Chapitre 8

Chapter 8

I eyed Sunset, "Is it me, Sparks, or does she seem more excited about this than we are."

Sparks smiled, "I think so, yes."

Sunset stuck her tongue out at us, "I'm allowed to be happy for you two. About time you two get it through your thick skulls."

Sticking her wing out, Twilight poked the unicorn playfully while leaning against my side, "Be nice."

Sunset scooted close, pressing up to kiss her, "I'm very nice."

"That you are, '' I agreed and looked her over, "You know, all that running around you do nowadays…"

"Like, huh?" Sunset teased and winked at me as she stretched slightly.

"We do like," Sparks agreed with a smile and settled her wing across her back, pulling the unicorn closer.

Sunset giggled and kissed her before she frowned at us, "Speaking of which, both of you are slacking off."

"Yeah, I know," I admitted and rested my head against Twilight's mane, "It's just been so busy."

"We should make time," Twilight admitted and sighed softly, looking down at herself, "I'm getting a bit more bounce than I like. More than in ponyville actually which is funny because of all the baked goods there."

"No you're not," Sunset said and ear flicked, "But it might be all the sweet fruits. We're not bats, both of us should likely eat more grain, hay and such. Not like we can't afford it."

Twilight nodded, "There is that," she admitted, "Likely should, but it feels odd to take advantage of our money and position like that."

Sunset frowned at her, "Princess," she said and looked at me, "Prince. You two have all the responsibility, it has to come with some pros as well."

"...Fine," Twilight admitted and sighed softly before she flinched slightly, raising her wings and turning her head, "Sunset, can you.."

Sunset scooted a bit to the side, giving her room to turn. She shuffled around a bit, nosing along her wing, nuzzling through her feathers.

"Stuck feather?" I asked, rolling onto my side to give her room to shift.

"It's been tickling me all day," Sparks answered and twisted her wing, "but I can't find it," she said and then pulled back with a frown, "You know, I never thought having wings was that difficult before I got them!"

"I know, right," I said with a grin, "I think I might actually like my new ones better. Not anywhere near as warm, but they are way less maintenance."

"Help?" Twilight asked, looking at me, "I never managed to train Kitten how to do it right."

"Hey!" Sunny protested, "It's not as easy as you think it is! It's impossible finding the right feather."

I shook my head, "No it's not. But it does take practice," I admitted and scooted down to nose through Sparks feathers, feeling around carefully. You really couldn't do this with magic, way too easy to find the wrong… where are…


Gripping the offending feather with my teeth, I pulled it out slowly but smoothly.

Sparks groaned and flexed her wing, "Oh thank Celestia, that's bothered me all day. Thanks Page."

"No problem," I said with a grin, keeping the feather between my fangs, "It's such a difficult duty to nuzzle through the feathers of a pretty girl."

Sparks blushed softly.

"So what do you want to do with this?" I asked, wiggling the feather a bit, "I know some keep them and some burn them."

Twilight eyed me for a second before she scooted in to give me a small kiss, "I know what to do," she said and took the feather before she scooted around to nose behind my ear, sliding the feather into my mane behind my ear before she pulled away to watch me, "There."

I flicked my other ear and eyed her, "Isn't that more of a pegasus custom?"

"Old too," Sunset commented with a smile, "But it looks good on you."

"O-oh," Twilight asked, "You know about it? It's not really practiced anymore."

"Romance novels," Sunset admitted and then smirked and eyed me, "What about you?"

"...Same," I admitted with a grin and shrugged, "I need to do research sometimes.".

"Well... I like it, I think it suits you," Sparks said and cuddled close to my side with a slight blush.

"If you like, then so do I," I said and slipped my wing around her, pulling her tighter