Chapitre 103

Chapter 103

I sipped my tea, looking at the larger alicorn next to me.

Celestia flicked one ear and nodded, "What do you want to do about it?"

"That's why I'm asking you!"

She smiled briefly and then shook her head, "In my experience, there are two ways to go about something like this," she said after a second of thought, "One is head on. Interviews, speeches…"

"And the other?"

Celestia sipped her tea and then looked out through the window into the howling snowstorm outside, "Ignore it. You know how these things go, next week they'll be distracted by some celebrity scandal and forget all about it."

I frowned at my tea, "...I'm not sure that will work this time," I said after a long moment.

"Oh, it will, "Celestia said and smirked, "Remember how surprised you were when you heard about the whipped cream incident in the throne room when my sister tossed an entire barrel of it on me before the entire court?"

I rubbed my eyes, "Sunshine, that was over two thousand years ago."

"Yes, but after three months nopony cared," Celestia said with a smile, "And I assure you, ponies during that specific century was a lot more uptight than now."

I smiled a bit at the mental image of Celestia covered in whipped cream, it was a fun one. And… kinda attractive.

"Well, it's not quite the same thing. I have a feeling that it was sponsored. And I have a prime suspect."

She nodded in agreement, "I can handle Neighsay," she said gently, brushing her wing against my side, "Don't worry about it, Page. You have more than enough in your hooves right now as is."

"I suppose so," I said and then shook my head, "It's just…" I said and closed my eyes for a second before I looked up at her, "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" she asked.

I shook my head, "I talked to five ponies about volunteering to help Sparks and Midnight with their research in breaking the curse and blood magic on them," I said and glanced down at my tea, "It's dangerous, they might… they might die. Get permanently injured. Get stuck as blood drinking vamponies," I said gently, "I explained all of it to them."

"And?" Celestia said gently.

"And they all showed up. They all volunteered," I said and turned to her fully, raising my wings, "Each one of them volunteered. Because they think I can save them… save every thestral from what they have experienced!" I continued and shook my head, "I can't! I can't just… I don't know what to do! I don't know what I'm doing, all I've done so far is gotten ponies hurt or even killed! I ca-"

Celestia gathered me into a tight hug, putting her wings around me as she rested her head against the top of mine.

She didn't say a word, she just held me.

I leaned against her, trying to breath slower, beating back my sudden surge of complete panic. Did I just have a panic attack? No idea, never had one before, but I think that's what they feel like.

If not, I hope to never have one.

"We're here for you," Celestia said softly after a long moment when my breathing had slowed down to something approaching normal, "Page," she continued and stroked my back softly, "They are looking up to you because of who you are. For what you have done so far. They believe you can help them… where I and everypony else failed."

I shook my head and then pulled back enough to look up at her, "But if you failed… you, Luna, Cadence… Sparks and Midnight and everypony else has failed, what sort of chance do I possibly have?"

"A better one," Celestia said seriously, "Page, you have something none of us do. You're one of them now, you can understand them in a way I… despite what I tried in the past… can't."

I shook my head, "And that's been so helpful so far," I said bitterly, "I'm not made for this kind of thing. I'm not raised for royalty, I never wanted this kind of responsibility or power."

"In my experience," Celestia said gently as she looked down at me, "It's exactly those ponies that should have it."

That didn't exactly improve my position, did it?

I sighed and then looked up at her, "How do you do it? Handle the.. Expectations, the pressure, the ponies that look to you for the answers, the guidance… and I'm doing it right now, aren't I?"

Celestia grinned and poked me with her hoof, "I do have a bit more practice than you do."

"Stil," I said, feeling a smile tug at my lips. I couldn't help it.

"Still," she agreed and shook her head, "It's…" she started before she frowned, "It's what they deserve from us," she finally said, "Because I have seen the alternative and I'll give everything to not see it again."

I shifted my wings softly against hers, "The Unification."

Celestia nodded, "And before. That's not a timeperiod that I want returned. We unified ponies to avoid just that. I didn't want… the wars," she said and glanced out towards the whirling snow, "The battles. The politics and the outright dirty tricks. But we… I… did what I needed to do to keep everypony safe. To allow little colts and fillies to grow up in a world where they don't need to fear raids from other tribes or clans. Don't need to fear not having enough to eat during the winter or having crops fail during the summer," she sighed softly and shook her head, "For the ponies I love," she said and then turned back to me, "That's why. Because while it's hard, while it's uncomfortable and frustrating and aggravating…"

"It's better than the alternative," I said softly, looking up at her before I stood up again, picking my now cold teacup back up with my magic, glancing down at it, "It's just so much."

Celestia nodded and pulled her wings back, "I know. I wish I could say it gets easier…" she told me gently, "But all you really do is get more experienced in handling things. We're here for you when you need us."

I sighed softly and nodded, "Thanks. Any immediate tips?"

She nodded and her horn lit up, a second later my teacup started to steam slightly, "It's easier to handle big problems if you split them into smaller pieces, make them easier to tackle in detail. Have a plan, even if it's a bad one. As soon as there is a plan, everypony feels better about things. Even if it's an awful one."

I smiled up at her, "Bad plan. I can make a bad plan. In fact, that's my speciality!"

Celestia shifted her wings and looked amused, "Can't be that bad, they usually somewhat work," she admitted and then moved up to nuzzle at my ear, "Now, go get some rest, Page. It's about time for my sister to be woken up and you'll feel better tomorrow morning. I promise."

I sighed and then raised my head to nuzzle back with a smile, "I already do. Somehow you always manage to make me feel better."


Okay. Just need to make a plan to improve the lives of an entire small tribe of ponies that's actively discriminated against by everypony else.

Smaller problems.

Narrow it down. Okay, I just need to split-

I have a pĺan.

It's a bad one too so that checks all the boxes