Chapitre 22

Chapter 22

Luna were looking out over the jungle as I moved up next to her,

"Bit for your thoughts?" I said, looking up at her.

She blinked and then looked down at me as the sun rose at the horizon behind us, she had just finished lowering the moon, "What?"

"You're thinking deeply about something," I said, looking up at her, brushing my wing against hers.

"Just…" Luna said and looked out over the forest away, "This place. It's amazing that you have managed to build it."

"I didn't. Everypony that calls it home did," I said and leaned softly against her as her wing shifted to settle across my back, "I only showed them that they could."

Luna smiled sadly down at me, "I think you have done more than you think here," she said, "You gave these ponies hope."

I flicked one ear.

"But through all that," Luna continued, "I still wish you were coming back with us."

"Me too," I admitted, "You know the worst thing about being here? Or rather pretty much the only really bad thing? Being so far away from you."

Luna sighed softly, "I wish I could stay," she said softly, "But I… I couldn't do that to my sister."

"Maybe…" I started before I shook my head, "No… asking if Midnight would move wouldn't even work. Because that would mean getting Tempest to leave and good luck with that."

Luna nodded and hugged me close with her wing, "It wouldn't be fair to ask Midnight either," she said with a small smile, "We all have our duties."

"We do," I agreed before looking up at her firmly, "But we're not waiting two years until we do this again."

We're so sneaking up to Canterlot to surprise her for Hearts and Hooves. Could have told her about it, but they surprised us here, so nah.

Turnabout is fair play.

"Agreed," she said and bumped her nose softly against mine before she frowned, "What happened earlier with the Rexosaurus…"


It had moved on after a couple of hours, not bothering anypony in the town.

"How often does that happen?" she asked and looked out towards the brightening forest. Ponies down in the village could be seen getting ready for the day, stalls at the marketplace setting up and such.

"That is the seventh time in two years," I said again, "So not that often. Sparks and Midnight has some ideas though and this time next year we may be able to keep them out of a large area of the jungle. Would let us do some ground construction."

If we could afford it.

Luna nodded, "Anything planned this morning?" she asked with a small smile.

"Actually," I admitted with a small sigh, "I should probably at least have a look at the reports and such that has been piling up for the last couple of nights. I have delegated as much as I can, but I have been getting a couple of disapproving looks from Flower Rain lately."

Luna smiled and noses at my ear, "Well, best keep your assistant happy, My Page. Makes life significantly easier."

"Couldn't have done this without her," I admitted and leaned against her side for a moment before I sighed, "It shouldn't take more than an hour."

"It's fine," Luna said and gave me a firm cuddle, "Sunset and Twilight should be back by then."

I nodded, leaning against her for a second before pulling back and heading for the outer room, finding Flower Rain on one of the couches, sipping on a glass of ice tea.

"Your Majesty," she said, giving a small bow after setting down the glass.

"Hey Flower," I said and moved up to her, "Sorry about keeping you waiting, what do we have?"

"Mostly summary reports," she said and scooted to give me room on the couch, "A few items that need your signature. A guard report from the recent Rexosaurus encounter."

I nodded and jumped up, picking up the first item in my magic, "Let's have a look then."

"...I'm sorry for interrupting your time with Princess Luna," Flower Rain said after a couple of moments of reading, "I know it's been a long time."

I gave her a small smile, "It's fine. Things still need to be done. How's Miss Glimmer working out?"

Flower motioned towards the report in my magic with her wing, "She's doing just fine. She's been summarizing the reports for today."

"I thought I recognized the hornwriting," I admitted and continued reading the Rexosaurus report. In summarizing the summary, it walked in from the west, passed by the village, took a drink from the river and then headed off north. Paid no attention to us.

I couldn't help but wonder if Glimmer wrote things for fun too, stories or poetry. She had that kind of writing style, which made it easier to read. Something to look into, such things should be encouraged.

"Anything else going on that I need to know about?" I asked as I set it down.

"The train is ready to leave," Flower said and leaned against the back of the chair, "Whenever the Equestrian delegation is ready to leave."

I glanced at her, "We're still part of Equestria, Flower," I reminded her gently.

She flinched slightly, "...I know," she admitted and shifted her wings, "It just doesn't feel like it. And they don't want us anyway."

I switched reports, "Flower, you know as well as I do that without the support of the rest of Equestria, not only would we be out of Bits in three months, but soon we would have some very hungry ponies on our hooves. We don't have anything even approaching enough agriculture going yet. If nothing else our diet would get pretty boring with no grain or flour."

"...I know…"

Sighing softly, I looked at her, "I know some ponies don't like the rest of Equestria," I told her gently, "But we're not going to become what they were to you. To us. There are Day Ponies in Nocturnis too, don't forget that."

That sort of sentiment could not be allowed to spread.

Flower flicked her ears, looking a bit embarrassed, "...Yes your majesty," she said as she nodded, "It's just…"

"I know," I said and sighed, "But we just have to do better, won't we?"

She nodded firmly