Chapitre 19

Chapter 19

Waking up next to Luna again was just as good as I remembered it being. Or would have been.

Slowly blinking awake, I looked around, finding a clear lack of Luna. Also, no Sparks or Sunny. I didn't like that at all, I really dislike waking up alone.

Blinking to clear my eyes, I rolled onto my stomach and stretched before canceling the bubble of darkness around the bed.


Luna was on the balcony, her magic shimmering around her horn, her wings spread high and wide as the moon slowly rose above the horizon, the light slowly fading from the sun sinking at the same time, reflecting off her moving mane.

She was so beautiful.

Jumping off the bed, I moved out to join her, slipping in to rub my side against hers, nosing at her neck, "Evening."

Luna glanced down at me and smiled, "Evening, My Page," she said softly before she refocused as the moon slowly slid higher into the sky.

As the sky darkened the sounds of the forest started to change as the Nocturnal inhabitants started to wake up. Including the village around us.

Some ponies could be seen walking around on the platforms already, but it was mostly Day Ponies and Thestrals that for some reason are mostly running daylight hours, such as bakers, finishing up their days or going about their business and their Nocturnal neighbors starting to wake up.

Luna lowered a wing over my back as the glow around her horn faded away before she turned her head to nose at my mane.

I smiled and leaned against her, "Sunny and Sparks off already?"

Luna nodded, "They left a couple of minutes before you woke up. Twilight said tonight would be busy."

"She's not wrong," I agreed and flicked one ear, "I have general court in one hour or so. Then there's lunch, everypony is invited of course. After that I have… uhm… something…" I looked around for Flower Rain, "Somepony has my schedule."

Luna frowned slightly at that, "I thought you would be less busy now when the village is starting to be built up. Sister said you changed your schedule."

"This is less busy," I admitted and sighed softly, leaning against her, "But everypony else is working hard, why wouldn't I be?"


"I know, I know," I admitted and flicked one ear, "We're still working on it, but seriously, it's a lot better than it was only a couple of weeks ago. We're still adjusting things and we'll clear out everything we can until you leave after tonight."

Luna nodded, her wing brushing against mine, "What about Sunset and Twilight?"

"They have cut down too," I said and shifted a bit closer to her, "We have started to meet for lunch and spend the mornings together."

"Good," Luna told me and pulled me tight with her wing for a moment, resting her head against the top of mine before she pulled back and smiled down at me, "Breakfast?"

"Sounds good to me," I agreed, "Come on."

Heading to the outer room, breakfast was already served. With fruit, bread and a selection of cold and hot tea.

"So… how are things in Canterlot?" I asked as I picked a piece of mango in my magic, "Is the infestation as bad as I remember?"

Luna looked amused and picked up an apple slice, "If by infestation you mean nobles, then yes," she said and nibbled at the fruit, "But Celestia and I have them well in hoof. Otherwise, Canterlot is like it usually is," she said and walked to look out over the trees.

I nodded and moved up next to her again, nibbling at my fruit. I thought about asking about Silver Leafs cafe, but I already knew how things were going for her.

We had been exchanging letters after all along with my orders of tea.

I may be living in the wilderness beyond the borders of the rest of Equestria, but I'm not a savage. Without tea the village would have failed long ago and descended into barbarism.

Tea was civilization.

But thinking about Canterlot… yes, the idea to go visit Canterlot for Hearts and Hooves day was definitely the right idea.

Especially after they surprised us like this.

Seems only fair.

"At least we don't have any of those here," I said, flicking one ear in thought, "We may have pony eating creatures in the forest all around us, but at least we don't have any nobles around these parts."

Luna smiled softly and sighed, "Sadly, if you want to get your economy moving here, you may still need them, My Page. You need investors and more often than not, they are the ponies with the Bits."

I grumbled softly and finished my piece of mango and floated another one over, "...I hate the fact that you're right. Well, I guess there are those that I can stand, they're not all bad. It's just that the ones that I don't like are very loud and noticeable."

"That they are," Luna agreed softly and shook her head, "But we can discuss such matters later," she said and turned, brushing her wing across my back as she moved to pour herself a cup of tea, "For now, until your assistant steal you away, how about we eat some breakfast and then go back to bed?" she teased with a small playful smile.

"That… that sounds really nice