Chapitre 107

Chapter 107

"Look, I'm sorry," I said as Luna and Sunset both glared at me, "But Fluttershy showed that it was safe and I had to do it too. I needed to know how it worked and how it felt. And how it was after."

"So how do you feel?" Sunset asked after a second, "I would have expected the fangs to go away."

I shook my head, "Sparks has some theories about that, but in short, she thinks batponies were originally either omnivorous or that the primary food source fruits made fangs a good one to open them with. Personally, I suspect the first one. I'm feeling a bit more… humanish than before."

Luna nodded and looked me over, "Any other effects?"

I sighed, "Yeah. It seems like thestrals ability to illusion themselves to look like pegasi was part of the bloodmagic. So anypony that goes through this can no longer easily hide. My hearing and such is more back to normal, but I think it might actually be sharper than before they removed the curse. It was really messing with things. I can even echolocate still!"

I shrieked slightly and listened to the sound of the shape of the room. That'll never get old, that's so cool!

Sunset pressed her ears against her head at the short sharp sound before glaring at me.

"...Sorry…" I said and then sighed, "So… yeah. Sparks and Midnight plan to process the volunteers during the next week and give them all a 'pegasus' necklace, but that won't work at scale. It will be very difficult to convince ponies to go through that only to have to suffer through ponies knowing who they really are. If they didn't have somewhere safe to go afterwards."

Luna shifted her wings and crossed over to me, rounding the small table by the couch to nuzzle at my ear, "You're really going to do it?"

I nodded, "Have to," I said softly and sighed, nuzzling back before I looked to Sunset, "Plan to meet with Celestia tomorrow."

Luna jumped onto the couch, facing me, "I have looked at the budget," she admitted as Sunset moved to join us two, jumping up next to me.

"Oh, you have?"

She smiled a bit and nodded, "When you first mentioned the idea, after I talked to my sister about it. I think you'll like the answer."

"How much can the Crown supply?" I asked with a frown.

Luna smiled, "Oh, not much with all the money spent on rebuilding. Only just over two million Bits."

I blinked at her, "Two million?"

"Two million," Luna agreed, "That sounds like much, but we're talking about a village for thousands of ponies."

I nodded and frowned in thought, "That might be enough," I said and shifted my wings, stretching them before settling one across Sunsets back, "We're not going to be low on raw materials, plenty of trees down there. Most of it would be for tools and supplies. And possibly hiring some unicorns to assist in cutting wood because that's much faster. But I'm going to need to check with some experts."

Sunset nodded and sighed, "Well, we better get houses up quickly because I'm not living in a tent for months on end."

"Yes, love," I agreed and gave her a small nuzzle.

Luna looked down and then sighed, "How soon…"

I looked at her and then moved closer, nuzzling against her neck for a second, "It will take time to prepare everything, get the message out and get everypony that wants to go in the first wave together. Weeks at least."

She nodded and nuzzled at the top of my head, "I wish I could come with you. But I can't leave my sister here alone."

"I know," I said and then looked up at her, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," she answered gently and bumped her nose against mine, "You're doing what's right to save hundreds and thousands of ponies."

I frowned, "We could make the village closer…"

"But that wouldn't be as good for the thestrals," Luna said softly, "You said it yourself, don't like cold or winters."


This sucks, this sucks so fucking bad. Why did I have to end up with this kind of responsibility! All I want to do is spend time with my girls and work with my books!

I never asked to have to deal with all of this!

"But it's not like we will be out of range," Sunset said and moved up next to me, giving Luna a small nuzzle, "You two can always meet in the dreams or visit me in mine. It will be a lot easier for us than for some other ponies that's going."

"...The legion," I said and sighed, rubbing my eyes with my hoof, "I didn't even think of that, they're going to insist on going along. Do they bring their families or leave them behind? What of everypony else? Not every bat is going to be able to bring his or her family, either from ability or want. Not everypony is going to want to move to some jungle colony. Buuuuu-"

Sunset nipped at the side of my neck, "Page! Relax."

I sighed and leaned against her, "...Why must everything always be so difficult?"

"Because you try to do it all on your own," Luna said softly and nuzzled at my mane, "Let us help."

"...Yes please."