Chapitre 29

Chapter 29

Hearth's Warming was a quiet and private event for us. We had done as much as we could last year, but we had been too busy trying to get things built for us to be able to spend a lot of it, but this year…

We all took a day to just spend with friends and family. The entire village did.

Spike and Talon were reading a stack of comics imported from Canterlot, a gift from Midnight and Twilight.

Sparks and Midnight were to the side of the room, laying a large puzzle as Tempest watched.

Sunset was reading a book by the balcony and I was using her back as a pillow, just relaxing for the moment, listening to the night sounds of the jungle as she read by the light of her horn, the rest of the room inside lit so everypony could see clearly.

A gramophone was playing in the corner inside, filling the room with music.

Amber was laying on the couch inside, the 'ling looking completely relaxed for once and had an expression on her face that… you know how it is after eating a massive meal and all those calories hit you as 'sleepy' at once?

That expression.

That was one happy and full 'ling.

I couldn't help but smile and shift a bit closer to Sunset. She glanced back at me briefly with a smile, "Comfy?"

"Quiet pillow."

Sunset smiled and flicked her tail, smacking me across the nose with the hair, "Be nice or you'll regret it."

"Oh yeah? And why would I be regretting it?" I asked with a grin at her.

Sunset hmmed, "Well, maybe not so much why and more of a when."

I flicked my ear, "Okay, I'll bite. When would I be regretting it?" I asked with a grin.

"Oh," Sunset said with a playful look, "I'd say about fifteen minutes after our guests have left and Spike has gone to bed."

I blinked at her and swallowed, "...I'll be good."

"Thought so," She teased with a smile and wink before she then went back to her book.

Smiling, I relaxed again, listening to the thump-thump of her heart.

Tonight had been a good night. Not the best as Luna had been missing, but good.

Tempest got up and stretched, "I'm going to go get something to drink," she said, "Anypony want me to bring something back?" she then asked, looking around.

Sunset looked up, "Some cider please!"

"Same!" I agreed, raising my head.

Spike started to speak up too, but he quickly stopped, clearing his throat before he burped out a stream of green fire that materialized into a scroll that fell to the floor.

Everypony looked at it before Twilight smiled, "Oh, it's likely just from Princess Celestia, wishing a Happy Hearth's Warming."

Oh. Yeah, that made sense.

She floated it over to herself and untied it before she blinked, "...Actually no, it's for Page."

I raised my head and looked over at her, "...I don't like the sound of that, " I said and took it in my magic as she floated it over to me.

Unrolling it, I started to read.

'Prince Page,

I'm sorry for bothering you at Hearth's Warming, but this is somewhat urgent. Earlier today we got an official request from the Griffon ambassador for assistance with diplomatic talks with the Yetis. They have been having trouble with them along their border.

There will be diplomatic talks with them at the Griffon capital city in one moon and they requested you by name to represent Equestria as a mediator of the diplomatic talks.

I know how much you are already doing in Nocturnis, but this may prevent war between the Griffons and the Yetis. While the Storm King is no longer an active threat to Equestria, they may still be in the future.

Please, if you decide to go, send a response via Spike or visit my dreams if you wish to discuss it first.


Princess Celestia of-'

I met Sunsets eyes where she had been reading over my shoulder and floated it over to Sparks and Midnight. They quickly read through it, taking half the time I had and even an even shorter time to think it through.

Sparks closed her eyes, taking a slow deep breath before she slowly let it out before she flicked one ear and looked over at me and Sunset, "I see…" she slowly said before she nodded firmly, "Okay. Page?"

"...It does sound important," I admitted and sighed, "I'll talk to her in a bit, but assuming we go, who goes?"

Tempest finished reading the letter, "If it involve the Storm King, I should-"

"Absolutely not go," Sparks said firmly as she shifted to sit up, "It would increase tensions unnecessarily. Spike, Talon, you two would stay in Nocturnis," she said and looked at the two dragons before she looked at Midnight, "Page is going, one of us should go with. Sunset, yo-"

"Are going," Sunset said firmly.

Sparks nodded, "Wasn't going to say otherwise," she reassured her with a small smile before she looked to Midnight, "Well?"

Midnight shook her head, "You go. One of us need to go along and one needs to stay at Nocturnis in case of an attack… and me going with your stallion and marefriend while you stay here makes no sense, no matter how much I would like to see the Griffon city."

"If we're going," I said and got up, stretching my wings, "I'm going to go talk with Celestia