Chapitre 92

Chapter 92

"I know."

I blinked at Celestia in surprise, "You know?"

She smiled slightly, "I have ruled Equestria for a couple of years," she said, "I know how to handle the nobles."


Celestia shifted her wings, "I could simply deny their petition. It may cause some problems, but they really can't force it through," she said and rounded the desk, moving over to a table where a steaming pot of tea sat, "Tea?"

"Yes please," I said and slid my cloak off, folding it up and putting it over the back of a chair, "How much trouble?"

Celestia shook her head, "Don't worry about it, Page," she said as she poured me a cup, giving me a small smile, "I'll deal with it."

I took the cup in my magic, shifting my wings as I frowned slightly at her, "How much trouble?" I asked again.

She hesitated slightly and her hoof scraped against the thick carpet of the floor as she poured herself a steaming hot cup, "Depends on how I handle it," she admitted, "If I simply deny it, a fair bit. Not directly, but they can make things difficult."

I sipped my tea, "And there are other ways?"

"Some that may or may not work," Celestia admitted, "If they drop it in return for some tax cuts or something similar, it would likely be the best result."

"So...bribing them."

She sighed, "Basically, yes. But it's not polite to call it that."

I didn't like that idea. At all.

"Do you know the actual wording of the petition?" I asked, "I only heard about it."

Celestia nodded, "Indeed. In short, they want you removed from your position Herald, both as Luna and my own. They also want your title of Lord stripped," she said, her voice steady, her expression calm as she explained. But even as I looked, there were... shimmers in her mane.

Sunshine was pissed.

"Buck," I said and jumped up to lay sideways across the chair, sipping my tea, "That's not so bad."

Celestia looked at me in surprise and then she smiled slightly, "I know you're not that attached to your title, Page, but you earned it. It's more than can be said about any of them."

More shimmers.

Better help her calm down quickly before her regalia starts to drip gold onto the carpet.

"Sunshine, calm down," I told her quietly and gave her shoulder a small nuzzle, "Your mane is shimmering."

Her eyes widened slightly and she took a deep breath, the shimmer dying down again before she shook her head in disgust, "...I'm sorry," she said and sank down to sit on the floor, "It's just, after all you done, after everypony you have saved… I usually have better control than this."

"Even if they win... somehow...I'm still Lunas Prince-Consort," I said and shrugged my wings, "That's one thing they can't touch and it gives me a bit of authority on my own."

Celesita nodded, "Yes, but sometimes you need more," she said before she looked at me playfully, "Well... there is an alternative."


"A coronation to Prince."

I groaned slightly, "Oh please no."

"But imagine their expressions," Celestia teased with a small grin, her wing brushing across my back.

I rolled my eyes and sipped my tea, "So... does my wife know?"

Celestia shook her head, "I will talk with her tonight unless you want to?"

I sighed, "I... I should likely be the one to talk to her about it. To keep bloodshed to a minimum. Luna's going to be pissed."

Celestia moved over to me, putting a hoof onto the chair next to me, "I'm surprised you're taking this as calmly as you are," she asked gently, "Most ponies would have been furious."

"I have more important things to worry about than titles," I told her seriously, "I need to figure this thestral situation and find a solution. I don't need titles for that, at least not those. I'm still Lunas Prince-Consort and I'm still an alicorn. I would be able to work with that."

Then I grinned, "So... if you can take their petition and squeeze enough concessions out of them to let it past, Sunshine. Do it. Make it hurt."

She shook her head and gave me a small nuzzle with a smile, "Page, you are a good pony. But we still have time to think of a different solution because I am not going to let this happen, I promise you that much."

I nuzzled back, "And I could never do what you do. If I tried, there would be a lot less ponies around court and a lot more broken windows."

That got her laughing.

I liked that a lot better than anger. It was like the entire room lit up when she did