Chapitre 20

Chapter 20

Lunch was over.

The moment of peace was almost over too. At least after today I'd be able to empty my schedule, but today, there was that meeting with the guard. Really shouldn't skip that, not with a possible Rexosaurus main food source approaching the area.

Luna was talking quietly with Sunny and Sparks to the side, Cadence were gathered up with Shining Armor and Sunburst, fussing over Flurry Heart along with Midnight. Tempest was there too, seemingly trying not to look like she wanted to stay tough and not coo with the rest about the little filly. Flurry was getting big and had been asking questions nonstop.

She was very cute.

Celestia stood by the railing of the platform, looking out over the lights of the village.

Getting up, I popped the last piece of mango into my mouth and moved over to her, "So, what do you think?" I asked.

She glanced at me and smiled, "It's… impressive. Seems larger than I thought it would be."

"It's the trees," I explained, "The buildings wrap around them, taking up a lot of space in the middle, making them look bigger than they normally would. The trick is to not have them rub against the wood too firmly, things last much longer than and give things room to grow."

Celestia nodded, "Makes sense," she agreed, "Very thick trees."

"Mmm. Plenty of wood," I agreed, "hard too, it's currently our most attractive export."

"I can see why," she said and flicked one ear.

"Like some?" I asked and moved to stand next to her, "I'm sure I could arrange some for you."

Celestia nodded and stretched her wings, "I can always use some… maybe for my bedroom."

"Oh? I'd figure you already had plenty there."

"Mmm," she agreed with a small smirk, "Maybe for the pillars of my bed, nice and thick? They are getting a bit old. If it's hard enough that is. To last."

"Oh, that's no worry. It'll last for a long time. I think You'd find it quite satisfactory."


"I guess we need to arrange that then," she said and then glanced towards Luna, Sunny and Sparks for a second before she turned back to me again, "Anything else I don't know you export?"

"Well," I said and scraped my hoof against the wooden platform, "Mostly consumables so far. Fruit, local wine, that sort of thing."

"Anything I'd like to taste?"

I nodded, "I'm sure you would," I told her with a smile, "Several were on the table today. You seemed to find them quite enjoyable."

"The one with the hard shell?" Celestia asked and licked her lips, "It was nice, but the juices got everywhere."

"There is a trick to it if you eat it whole, you need to wrap your lips around it where you first pierce the shell," I said, stretching my wings, "Just a gentle sucking. I'm sure you could get quite good at it."

Celestia smirked, "Normally it wouldn't be a problem, I was just surprised how quickly it happened when I got into it."

"Can be," I agreed and folded my wings, "Most beginners have trouble as I understand it, but you opened it faster than most manage it. I guess that comes with a couple of thousand years of experience."

"It does," she said and looked out over the village, "It's amazing what you have done here, Page."

"We all do our best," I said and hooked a hoof over the railing, looking at the village, "It's never easy, but we all try. Every day is hard, but you will find that we have it well in hoof."

"You don't need to do it all on your own," Celestia said gently, "You need to learn to accept help from others, I'm sure Sunset and Twilight would be more than happy to help."

I nodded, "I know," I said and sighed, "And they do, and time with Luna in my dreams helps. But sometimes I miss having you to lean on," I told her, "Dreaming of you is one thing, but it's another being by your side. I'll never understand how you manage Equestria as well as you do. Somehow managing to be firm while somehow at once having a soft touch, so soft that someponies might not even tell you are doing anything directly until it explode in their faces."

"Experience, Page," Celestia said, "You'll get there yourself with time."

"I suppose," I said and then smiled at her, "But it's still impressive how you are able to take it all on your own, managing so many hard things at once," I motioned towards the village, "I have one thing and it's more than I can deal with at times, almost has a life of its own."

"Experience," she repeated and flicked one ear, "And I have help. My sister, and Cadence. We all handle things as they come, all in our own ways. As you know, my sister is more direct."

"She is," I agreed, "I have tried to do things the way you do, but… I'm not sure I can."

"We all have our preferences, Page," Celestia said with a small smile, "Our favorite ways of doing things. Like you said, I have a softer touch than my sister. Cadence rules directly as that seemed to work best in the Crystal Empire. You have to figure out how you like doing it?"

"I know how I like it," I said and touched her wing with mine, "Not sure it's how you would enjoy it though."

"It's your village, Prince Page," Celestia said with a small smile, "You decide what you think is best for your ponies. And you have Twilight and Sunset, you can lean on them, they are very capable mares, they can handle anything you can give them."

I slowly nodded, "I know," I simply said and then I smiled at her, "And don't think I'm going to forget about getting you that wood. It's the least I could do after everything you have done for me."

"Looking forward to it."

There was a slight choking sound and we looked back to see Cadance standing there, looking like she had just bit into something that sounded crunch when it shouldn't.

"Yes?" Celestia asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I was… you are..." Cadance started before she facehooved with a small groan, "...Actually, you know what, No. If you're doing it on purpose, you can deal with it yourselves!"

With that she turned around and walked back to her husband.

I shared a look with Celestia, "Ah."

"Ah, indeed," She agreed with a small smirk and brushed her wing against mine, "But perhaps we should tone it down around her."

"Nah. Nopony but herself to blame for listening in," I said, shifting my wing up against the underside of her amazingly soft wing in turn.

"Are you sure? You're making things harder for yourself."

I smirked, "No, that's all your doing, Sunshine