Chapitre 91

Chapter 91

A surprising amount of ponies had shown up at the memorial service. The expedition members, their families, the families of the dead. Some nobility that thought showing up would look good on them.

Luna, Celestia, Midnight, Twilight.

"That was really good," I said quietly to Midnight as ponies started to drift into groups a couple of minutes after her speech.

"So was yours," she answered, forcing a sad smile, "Thanks for letting me do it. I'm not much for public speaking, but..."

"Neither am I," I admitted, "But sometimes it's worth it."

I had pledged that all the income from my new book was going to go to the families of the ones that died during the expedition. It wasn't much, but it was all I could do. I couldn't bring them back, but I could do as much anyway.

Midnight glanced around and then stepped closer, "Last night we got a visitor," she whispered, "A batpony knocked on our door, she said you sent her. Wouldn't give her name and she had her cutiemark taped over."

"How did it go?" I whispered back.

"We took all the readings," Midnight whispered, "They match what we got from you when we subtract the unicorn and alicorn magic resonances. Mostly."

I blinked at her, "Mostly?"

She nodded, "Twi thinks it's just a male/female difference. We need to scan another stallion to be sure, but I think she might be right. We still need a few more examples to be certain."

"I'll see what I can do," I whispered to her and then stepped back, looking over as Tempest moved to join us, "If you two ladies excuse me, I just saw somepony," I said and gave them a small bow, wings half spread before I made my way across the room to the food table where Dee was balancing a plate on her wing while scanning the selection.

"Going by Dee right now?" I asked as I slid up next to her.

She glanced at me and then nodded, "Please."

"So, what have you been doing since we arrived?" I asked as I took a plate, putting some apple slices on it, floating it in my magic.

"To be honest, mostly sleeping," Dee admitted and then eyed me, "Your horn is better."

"Doc says light magic use is okay," I agreed with a nod, "I'm doing as he says, I do not want to live through that again."

Daring nodded slightly before she glanced around, " got a minute?"

"Sure," I agreed.

She glanced around and then motioned towards a side door and I followed her, letting it close behind us as we stepped into the corridor.

"What's up?" I asked.

Dee shifted, "Just..." she started before she shook her head, "I hear things, okay? Apparently there is some petition going around among the nobles and some of the more prominent families."

I raised an eyebrow, "A petition?"

"Demanding that you're not allowed any sort of official power," Dee said seriously, "I only heard about it from somepony on the Equestrian education board. I haven't seen it, but it used this expedition, your use of 'dark magic' and the dangers of other creatures as examples."

"Do you know what they intend to do with it?" I asked with a frown.

"Apparently the plan is to present it to Princess Celestia during a day court hearing," Dee said and shifted her wings, "to put political pressure on her."

I nodded, "Did they say when?"

"I don't know."

"Okay," I agreed and stretched my wings in thought, "Better get to work replacing the throne and the hangings tomorrow then just to be sure. Nothing much to do about the windows, but maybe if we cover them with foam or something. Maybe wool, that's somewhat resistant."

Dee blinked at me, "Page?"

"I just think it would be a terrible waste of a historical artifact if it melts when Celestia hears them," I told her, "Because I'm fairly sure if they present something like that, she'll melt the general surroundings."

She shook her head, "Page, this is serious! While their actual power isn't much, but with the nobles united they have forced things through in the past!"

I shook my head, "I already knew there would be some kind of counter push," I told her seriously, "And if they want it aimed at me, go for it. See how well that goes for them."

Dee looked worried, "But.."

"No, I'm actually serious here," I said, "If they present Sunsh-Celestia with that cold, she's going to melt something, possibly the petitioner. I need to talk to her about it in private first."

"But what if they... force it through?" Dee asked, sounding worried.

"Oh no, I get less official duties," I said and rolled my eyes, "Whatever shall I do."

"Page, I'm just worried it-"

I stepped forward and touched her with my wing, "Relax, Dee. Worst come to worst... say I lose all official mandates?"


"Oh no. I only still have the ear of four of the Princesses, married to one of them, close friends to the rest... and I just got a bunch of free time to use anyway I like. For example, helping thestrals."

She looked uncertain, scraping her hoof against the floor, "I just think it could be bad."

"It can be," I agreed, "But I'll talk with Celestia and we can get ahead of it. Don't worry about it."

She sighed softly, "...Just be careful, okay? Let me know if there is anything I can do."

"I will. Thanks for the warning."

"Least I could do," She said with a small smile, "...We should get back before somepony notices we're gone."

I just nodded in agreement.

As soon as this is over, I need to talk to Celestia.

"Hey, Dee?" I said, looking at her with a smile, "Really. Thanks for telling me."

She smiled back, "You're welcome. Just thought you should know