeth before he could do anything.

I sighed and shook my head. No. No, that's stupid. You don't buck around with time, I have read too many stories about it going wrong.


No, it wouldn't work. But we'll find a way to fix this. To improve the lives of thestrals everywhere.

And if ponies after everything else don't change their minds.…

...I just have to do it for them...