Chapitre 24

Chapter 24

"Really?" Shining Armor asked, a glass floating in his magic, wobbling slightly.

We had commandeered one of the balconies of the 'palace', overlooking towards the guards training sections, sun rising in the distance at the other side of the village.

"Oh yeah," I agreed and took another drink, "The bolt just completely whiffed. The Rexy barely even noticed the bolt hit the ground next to it."

Shining nodded, finishing his glass and I refilled it, "That's where the throne is from?"

"Yeah," I agreed, "I was at the other end of the camp. The ballista needed time to reload and the guard did their best to distract it. I tried to go help, but the guard didn't want to let me. It was…"

Shining nodded, "Were right," he said and sipped his drink as I finished and refilled my drink, "You shouldn't have. You Alicorn, royalty. Can't afford to lose you."

I sighed and knocked back my glass, refilling it, "I bucking know, damn it. But I couldn't let it continue either. I telepro… tel… you know what I mean... over and starting to fly around it in wide circles casting spells making it see things."

"I thought they couldn't be affelct… affectled…" Shining Armor frowned and shook his head, "magic work on them."

"Doesn't, but not very smart. Loud sounds and images of dozens of ponies flying around it's head worked. Long enough for the weapon to be reloaded. The next one… whosh tunk!" I said and tapped my hoof against my chest, "In the heart. Dropped like a mango."

Shining nodded and then raised his glass, "To fallen soldiers."

"Fallen soldiers," I agreed, raising my glass in turn.

The door behind us opened and I looked back before grinning, "Sparks!" I said at the same time as Shining exclaimed,


Sparks paused, one hoof off the floor and her wings half raised as she looked between us before she sighed softly, ears flicking slightly, "...You're both drunk."

I shook my head, "I'm not that dunk".

Sparks rolled her eyes and walked up to us, "Of course, love. Shiny, please tell me you didn't try to match Page glass for glass."

He shook his head, blinking rapidly for a second, shaking his head firmly again, "Woah," he said before he looked at her, "Huh?"

Sparks sighed again and looked at the bottles, "Page?"

"Nah… I had like three," I said, "He one. We not dumb. Right?"

"Right!" Shining agreed and we brohoofed.

And completely missed. Twice.

I laughed and leaned against the railing only to almost stumble as Sparks quickly moved around me, putting her side against mine, guiding me towards the middle of the balcony.

Woah… need to talk to the carpan… the wood workers tomorrow, the entire palace is swaying!

Sparks leaned firmly against my side which helped against the swaying building and looked to Shining Armor, "Think you can find your way back to your room?"

"I'm fin sis," Shining Armor told her firmly, "I can hold my liquor."

Sparks nodded, "Mhmm, I'm sure you can, but can you get back to your room? Or do I have to guide you there first?"

"Yeah 'm fine," Shining Armor said and got onto his hooves a bit unsteadily, "'Night."

"Good night, Shining," Sparks said and then looked at me, "Let's get you to bed too, Page."

"Bed huh?" I asked and nuzzled closer, "I can think of some things…"

Sparks laughed softly, "Not when you smell like a brewery. Come on, let's go."

"Aww, but I don't wanna go to bed!"

"Come on," Sparks said and grabbed my ear with her teeth gently, guiding me, "Bed time."

"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow," I whined but moved along, "Okay, okay! I'm going! I'm going!"

She let go and nuzzled at my ear briefly, "Good colt. Let's get you to bed, okay?"


Sparks chuckled, "I sure am. Come on, now."

I'm not entirely sure how we got back to the bedroom. One moment we were there and the next I collapsed onto the very soft bed.

Mmm. Something smelled like my Luna.

"He's drunk," Luna said dryly from somewhere above me.

It's my Luna! My Luna smelled like my Luna!

"He and my brother both," Sparks agreed from my other side and the bed shifted beneath me, "I think he had three times as much, more than enough to overwhelm our natural resistance. Managed to get that much out of them at least."

"Honestly," Sunny said from the same side as Luna, "It's good to see. He hasn't been able to relax properly since we arrived here. I'm not even sure what to do about it."

"I don't either," Luna said quietly and I felt her head settle across my back, "Just try to get his mind off things. And that goes for you two as well, you need to learn to relax just as much as he does."

"I know," Sparks said, "It's just tha-"


I drifted off into the darkness.