Chapitre 105

Chapter 105

"So... how do you feel?" I asked Fluttershy as Sparks and Midnight were setting up some sort of crystals in a circle.

"Nervous," she admitted softly, glancing around, "I hope it works. It's a bit disconcerting to have ponies smell good. In that way."

I nodded. That would be more than a bit uncomfortable. But I also couldn't help but notice that her slight stutter was gone and that she no longer hid behind her mane when talking to somepony. Spending a couple of weeks primarily with other thestrals had been good for her.

That just made me more determined.

"I'm sure they have the matter in hoof," I said, doing my best to ignore a couple of other big spells like trans-dimensional portals or mass teleports I remembered. Then again, this wasn't a transportation spell, so I'm sure it'll be fine and not result in shoggoth-shy.

Fluttershy nodded and smiled slightly, "Twilight is the smartest pony I know, I'm sure she has it right."

I nodded and then frowned, "You didn't have breakfast, right? I remember Sparks saying something about that the spell might make you a bit queasy."

"I didn't," Fluttershy confirmed and looked at Iron Shine where she stood guarding the door, "I am a bit hungry."

"I'll tell you what I tell the 'lings," I said with a smile, poking her with my wing teasingly, "No eating my guards."

Fluttershy giggled softly, "I wasn't going to."

Mhmm. I think it might be a good idea to get this entire blood magic thing broken, and quickly at that. Because as I well know, the body moulds mind and right now Fluttershy's body likely kept insisting that non-thestrals smelled like food.

"How are we looking?" I asked, looking over where Sparks and Midnight were carefully drawing a pattern around the crystal circle.

"A couple more minutes," Midnight answered, sounding distracted.

"Okay then," I agreed and moved over to Fluttershy again, "Who's taking care of your animals while you're here?" I asked her.

"Oh," she said and smiled, "I asked Applejack to look in on them. It's so kind of her, isn't it? I didn't think it would be this long, but I have sent a few letters."

I nodded, "Don't worry, if all goes well, you'll be home with them again in a week or so," I said and then flicked my ear in though, "...What did you tell her about needing to be away?"

"I didn't lie," Fluttershy said and sighed, "I-I just told her I'd be helping Twilight with an experiment."

The slight stutter was back.

"You know they are your friends," I told her gently, "look at Sparks. They wouldn't abandon you if they knew."

She shifted her wings and ducked her head a bit, her mane shifting before her eyes, "I know," she answered quietly, "B-but others might. To them."

I was about to say something when Sparks spoke up, "All done!" she said and backed away from the circle, "Whenever you are ready, Fluttershy."

The other thestral nodded and shot me a small smile before making her way across the room and the center of the magic circle, stepping carefully not to brush any of the lines on the stone floor.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and moved over to stand out of the way next to Iron Shine. She glanced at me and nodded before looking forward again. The room was sealed and locked, but in case something went wrong, it was her job to tackle Fluttershy.

Midnight and Sparks moved to opposite sides of the circle and Sparks smiled at Fluttershy, "Okay, keep your wings raised and relax as much as you can. This will likely feel more than a bit strange. Ready?"

Fluttershy nodded and raised her wings, "Ready."

Midnight lit her horn and a split second so did Sparks and then their magic shot out to meet above the circle. The beams glowed brightly before from the meeting beams smaller beams shot out, hitting the crystals on the ground around her. The symbols on the ground lit up with a bright purple glow.

Fluttershy started to glow and she gasped, her eyes going wide and glowing purple, the magic spreading across her body until she glowed firmly. It flickered, seeming to struggle against a red glow seeping out of her, the two magic fields suddenly flipping with the purple and white magic flowing into her, being replaced by a red aura around her that suddenly exploded into sparks and was gone. The entire lightshow cut off and Fluttershy fell towards the floor, collapsing.

I quickly lit my horn and caught her before she hit, gently setting her down on the floor as I rushed up to her, casting a quick medical diagnostic spell.

Heartbeat, breathing. She was alive at least.

"Sparks?" I asked, looking over to the alicorns, "Did it work?"

"I... I think so," Sparks answered and shook her head, "Wow..." she said and looked to Midnight, "That better get easier with time or casting that on every batpony is going to be exhausting."

Midnight nodded and stretched her wings, "Yeah," she agreed and then looked at Fluttershy, "She doesn't look any different."

"Didn't expect her to," Sparks said and crossed over to kneel down next to her, feeling her coat, "Passing out was expected too. She just had her entire magic system reordered and partly ripped apart before getting reconfigured together again. Fluttershy? It's time to wake up."

Fluttershy stirred slightly and she shifted her wings before she blinked awake and struggled up, "T-Twilight?" she asked and blinked, "Did... did it work?"

"We think so," Sparks said, "How do you feel?"

"I... I feel a bit odd,"Fluttershy admitted and then frowned, feeling with her tongue, "I-I still have fangs."

I nodded, "Those might be natural for thestrals," I said and moved around to look at her. She looked just like before, "What's more important, does anypony smell like food?"

She looked at me before she blinked in surprise before smiling happily, "They don't!"

I slowly nodded and smiled at Sparks and Midnight, "You know what? I think it worked."

"I think it did!" Sparks cheered and then grinned, bumping hooves with Midnight.

I smiled and then met Sparks eyes, "Now... do me."

She blinked at me, her ears flicking once nervously and she glanced to Midnight. Midnight nodded and looked at me, "Give us half an hour to get ready, we need to clear the curse of you first. After that we should wait a couple of hours to allow that magic to dissipate enough to be sure nothing interferes with the main spell."

"Sounds good