Chapitre 108

Chapter 108

I slowly moved around the dream portal before me. Fluttershy was sleeping peacefully back in Ponyville again, surrounded by her animal friends.

I didn't know if she wanted to come with us when we moved, but she'd get the option, same as everypony else.

Luna watched as I felt the dreamportal, slowly circling it.

"You're right," I said after a moment, "It does feel different. It's there, but just barely. She no longer feel like a pegasus," I said and looked over to Luna, "Was that there before, but the curse was masking it somehow?"

She nodded, "That's my theory," she agreed, "But it should always have been there."

I nodded and touched the dream again, feeling for the signature of the thestral before I reached out into the dream realm, shifting dreams around before I stepped back and looked.

Hundreds of dreams had gathered before us. How many…

I tapped my hoof against the not-ground and shifted them around into groups of ten by ten dreams before I took to the not-air to make it easier to count.

Ten. Fifteen. Twenty. Twenty-three and a bit.

I went down to land again, gaping at Luna, "Two thousand three hundred and some," I said as I stared at her, "And that's just the ones asleep right now."

"You found them," Luna said with a smile and moved up to give me a small kiss.

I nodded, "Say two thousand five hundred, three thousand at the upper limit, Sparks and Midnight can handle decursing maybe five a day if they do nothing else, but three is more reasonable. Which means that if they started today, it will be done in… two and a half years or so, say three because ponies need breaks," I sighed.

Not like anypony else could even cast the spell! Apparently the mix of control and power meant only the element of magic could cast it and only with help from somepony just as good.

I sank down and shook my head, "This isn't going to work," I finally said, "I can't ask them to go into the jungle with us for three and a half years! They're needed here, what if you need the elements!"

Luna moved up next to me, putting her wing across my back and pulling me close, "Page… I think the elements are going to be spread out anyway. I think Miss Fluttershy would go along with the rest."

"And leave her animals behind? Don't think so."

"I think it's more like they would come as well," Luna said with a small smile.

"Ah," I sighed and leaned against her, "Sorry for being a bit whiny."

"You're not whiny," Luna said seriously, "You're overwhelmed," before she smiled, "You should see the minor panic attacks my sister had when we started to form Equestria."

I looked at her in surprise, "Panic attacks? Sunshine?"

Luna giggled, "Indeed," she said and then sighed, "And me as well. It gets easier with experience and age, My Page."

"Maybe I should take lessons or something," I said and leaned against her.

Luna blinked and then smiled, "I think that's an excellent idea!"

I looked up at her in surprise, "Huh? What do you mean?"

Luna smiled at me, "Well, my sister and I do have experience in these things. We'll teach you!"

I shifted my wings beneath hers, "I...I don't know…" I said with a frown, "Where would we even find the time?"

"Like this," Luna said and nuzzled at my ear, "It doesn't take all night to handle the dreams of ponies. We can handle a couple of hours of lessons."

I frowned, "But that'll cut into Luna time."

She grinned at that, "I don't know about that, I think that might be useful as a… incentive to do well?" she said and the dream realm around her rippled, leaving her wearing a short skirt, white stockings and a white blouse, her mane tied up into a ponytail.



"Well, that's different," I said and grinned, "That works!"

She smiled playfully, "I thought you'd enjoy that idea," she teased before she shifted her wing with a small frown, "But realistically, most of the lessons would be with my sister. She always was the one who was better at the things you need to learn. Organization, delegation and politics."

"I guess that makes sense," I admitted with a small grumble. Damn it, I had hoped we could-

"If you ask nicely, maybe she can dress up too," Luna teased with a small nuzzle at my ear.

I blushed at that mental image and then quickly rolled to bring my hoof into contact with her ribs, starting to tickle her.

Luna squeaked and quickly scrambled away before sticking her tongue out at me before diving out of that plane of the dream realm.

I quickly rolled onto my hooves and spread my magic out, tracking her before following.

The chase was on!

A couple of hours later Luna rested her head against my chest as I stroked her mana softly as we relaxed among the dream portals leading to Griffon dreams, "I had… I had hoped there would be more of the- of us," I said gently, "It would have given us more options."

"Such was?" Luna asked and nuzzled softly at my coat.

"The village idea," I admitted, "It was never optimal. But if there had been tens of thousands of thestrals, even ten thousand… there had been more options. Encourage more to reveal themselves, encourage more education. More… dispelling of myths and other stupid fears about how they are. But with only two and a half thousand, even with all that most ponies will never see or meet a thestral. With no chance of it working, how could I possibly ask any more to go through the ritual just for that? But with two and a half thousand… it's not a matter of acceptance right now."

Luna lifted her head to look at me, "It's not?"

"Not only at least," I said and looked up at her, "It's a matter of survival now. With that few… another hundred, another two or three hundred years, there might not be any thestrals left. At least not enough to keep a stable population. Before.. Or during… anything else, thestrals need something that's theirs. Something they can call home, know they have a solid foundation. Somewhere they can be safe and comfortable. To not be shattered to the winds in small family groups, if even that. I had hoped… I had hoped there would be more."

Nodding, Luna bumped her nose against mine, "You give them that. My sister and I will address things here."

Smiling sadly, I pulled her into a gentle kiss