Chapitre 28

Chapter 28

"They bucking what!?" I asked, looking at Moon Glow in surprise.

"They say they walked here along the railway," she said and shifted her wings, "They showed up this morning."

I stared at her with a frown, "Why not take the train? And walked along the railway, that's a couple of weeks of walking at least, maybe a month. How did nothing eat them!?"

"No idea, sir. They showed up pulling a small wagon and carrying bags," she said and shifted her wings in a shrug again, "Do you want us to interrogate them?"

I frowned, looking down at the front fangs of my throne just before my forehooves before I shook my head, looking at her again, "Bring them here, I'll talk to them."

She bowed and left.

I lifted a slice of apple in my magic, eating it with a frown. This was strange to say the least. Hmm.

The door opened to allow three earth ponies inside. Three adults, two mares and one stallion. The mare to the left had a grey coat and a blue mane with a seed cutiemark. The one in the middle was a pale yellow, her mane the same color as her coat and she had a cloud cutiemark, unusual for an earth pony. The stallion had a dark coat, almost black and a light grey mane, his cutiemark was an axe.

They didn't wear anything or carried any bags, but the stallion had a pair of goggles hanging from a strap around his neck.

All three bowed deeply as they came to a stop.

"This is all of them?" I asked Moon Glow as she moved to stand next to me again.

She shook her head, "No, sir. Four foals as well, four fillies between six and twelve. They are waiting outside."

I nodded and then looked at them, "Who are you?"

They got up, the middle mare taking another step forward, "I'm Whispering Wind, your highness," she said and motioned to the other mare and stallion in turn, "This is Sweet Slice and Carrying Load."

"Family?" I asked.

All three nodded.

"Married, sir," Whispering Wind confirmed.

I nodded, "So… why are you here and how did you not get eaten on the way?" I asked bluntly as I regarded them, "The jungle is dangerous and you walked through it for weeks."

Sweet Slice stepped forward, "We're nomads, your highness," she said, "We're normally traveling through the southern end of Equestria, surviving off the land and taking jobs where we can," she supplied.

Whispering Wind nodded in agreement, "A lot of what we do to make Bits is to go into the jungle and gather fruits or wood that we can haul out for sale in the villages. We're well aware of the dangers and how to avoid them."

I looked between them, "How many times did something try to eat you on the way?"

"Five times," Carrying Load said quietly, his voice quite deep, "And we had to hide another half a dozen other times. But we have done that many times before."

"Why didn't you take the train?" I asked with a frown.

He shrugged, "It doesn't stop in any of the villages close by, sir. And even if it did, we couldn't afford it."

"So why in Equestria did you want to come here so urgently?" I asked as I looked between them, "yet alone drag your foals along."

Whispering Wind flicked her ears, "Because our foals," she said quietly, "Because… because we want them to have a better life than we have. Unless we manage to just sell a cart full of goods, usually we have to graze for dinner. Every time we go and gather that fruit or cut that wood, there is a risk that something dangerous could happen to any of us."

"So why not settle down in one of the villages you trade with?"

She shrugged, "Neither of us is made for normal farming. Sweets special talent is the closest."

"I'm good at telling what's edible," Sweet Slice said and shifted slightly, "It's my special talent."

"Mine is being able to read clouds," Whispering Wind said and snorted, "Very useful for an earth pony. Carry here's special talent is cutting down trees, and well…"

Outside the jungle there were grass plains all the way to the rest of Equestria. Not a lot of need for lumberjacks there.

"Not that we didn't try," Carrying Load said, "We all take jobs as farmhooves when it's the season for it. It pays enough to live on during that time, but not for the rest of the year, especially as we're all mediocre at it at best."

Whispering Wind nodded and looked at me, "We thought that Nocturnis was our best chance. We thought that maybe… maybe we could be useful here. Make an actual home for our girls."

I watched them for a long moment, meeting each of their eyes before I finally nodded, "I'm not going to say that each of you wouldn't be useful here," I finally said, "And if you really want to settle down here, I'm not about to argue with you about it as if you were determined enough to walk here, you have clearly made your minds up already. But are you sure that Nocturnis is where you would like to live? Even up in the village, this is still not a safe place."

They looked between each other before Whispering Wind nodded, "We are, sir."

"Well then," I said and looked at Flower Rain, "We don't have any free family homes, do we?"

She shook her head, no bothering checking any notes, "No, sir. I'm afraid not."

Whispering Wind shook her head, "We don't need anyth-" and then broke off as Sweet Slice shot her a look.

Heh, Wind might be the talker of the group, but it was clear even from here who was actually in charge.

I nodded and turned fully back to them, "We're building new houses all the time," I told them, "There is a waiting list for them though, especially the family sized living spaces."

"Don't worry, your highness," Carrying Load said with a small bow, "We're used to our small wagon and tents. Or just the clear sky."

I flicked one ear, "I'm sure we will be able to do at least a little better than that. Flower, there should be some family sized partitions free at the barracks by now, right?"

She nodded, "Yes, your majesty."

"Could you arrange for them to pick which they like and then make sure they get something to eat?" I asked her.

"Of course, sir."

I nodded and looked over at the earth ponies with a small smile, "Welcome to Nocturnis."

I was met with happy smiles.

Like we would have turned them away. Like we could afford to turn anypony away.