Chapitre 87

Chapter 87

I stared down at the papers laid out before me on the couch but I didn't see them. It had been three hours since I came back from visiting the families of those lost ponies.

I had fought Tirek. Confronted Discord. Faced down Changelings and spent time in a jungle filled with predators.

But that... that had been the hardest thing I had ever done.

What's worse was... none of them. None of them...

I would have prefered if they yelled at me. Blamed me. None of them did. Or... rather, they did, I could see it in their eyes when they looked at me, but none of them dared to say it.

Because alicorn. Because... thestral.

The door opened and Luna walked into our quarters. She looked agitated, her mane moving a bit faster than usual. But she took one look at me and moved across the room to slip up onto the couch next to me. She didn't say a word, she simply put her wing over my back, hugging me to her side as she rested her head against the top of mine.

I leaned against her, pressed against her neck and my tears stained her coat.

Neither of us said anything for what felt like hours. Could have been hours. Could have been minutes.

"I understand why it's not normally done," I finally said against her coat before pulling back to look up at her, my voice sounding strange even to my ears, "But if-"

I broke off and closed my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath before I continued, "...When. When it happens next time, I'm doing the same thing again. It's the very least I can do."

Luna frowned slightly, but she just nodded and sighed softly, "It's up to you, Page."

"It is up to me," I said seriously and then shook my head, "There will be a memorial at the castle in a week. Give everypony some time to recover first. I have been working on my speech, but..." I continued, motioned towards the blank paper.

Luna nodded, her horn lighting and an amber bottle and a couple of glasses floated over to it. She filled both of them with a good amount before putting one down before me, "Drink."

I drank.

It burned slightly, but was good stuff. Putting the glass back down, I sighed and leaned against her side, closing my eyes for a second.

"Sunset or myself would have come with you," Luna said gently.

"I know," I said and then shook my head, "But it was something I needed to do on my own."

Luna just nodded against my mane.

I sighed softly and wiped my eyes with my hoof before I looked up to her, "...You're up early."

"Things haven't been standing still while you were away," she explained, "We are still dealing with negotiations with the minotaur delegation."

"So that's why you looked annoyed when you walked in," I said and frowned, "What did they do?"

Luna smiled slightly and shook her head, "Oh, nothing. Negotiations are going well, it's my sister that's annoying me. She's being an idiot."

"Idiot isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Sunshine," I said and looked to her in concern, "What's going on?"

Luna shook her head and gave me a small kiss, "It's nothing, just a sister's thing. You have a sister, I'm sure you know what it's like."

Somep-one I'll never see again.

I nodded though, "Yeah. Yeah I do. You love them, but sometimes you just wanted to smack them or something."

"Mhmm," Luna agreed and gave my ear a nuzzle, "Sadly, I'm fairly sure it wouldn't help in this case. She has a very thick skull and is frustratingly stubborn."

"Tried it a couple of times, huh?" I teased.

"...We were foals once too," Luna agreed with a small smile, "Well, even disregarding that entire rebellion thing."

"Yes, disregarding that. Anything I can help with?"

Luna smiled and flicked her ears, "No. Not in this case, I think she just has to come to the realisation on her own."

I nodded, "Yeah, okay. Just let me know if there is anything I can do."

"Well, I can think of a couple of things that could help, but not now. I promise though," Luna agreed, "You'll be the first to know. Now... you have been up all day, shouldn't you get some sleep?"

I glanced down at the empty papers before me. I wanted to at least get a first draft done, but... maybe starting on it fresh tomorrow would help.

"Is Sunset sleeping here tonight?" Luna asked after a moment, glancing towards the door, "She's usually here by now."

I shook my head, "She's with Sparks. She offered, but I said I wouldn't be very good company anyway. Better she spent the evening having fun."

Luna sighed and nuzzled at my ear, "You, My Page... are a very noble and very dumb pony."

Well, she was half right. We all know which half.