Chapitre 86

Chapter 86


"I…" I said and pulled my cloak closer around myself as I stepped down the gangway from the airship, "I am starting to really dislike this city."

I swear, it was even colder now than when we left.

Sunset smiled at me, "Just relax, okay? It's going to be fine."

"...Sorry," I said and gave her a small nuzzle, "Cold makes me grumpy."

"No, you don't say?" Sunset asked with a smile, "And you working yourself up for the last three days haven't exactly helped, I bet."

I shook my head and smiled at her, "So, what's the plan?"

"I'm going to go houseshopping with Twi and Midnight," she said, "You?"

I sighed, "Should go say hi to Celestia as soon as possible. She deserves to hear everything from me."

Sunset frowned, "I thought you were doing that tomorrow. You want me to come along? I totally can, not like Twi and Midnight don't have the brainpower to handle picking a house on their own."

"No, Luna is coming," I said and shook my head, smiling at her, "Better you go along with Sparky and Midnight or they'll end up living in a lab or library or something."

Sunset grinned and bumped her side against mine, giving the side of my neck a nuzzle, "They aren't that bad," she said, "But… you're not exactly wrong either," she said and then looked away towards the 'twins' as they moved down the ramp, "See you tonight, right?"

"Not going to stay with Sparks tonight?"

She shook her head, "She's heading back to Ponyville tonight to pick her things up. Even if we don't find anything today, she's moving back to Canterlot. Either a castle guestroom or staying at her parents place, she's not sure yet."

I nodded and touched my horn to hers, "Have fun, okay."

Sunset grinned and winked before trotting over to the Sparkles. I looked back as Luna trotted down the ramp towards me,

"Ready to go?" I asked her.

Luna smiled and shook her head, giving my ear a nuzzle, "Relax, My Page. It's nothing like that."

"I know," I sighed and flicked my ears.

Luna gave me a hug with her wing and guided me in for a kiss, "Page. Things go wrong," she said quietly, "It happens. To everypony. And nopony knows that better than my sister… or me."

I looked up at her and then nodded, "...Okay, let's go."

We moved inside, making our way through the castle, "Tomorrow," I said, "I'm going to visit the families of the ponies that… died. They deserve for me to tell them in person."

"No, Page," Luna said and frowned down at me, "Page, that's a bad idea."

I blinked up at her in surprise, "What do you mean a bad idea? It's the least I can possibly do!"

She stopped and moved around to face me, "Page… in the past… and sadly possibly in the future… I have lead forces. Had to order ponies to their death. Had ponies die for me, for my sister, for Equestria. As horrible as it is, if we were to meet with the families of every single pony that died for Equestria, we would be doing nothing else. We have a process for this for a good reason."

I shook my head, my ears going back, "...It's not the guard, Luna," I said, "I understand if it's like that, but it's just six ponies."

"And they are more important than the guards that have died for Equestria?"

I cringed and took a step back, "That's not…" I started before I took a deep breath, swallowing and shook my head, "It's just… it feels wrong!"

Luna nodded and moved up to nuzzle softly, "It is wrong," she said quietly, "...But that's how things are. The way they have to be."

I gritted my teeth, scraping my hoof against the marble floor, hissing softly and shook my head, "...No. No, Luna. I am going to go to each and everyone of them. I did this, they deserve to hear it from me."

"You didn't do this," Luna told me firmly, "You hear me? You didn't do this."

"Maybe not," I said and looked up at her, "But I am responsible. Come on, let's to find Sunshine," I said and moved past her.

Luna moved to follow.

It didn't take long. Just follow the guards really.

I knocked on the door and moved in past the guards. Celestia looked up from behind her desk,

"Page!" she exclaimed and got up, "You're back!"

I nodded and trotted inside, slipping my cloak off, "We're back," I agreed and forced a smile, "I have a lot to tell you."

"Later," Celestia said and rounded the desk and then she pulled me into a tight hug, forelegs and wings going around me and pulling me close as she sat down.

I sighed and hugged back, leaning against her warmth as her soft and warm wings folded around me.

"I'm just glad you're back safe," she murmured softly, giving me a nuzzle between my ears, "I… we… were so worried."

"I'm fine," I sighed and nuzzled against her chest, "Missed you too, Sunshine."

She hugged me tighter for a second with her wings and forelegs.

Celestia finally let go and I stepped back, dropping down on all four hooves again as I smiled up at her.

Sunshine gave the best hugs, she was so warm. Impossibly, she actually made me feel better.

She always did somehow.

"How about you go get some rest," Luna asked and moved up next to me, giving my ear a nuzzle with a smile, "It's been a long day for everypony and I'm sure we can talk about everything that has happened later."

Celestia nodded, "It can wait."

"...Okay," I admitted, "I am pretty tired. I feel like I should go through my notes and such first anyway so I can give a full report."

"Relax," Celestia said with a smile, "You don't report to me or anypony else. I just want to hear how things went. We can do that tomorrow or when you have time."

I shot her a thankful smile and then looked at Luna, "Coming?"

Luna gave my ear a small nuzzle, "In a bit. I do have some things to discuss with my sister first, I'll join you in a little bit?"
