Chapitre 34

Chapter 34

The two guards that were shadowing me stopped when we reached the base of the tower, taking position along with the nightguard there.

Moon Glow had thought ahead, the guards were Iron Shine, very large earth pony, and a pegasus called Tempest Current.

Neither looked all that bothered by the whirling snow and the cold.

Knowing Iron Shine, she likely enjoyed it.

I gave them a nod of thanks and then started up the stairs into the tower before pushing the door open and entering into the main room.

A powerful wave of nostalgia washed over me. The sighes, the smells…

Slowly entering, I slipped my cloak off and looked around. Crossing over, I took my hoof on the couch as I looked around.


Nocturnis had started to feel like it, but this…

I slowly sank down, sitting on the floor. I left my Sky alone here.

I never… I never wanted to leave. I never wanted to rule, I never wanted power. I only wanted to help.

All I wanted was peace, quiet and to spend my time making Luna, Sunset, Twilight an-

Shaking my head, I crossed over to one of the bookshelves and poured myself a small glass from an amber bottle, looking towards the window and the whirling snow outside.

But that's never going to happen, is it?

Ponies demanded our attention, our opinions, our decisions.

I smiled wryly and sipped the drink. But I had nopony else to blame but myself, did I? I chose to fight Tirek, even as according to Midnight he had still been defeated in her world without me. I chose to make a promise to Tempest, I chose to make that deal with Discord.

I chose to help the thestrals.

I chose to found Nocturnis. I might not have chosen the specific location, that was all Midnight and Sparks, but I had chosen the general area in the southern jungles. Because we didn't like cold and because it was the thestrals' original lands.

I chose.

And the more I chose, the less choice it seems like I have.

There were times I wouldn't wish being an alicorn on my worst enemy.

Finishing my drink, I sighed and lit my horn, lighting the already loaded fireplace with a small flicker of flame. I'm not the best at fire magic, but even I could handle something like that.

Putting the glass down, I turned towards the bedroom.

I have nopony but myself to blame. I couldn't even blame Discord, he could have demanded something much worse. He had just been trying to help his Fluttershy.

It's impressive actually. If I had been in his position, with his powers…

...I'm not sure I would have been as restrained about it.

Gently pushing the bedroom door open with my magic, I saw the bubble of silence around the bed and my Luna.

Smiling, I carefully closed the door and moved in through the bubble and carefully climbed onto the bed, trying not to rock it as I scooted up close, laying down next to her, setting my head down.

Everything smelled like my Luna.

Her eyes slowly opened and she smiled, "Page… "

"Hey," I said and scooted a bit closer, her warm wing settling across me, "Go back to sleep," I said quietly, "It's early still."

Luna smiled and pulled me closer, resting her forehead against mine, our horns crossing at the base, "We only have today and tonight," she said, "I can handle being tired tomorrow."

"Missed you."

"Missed you too," Luna answered just as quietly and bumped her nose gently against mine, "How was the train ride?"

"Long and boring."

Luna smiled and nodded, "You can take a royal carriage on the way back. At least that will be more comfortable. And maybe give you, Twilight, and Sunset a bit more privacy."

"Come with us."

Luna smiled and ran her wing along my back and side, "To the Griffons or back to Nocturnis?"


Luna smiled sadly and sighed, "Stay. Don't go back to Nocturnis."

I swallowed and looked into her eyes for a long moment.

"I get your point," I finally sighed softly.

Luna nodded slightly and held me a bit closer, "I already abandoned my ponies and my sister once. I can't do it again."

"Well," I said and nosed in beneath her chin, "We're going to have to figure something out because being away from My Sky for this much is simply unacceptable."

"Agreed," Luna said quietly and gave my ear a small lick before settling down, her nose buried in my mane.

We stayed like that for a long time, Luna slipping off to sleep after a while. I just stayed there. We really had to figure something out.

The door opened after a couple of hours and Sunset peeked in. I opened one eye fully at the movement and smiled, lifting one hoot to motion for her.

Sunset smiled and pushed the door open slightly more, slipping inside and saying something to somepony in the other room, completely silent with the bubble blocking the sound from reaching us.

Twilight joined her, closing the door behind them before they crossed over to the bed. Sunset took the lead and climbed onto the bed, settling down with her side against mine. Twilight moved to lay down on her other side, her wing settling across Sunset, feathers brushing softly against my wing.

Nopony said anything.

For the moment, everything was well in the world.

Outside, snow whirled in the sunlight