Chapitre 104

Chapter 104

I laid on my back, looking up at Luna.

She stared back down at me in turn.

"So… what do you think?" I asked after several long moments.

Luna's ear twitched, "Give me a second to think," she said and moved off me, frowning towards the window.

Well… at least she didn't tell me I was being an idiot at once. So maybe it wasn't a bad plan after all.

That or it was advanced stupid and just needed some processing first.

Luna finally jumped off the bed and trotted into the snowstorm outside, closing the door behind her and soon I saw the glow from her horn through the whirling snow.

I just rolled onto my side and waited for her.

I was far from certain about the idea myself and not just because I knew the level of work and hardship required to even give it a tiny chance of working. But because I was certain ponies would get hurt from it. It would be dangerous and ponies would likely die.

The door to the bedroom opened and Sunset walked inside. I looked over at her and she crossed to jump up next to me, touching her horn to mine, "Hey."

"Hey," I said and smiled up at her, "Thought you were going to stay with Sparks tonight?"

She nodded and shifted, hooking her forelegs across my barrel, leaning in to steal a small kiss, "Was the plan," she said and then shrugged, "But she and Midnight are going to pull an all-nighter. Apparently they think they are on to something and don't want to lose it."

I nodded and rolled onto my back, looking up at her, "You think they really have it?"

"If somepony can, it's those two," Sunset said and frowned, "But I saw the equations, it's… amazingly complex."


Sunset sighed and then shifted to get comfortable, resting her head against my chest, "Luna outside?"

"Mmm," I said and stroked her mane softly, "Walking her pet rock. She'll be in soon."

Sunset smiled against me and shook her head slightly before nuzzling at my coat, "Sleepy time?"

"Soon," I agreed and sighed softly.

The door outside opened and Luna slipped inside in a flurry of snowflakes before closing the door behind her. Sunset looked over towards her and smiled, lighting her horn.

The reddish glow of Sunset's magic ran across the alicorn, gathering any snow from her coat and mane and then teleporting it outside.

Luna smiled and nodded to her, "Thank you, Sunset," she said and then crossed over to us, jumping onto the bed and giving her a small nuzzle.

"Welcome. Nopony wants snow in the bed," Sunset answered and nuzzled back, "Do you have court today?"

Luna nodded, "I do, but I may push it back, we have a lot to talk about."

Sunset frowned, "Like what?"

"Well," Luna said and glanced at me, "Page's plan."

Sunset turned to look at me warily, "Plan? What plan?"

"I came up with a plan to help the thestrals," I said and frowned, "I don't know if it's a good one, I want to run it past some ponies before anything."

Sunset nodded, "So what's the plan?"

Luna looked at me and I gave her a nod so she turned to Sunset, "Page wants to gather all the thestrals and their families and build a new village at the edge of the southern jungle."

Sunset blinked at her and then rounded at me, "Are you out of your mind!?"

I sighed and laid back against the bed, "Possibly," I admitted and looked to Luna, "What do you think?"

"Well," she said and shifted her wings, "...I actually think it may work."

Sunset looked at her with wide eyes, "What!?"

"Equestria has founded colonies before," Luna said, "It was actually fairly common once. One major problem currently for Thestrals is that they are spread out and hidden."

"That combined with the curse messing with reproductive rates is causing thestral populations to constantly shrink," I said and put my hoof against Sunsets, "Getting everypony in one place should… naturally help."

I didn't want to do something as crass as call it a bat pony breeding program, but… with enough in the same village, nature would nature… and if Sparks and Midnight managed to break the curse and blood magic, all the better.

Sunset frowned slightly, "...Okay… I guess I can buy that. But why in Equestria would you want it down in a monster infested jungle!?"

"Because that's where thestrals are from," I said and shook my head, "Other than the random rain and the monsters… it felt nice. And I think others will like it too. Besides, not like we would build that deep into the jungle and any monsters… well, there are solutions to that."

Sharp. Pointy. Possibly burning solutions.

"We!? You're saying you'd go too!?"

I nodded, "I would have to. Unless I do, it would never work."

Sunset rounded on Luna, "And you like this plan!?"

Luna snorted and shook her head, raising her wings in frustration,, "No, I hate it," she said, "Do you really think I'd like My Page off in some jungle? Monsters or no monsters? Weeks away from Canterlot!?"

Sunset cringed, "...No… no of course not. Sorry."

Luna gave her a small nuzzle, "Sadly, I also think it could work," she admitted with a small sigh of regret, "Especially if Twilight Sparkle and Midnight succeed in their research. Just dismissing it out of hood would be wrong against the bat ponies of Equestria."

I nodded in agreement, "I'm not exactly a big fan of the plan either, but I do think it could work. I especially hate it as I know that it means being away from you two."

"Not from me, if you're going, so am I," Sunset said and shook her head, looking at Luna.

Luna sighed, "I… could not leave my sister alone with the rest of Equestria," she said leaned in to give me a small kiss, "Which is one reason why I hate this plan."

"I know," I admitted and looked to Sunset, "But what about you? What about Sparks?"

Sunset rolled her eyes, "Like she'd not go along for this. It's almost as much her project as it's yours."

I smiled sadly up at her, "I guess that's true."

Luna shifted her wings, "Have you discussed this with my sister?"

I shook my head, "Not yet, wanted to talk to you two first. Because if either of you tell me not to, I just have to find a new plan."

Luna and Sunset shared a look before Luna sighed and gave me a small kiss, "Would you mind if I discussed it with my sister?"

"Go for it."

Luna nodded and gave Sunset a small nuzzle before pulling back and jumped off the bed and then paused to give us a smile, "Sweet dreams."

"Good night," Sunset said with a smile and relaxed against me.

"Good night," I said and stroked her mane, "Stop by later?"

"Tomorrow, My Page," Luna said and smiled before she left.

Sunset sighed softly against me, "Page," she said after a long moment, "There are times I wish you were a less noble pony."

"Didn't you hear?" I asked with a smile and nuzzled at her ear, "I lost that titl-oof!"

Okay, okay! I'll stop using that