Chapitre 33

Chapter 33

We entered the throne room.

Full court had been gathered and it was full with nobles and other hangers on. Celestia sat on her throne, beautiful as a sunrise.

I ignored the nobles, following the soft carpet down the middle before I stepped and lit my horn, slipping my cloak off as I bowed, spreading my wings, "Princess Celestia."

"Prince Page," she answered with a smile and bowed back slightly in her seat, "Welcome to Canterlot. And you as well, my students," she continued and looked at Twilight and Sunset.

"Thank you, Princess," I said as we stood back up, "It is good to be back again."

Celestia smiled and nodded before she looked out across the ponies, "Court is adjourned for today. Everypony is dismissed."

There were some grumbling, but everypony started to file out.

As the doors closed behind the last of the noble ponies, Celestia moved down from her throne to pull Sunset and Twilight into a tight hug, her wings wrapping around them.

Sparks giggled, "It's only been a couple of weeks!" she protested but hugged back just as tightly.

"I'm still allowed to miss my favorite students," Celestia told her before gently letting go, "How was your journey?"

"It was fine," Sunset said and sighed softly, "Just long and boring."

Celestia nodded and gave her a small nuzzle between the ears, "You can borrow a royal carriage on the way back, should at least give you some more room and some privacy," she said with a smile before she sighed and raised her head, "Now, I need to talk to Page alone, if you don't mind."

Twilight shook her head, "We need to get everything organized and loaded onto the airship," she said and looked to Sunset, "Let's get going, I want it all done before tonight."

Sunset nodded in agreement before she looked at me, "See you at the tower after?"

I nodded and they left along with everypony else. Well, almost everypony else. I had no doubt that Amber was hiding somewhere and there would be at least a couple of Guards outside the throne room.

I sighed softly and folded my cloak up, looking up at her, "Anything new come up?" I asked her.

Celestia shook her head, "Not yet," she admitted before she looked at me, taking half a step closer, "But I am… worried," she admitted, "I don't like sending you over there."

"Sunshine," I said with a small smile, "It was literally your idea. And we did talk about this already."

"Not quite, the griffons asked for you by name," she said and fluffed her wings, "And I know, I don't have anything specifically to point at, but it makes me wary."

I flicked one ear, "You have been to Nocturnis, you really think I'm safer there?"

"I think you might be," Celestia said seriously before she sighed, "It's just… I don't distrust the griffons. They are our allies. But the Yeti…"

"Hmm," I agreed and nodded, standing up again and frowning, "There is that," I admitted, "but I'm hardly going alone. Besides, I don't think the Storm King is dumb enough to try something. He knew what would happen and even if he somehow managed to take me down, he would have my wife to worry about."

"Perhaps," Celestia admitted and sighed softly.

Then there is you, Sunshine. And Sparks.

The end result would be a matter of state. And I'm fairly sure the state of that matter would be plasma.

"No," I continued, "I don't think he's quite that dumb. Nobody that managed to conquer that much land is a complete idiot."

Celestia nodded, "I may be worrying for nothing, I just got thinking after last time we talked," she admitted, "I do know you can take care of yourself, Page. And you will have ponies that can help with you."

"But you still worry."

"Of course I worry!" Celestia exclaimed, her wings rising high as she glared at me.

I turned to face her fully, raising my wings in turn as I met her eyes, "And what does Luna think?"

Celestia sighed and her wings folded again, "My sister is worried as well."

I took half a step closer, "if you tell me not to go, I won't," I told her seriously as I looked up at her, almost nose to nose, "The griffons can handle things on their own."

"...No," Celestia admitted and sighed softly, "It may stop a war."

"How about this?" I asked and smiled up at her, "I promise to stop by every night. If I don't, you can have the entire Solar Guard come get us. We didn't bring Spike or Talon or we could have sent daily messages too, but…"

She nodded, "That does make me feel a bit better," she admitted with a small smile before she shook her mane, "Enough of this, it's been a long journey and I know you want to go wake my sister."

"I do," I admitted and then smiled, "But first… do I win our bet?"

Fairly sure most ponies would have missed her expression. She looked completely unbothered. Other than a slight tint of red on the inside of her ears.

"You did," she said calmly, her wings fluffing slightly again, "You were right, it was quite good."

"Would you like a sequel?" I asked with a smile as we started towards the rear of the throne room, "Because I'm sure I could figure something out."

Sunshine shifted her wings, "I appreciate that," she admitted, "I would like to know what happens with Bright Sun and Dark Sky."

"I'll make sure it's nice and interesting. Anything you especially liked about it?" I asked as we reached the corridor outside.

Celestia hesitated for a split second, "I liked the characters," she admitted, "There are some books with a thestrals, but they are rarely one of the main characters. And him rescuing the pegasus mare was a nice twist. It's usually the other way around."

"What did you think about Bright Sun?" I asked with a smile, looking up at her.

Celestia smiled back at me, her wings shifting slightly as she fluffed her feathers, "I liked her coloration. White and pink is… distinctive."

"I thought you would."

She took a deep breath and then shook her head, "I'll send up all the information we have so it's ready for when you leave tomorrow, I'm sure Twilight at least will have some ideas about it. But for now, I think you have things you rather do than read about politics," she said with a smile.

I suppose she was right about that