Chapitre 7

Chapter 7

It was a good thing the next night was relatively clear of meetings because we didn't get to bed before noon.

Meaning we didn't get out of bed before well after dark either. Sadly, while my schedule tonight wasn't that busy for once, it didn't mean that everypony was as lucky.

Twilight let out a small protesting sound as Sunset started to scoot out of her grasp, "Nooo…"

"Have to…" Sunset groaned, "or the recruits think I'm getting soft."

I grumbled, forcing an eye open, "You can take a couple of hours off, you know."

Sunset stretched and finished untangling herself from Twilight, leaning in to give me a quick kiss on the cheek, "Not anymore than you two can. Speaking of which, I'd give it twenty minutes before that aide of yours is in here politely clearing her throat."

I pulled her down against me and sighed, closing my eyes again.

Sunset relaxed against me for a moment before she audibly sighed and pushed up, "I really need to get going… try to get back for lunch, okay? Think you will be free then too, Twi?"

Twilight made a sleepy sound of agreement.

"Don't sleep in, you know how disapproving Flower gets," Sunset teased and scooted off the bed, "And don't let Twi either."

I grumbled sleepily.

"How she has so much energy, I'll never know," Twilight mumbled sleepily and I felt the bed shift as she scooted close, one of the wings draping across me as I felt her side against mine.

"I know, right," I mumbled and rolled over onto my stomach next to her, "...She's right though."

Twilight sighed and nodded, "Yeah…" and stretched, raising her wings as she yawned, "I need to meet Midnight at the lab for decursing."

"So… Lunch?" I asked, opening my eyes to look up at her before stretching with a groan.

Twilight rubbed her eyes and yawned before she nodded, "See you two then," she agreed and smiled sleepily, giving my ear a small nuzzle. Then she was also off the bed and out of the bubble of darkness.

I laid there for a long moment, just looking up into the darkness.

I didn't want to move. I just wanted to curl up and sleep.

But I couldn't. Ponies were relying on me. All of them needed me to… be there. And even if it was nothing else I could do, that I could do.

So no matter how much I hated the idea, I needed to get my lazy arse onto my hooves and get to work.

So I did so, rolling onto my hooves and canceling the bubble of darkness before jumping down to the floor.

Sunset was working hard on defending the village.

Twilight was working hard on decursing the villagers. Inventing new ways to keep this… idea of mine alive.

And I'd be damned if I let either of them down.

Pushing the door open, I smiled at Flower Rain as she looked up from her place on the couch and her stack of papers.

I'd be damned if I let any of them down after all of this. No matter what I had to do.


Tonight really had been pretty light. Relatively at least.

No meetings, just paperwork and an hour of open court and for once, only two ponies showed up. Both just wanted to ask for some advice.

So I had a couple of minutes of actual time off before lunch.

Not a lot, but I spent it flying across the small village. Watching the lights, the ponies moving around their lives.

The light shone through the windows of the schoolhouse. Class was in session.

Resting on my wings I went in to glide in, landing on the balcony before I folded my wings and looked out towards the village again for a second.

That had been… nice.

I didn't wait for long before the door opened and Sparks walked inside. She smiled and crossed over to me by the balcony, "Hey."

"Hey," she said and looked out over the village before she looked at me, "We're done."

"Already? Well, I still have a hoof thick stack of papers after lunch, but I have a relatively light day too," I admitted and stretched my wings for a second.

Sparks grinned at me, "No! We're done! The last thestral in the village has been decursed!"

I sighed softly, "That's…" I said and slowly sank down to sit, "...amazing."

And it really was. Anypony else that needed it was the random immigrant. But that could be done… anywhere.

I just felt dread.

"So what's your plan now?" I asked quietly.

Twilight frowned at me, "What do you mean?"

"I…" I started before I shrugged my wings, "The last ones can be de-cursed before moving here. You could move back to Canterlot again. See your friends, family. I know you miss them as badly as I miss Luna."

Twilight frowned and flicked on ear, "Page…" she said and then shook her head, "I do miss them. I miss Canterlot and Ponyville. I miss Princess Celestia and I miss my friends," she said and put her hoof against my chest, "But I love this village too. I have lived here for two years, Page. It's my home."


"And I love Sunset," she continued quietly, "She's not moving either," she said and met my eyes, shifting a bit closer, "And…"

I leaned in and kissed her softly.

Twilight kissed back before she pulled back and shifted her wings, smiling at me, "Why haven't we earlier?"

"Well…" I admitted, "I...I didn't feel like it would be fair."

"Oh? In what way?" she asked with a frown.

I smiled faintly, "Everypony is so busy. We all work so hard, I already feel bad because I can't give Sunset the attention she deserves. Or you. Or Fern even. I have wanted to do that for… a long time now."

Twilight smiled back and shifted a bit closer, her wing brushing against mine, "Page… we have been sleeping together in all possible meanings for two years now."

"That's always been together with Sunset," I agreed and shifted closer in turn, meeting her eyes, "But this is different."

"I know. I… may have already discussed it with Sunset and Luna."

I smiled briefly at her, "Wait, did you plan this?" I asked before I grinned, "No, wait, I forgot who I was talking to. Tell me the truth, Sparks… there were checklists involved, weren't there?"

Twilight's cheeks turned a bit red but she ignored the question as she smiled at me, "I haven't seen that for a long time from you."


"A real smile