Chapitre 93

Chapter 93

Luna looked thoughtful.

I eyed her a bit nervously. I had predicted anger. Oh, it was still clearly there, anypony that knew her could see that, but more than anything she looked thoughtful.

"How sure are we of this?" she finally asked and shifted position a bit on the bed.

"About as certain as can be," I said and shrugged, "I was warned by a friend but Sunshine already knew about it. Confirmed by two independent sources."

Luna nodded and shifted up next to me, slipping her wing around me, "Rest assured, they will not get away with this, My Page."

"Actually," I said and shook my head, "I'm not even worried about it. Sure, that entire Herald thing can be useful, but Lord don't bother me. Besides, none of the charges they have put against me would ever really stick. I actually told Sunshine that if she thinks it would be worth it, to allow it to pass if she could extract big enough concessions out of them and I just drop my titles voluntarily. After everything that has happened the last few days, raising those leeches taxes even a couple of percentages would be useful. "

Luna looked at me in surprise and I gave her a playful look,

"I do pay some attention, you know," I said and leaned slightly against her side, "Invasion defense, changelings, yeti or big centaur isn't cheap. Neither is repairs after. Or building an entire new trade fleet. Or were you looking for a trophy husband?" I asked with a grin, "I know I'm so very pretty, bu-eep!"

Luna let go of my ear with a smile and nuzzled in to give me a kiss, "Love you."

"Love you too."

Luna nuzzled at my mane before she murmured, "None of which mean that they will get away with any of this. Even if sister let it pass, they will live to regret it. I promise you that."

I sighed, "Luna... it doesn't really matter, I have way more important things to worry about than titles right now."

She shifted back slightly to look at me, shaking her head, "But they do matter. You earned the title of Lord... and your title as Herald gives you the right to speak for me and my sister when we are not present. In the case of an emergency, that ca-"

"And I'm still your Prince-Consort," I told her, "That does give me the same thing as when I was just your Herald... and allow me to command the Lunar Forces. Considering that your sister isn't married, I think that the Dayguard would listen too."

Luna looked unhappy still and shifted to rest her head against the top of mine. I happily nuzzled in against her neck.

We stayed like that for several long moments before I spoke up again, "So, yeah. Not happy about this, but does not really matter. They can all take a long walk of a short pier, but I have other things to worry about. So no going cutting heads off."

"That is the traditional thing to do when the nobles are revolting," Luna grumbled.

"What else is new?"

Luna shifted back to blink at me before she giggled and nuzzled, "I need to remember that one."

I grinned and then sighed, "...I should get going, I promised Sunny that I would stop by for dinner today."

Luna nodded and slid her wing off my back, "And I should raise the moon and then talk to my sister. I have some ideas and two that will really infuriate those idiots."

"I'm not getting a coronation."

"I have one idea then," Luna teased with a grin, "I need to check with my sister first, but I think she'd like it."

I shook my head, "You two work things out, I'll just go along with what you two think is best."

Luna smiled playfully, "Remember you said that," she teased and then got off the bed, giving me another small kiss before heading towards the balcony to raise the moon.

I eyed her slightly. Somehow that remark worried me more than the nobles did.

Finally I shook my head and stretched my wings. Whatever it was, I could handle it. If nothing else, I knew where she was ticklish.

Then I jumped off the bed and gathered up my cloak, wrapping myself in a warming spell as well.

I really do have to hurry, the moment the sun is fully set, temperature will sink another ten degrees or something like that and I'd turn into a bat popsicle if I poke my nose outside.

With that, I hurried outside, Iron Shine quickly joining me by the door and trotting next to me, as cheerful as always.

"Really?" I asked her as I pushed the door open and the razor sharp wind hit me right in my face and made my ears feel ice cold even through the warming spell, "You don't want a cloak or anything? Warming spell?"

The large earth pony shook her head, "It's a bit brisk today, sir. But I'm fine. Might have to close my bedroom window tonight, but I'm not sure I'd call it cold yet."

I stared at her for a second and then shook my head, pulling my cloak tighter around myself with a small shudder.

I'm surrounded by crazy ponies