Chapitre 23

Chapter 23


I looked over to see Cadance approaching along with Shining Across the roof platform.

"Cadance," I said and nodded to them, "Shining."

"Look..." Cadance said and shifted her wings nervously as she glanced down before looking at me again, "I… I just wanted to apologize. It's just that when I came to Canterlot and then spent a week on the train while C-"

"It's fine," I told her seriously as I turned fully to her with a small smile, interrupting, "Seriously."

Cadance flicked her ears before she nodded, "...I'm still sorry though. It's just that I can feel the connection between ponies and..." she said before trailing off.

"Really, it's fine," I said with a smile, flexing my wings.

Cadance stepped up and hugged me briefly, whispering, "I'm glad about you and Twilight," she said softly.

"Me too, thank you," I whispered back, hugging back for a second before letting go and she dropped back down onto all four.

Cadance stretched her wings for a second before she looked at Shining Armor, "I'm going to go down to the market, see you at our rooms later," she said and walked over to jump off the platform, spreading her wings and flying down towards the lights of the market.

"So…" Shining Armor said and walked up to stand next to me before he looked at the feathers in my mane, "You and my sister, huh?" he asked, one eyebrow a bit raised.

I nodded and looked at him in turn, "Yes," I said simply, "It took a while, but we both finally managed to get through our thick skulls what we meant to each other. I love her."

Shining Armor regarded me for a long moment before he nodded firmly, "Good."


"Good," he agreed again and smiled slightly, "You are one of the few ponies I'm fairly sure wont hurt her in the end."

It took me half a second to get what he meant.

"Ah. Alicorn."

Shining nodded, "Yes," he admitted with a small sigh, "With you… with you she won't be alone."

I frowned and looked down towards the village, "That's… that's not something we like thinking about," I admitted, "None of us does."

"I know," he continued, "I have tried talking about it with Cady a couple of times, but it always makes her really upset."

"Nopony likes thinking about their loved ones dying," I said quietly, taking a deep breath before I sighed, " And I can't promise Twilight and I are always going to be together. Always is a very long time for Alicorns. But I can promise that I would never hurt her."

Shining nodded, "That's a lot better than almost anypony else can," he admitted and flicked one ear before he smiled, "Also, it helps that I actually like you. I think you'll be good for eachother."

"Thanks," I said dryly.

"...One more thing, while we're on the subject," Shining said and his hoof scraped across the platform beneath us uncertainly, "In a good long while, sixty to hundred years or so when I an- I'm gone… could you look in on Cadance and Flurry from time to time? Just making sure they are doing alright?"

"It's a long time to then," I said but I nodded seriously, "But of course. In all honesty though, Cadance is strong and I'm fairly sure Flurry could handle herself in a century. Depending on her Domain, if she takes after you rather than her mother, likely better than I can too."

"Maybe," Shining admitted and sighed, "Still, it makes me feel better if somepony looks in on them from time to time."

I nodded with a small sigh, "Of course I will," I repeated and flicked one ear before I smirked and changed the subject, "Though, you may have to get a bit better at lying if you want to keep that thing a secret."

"Secret? What secret?" Shining asked, taking half a step back, glancing around.

"The one with you, Cadance and Sunburst," I told him with a grin, "Seriously, it wasn't hard to figure out."

"Ah," Shining said and cleared his throat, looking slightly embarrassed, "That one."

"Why the secrecy, dude?" I said with a grin, "Princess of Love and the royal archmage? Well done!" and held my hoof out.

"Well, still," he admitted with a slightly sheepish grin, tapping his hoof against mine, "Two stallions and just one mare is more than a bit unusual. I was really hesitant about it at the start too," he said and shrugged slightly, "But… Cadance convinced me to keep an open mind and well…"

"She's right annoyingly often?" I offered with a smile.

Shining Armor laughed softly and nodded, "Yes. Yes she is. At least about these things. But Alicorn of Love or not, we're keeping our trio a bit quiet. At least for now. It won't last forever, but maybe long enough."

Considering the mare to stallion ratios among ponies, paritings or groups where stallions outnumbered the mares had never really been socially acceptable. No laws against it or anything, well, not anymore anyway, even specifically made legal for Princesses since forever, but it could cause political difficulties for them. It would stop being a problem if they found another mare they all liked, but as is it would just be something somepony could use to be annoying for them.

Which did explain the secrecy. Or at least not being open about it.

"Well, you better get better at hiding it if you don't want anypony to figure it out."

Shining looked amused, "Page, you're the Alicorn of Stories. If anypony could see through it, it would be you or Cadance. Or possibly Applejack."

"And you know exactly how brilliant your sister is," I told him with a smile, "I'd give you a seventy percent chance that she knows already. If not, she will figure it out and you already missed telling her about Cadance. You seriously don't want her to figure this out on her own instead of you talking to her about Sunburst joining you two?"

Shining Armor froze for a second before he swallowed heavily, getting a bit paler despite his already white coat, "I… I had not considered that."

"Yeah, you better talk to her and Midnight before you leave or I may have to start looking in on Cadance and Flurry a bit earlier than scheduled," I told him dryly.

"Yeah, Twily would not be happy," Shining admitted with a small grimace, "I'll talk to her and Midnight tomorrow night."

I nodded and sighed before I shook my head, "I think that's enough heavy subjects for one night."

"You got that right," Shining agreed and lit his horn, pulling a bottle out of his saddle bags, floating it so I could see the label, "Which is why I brought a couple of these along from Canterlot."

I blinked, "Is that the apple brandy the Pathfinder makes?"

"The same. Figured you'd missed it," He said with a grin, "I know I did in the Crystal Empire, it's almost impossible to import for some reason. I always pick up a couple of cases when in Canterlot. I brought you one."

I grinned and took the bottle in my magic, "You know, that may be the best news I had tonight," I said and looked at him, "Let's find some ice."

"Now that's a plan."