Chapitre 35

Chapter 35

The next dawn came way too fast.

But I suppose the sun doesn't stop for anypony. Well, I guess it could for Celestia, but she wouldn't do that without a very good reason and… even I could admit that this didn't count.

"Be careful," Luna said as we stopped by the ramp over to the pink and white royal airship.

"I promise," I answered and smiled up at her, "We'll be back soon. And when we do, we'll stay as long as we can."

There was a buzzing of wings and Amber landed next to us, "Sir," she said, "Queen Chrysalis and Princess Skiter want to talk to you."

I wouldn't mind seeing Skitter before we left, but Chrysalis… I could do without.

"You know they won't give up until you do," Sunset said and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah," I sighed, "But I don't have time to go down into the hive right now."

"That's not a problem, sir," Amber said, "They are inside the docking tower."

I blinked at her and then nodded, looking at Luna, "I better go see what they want."

"Best go investigate," Luna agreed and gave me a small kiss before she walked over to where Sparks were talking with one of the ship officers.

Sunset nodded, "I'm going onboard and get out of the wind, see you at our quarters," she said, "Want me to bring your bag?"

"Thanks," I said and shrugged it off, allowing her to take it in her magic before she turned and headed up the ramp.

I turned to Amber, "Lead the way."

She did so, bringing me into the docking tower and to a free chamber, usually used to store goods to be loaded onto one of the airships, but for the moment it was empty.

If by empty, you meant 'contains a Changeling Queen, a Changeling Princess and three dozen changelings.

All of whom were looking towards me as Amber opened the door.

That's… a bit creepy.

But allies or not, Changelings are predators and it wouldn't do to show weakness before them so I forced myself not to break step as I walked into the chamber, "Queen Chrysalis. Princess Skitter," I said and gave them a slight bow, "You bellowed?"

Chrysalis got up from where she had been lounging on a pile of stacked canvas, "Ah, my little predator," she said as she slowly moved closer through the gloomy light of the chamber, "It is time you fulfill your promise to me."

"This isn't a good time," I said and raised my head to met her eyes as she approached, "I don't think we will be able to just move around the countryside looking for-"

Chrysalis moved past me, brushing her side against mine as she rounded me, walking around to face me again before she paused, "You would break your promise to the Hive then, my little pony?" she almost purred, "We have waited for more than two years, I think we have been more than patient. You did promise me… you promised my daughter…"

"I'm not breaking my promise to you," I said, "But we are going for a specific reason. The talks between the Yeti and the Griffons are going to take up all the time while we are there, we won't be able to just go around looking for the other Hive."

She took a step forward, making me look up towards her, "And after the talks?" she continued.

I refused to be intimidated and looked up at her, meeting her eyes, "After, it might be a possibility," I admitted, "But we have no idea how long it will take and I have a time when I have to be back to Nocturnis."

"So it is decided then. My daughter and thirty changelings will accompany you," Chrysalis said and walked past me, "I expect success in your mission, Daughter," she said without looking back.

The door closed behind her.

I blinked back after her before I turned to Skitter and her large group of Changelings.

Skitter almost looked slightly embarrassed, "Sir."

I rubbed my forehead next to my horn, "Hello, Skitter. Good to see your mother hasn't changed."

Getting up from where she had been sitting, Skitter walked over to me and I blinked, looking up at her,

"But you have," I said and shifted my wings, "You're taller."

"So are you, sir," Skitter said with a small smile before her wings buzzed softly, "...Can we do this?" she then asked.

I sighed, "if you mean, can we squeeze thirty changelings onto the ship, then I think so, yes. If you're asking if it's possible to actually make contact, yet alone peaceful contact with another hive, I honestly have no idea even if we do find the place."

Shaking my head, I then smiled and hugged her with a wing, "Good to see you again, Skitter."

"You too, sir," the changeling princess agreed and hugged back.

Letting go, I leaned a bit to the side to see thirty pairs of slightly glowing eyes watching us. As I looked at them, every single one of them tilted their heads slightly as one.

Seriously, changelings… so cute. Also creepy. But mostly cute.

I sighed softly and shook my head before I looked up at Skitter, "Okay then, let's get you and your group moved onboard and let the Captain and the guards know that you're coming along. I assume you would prefer one of the cargo bays over quarters?"

Skitter nodded, "Yes, sir," she agreed with a small smile, "Plenty of time to make it comfortable."

"Just don't cover it all with resin," I said and rubbed my forehead with my hoof, "That stuff doesn't come off easily and I don't think Sunshine would like it all over her airship."

Seriously, Changeling resin did not come off, it was like superglue or something